defmodule AshPostgres.Expr do @moduledoc false alias Ash.Filter alias Ash.Query.{BooleanExpression, Exists, Not, Ref} alias Ash.Query.Operator.IsNil alias Ash.Query.Function.{ Ago, Contains, DateAdd, DateTimeAdd, FromNow, GetPath, If, Length, Now, StringJoin, Today, Type } alias AshPostgres.Functions.{Fragment, ILike, Like, TrigramSimilarity} require Ecto.Query def dynamic_expr(query, expr, bindings, embedded? \\ false, type \\ nil) def dynamic_expr(query, %Filter{expression: expression}, bindings, embedded?, type) do dynamic_expr(query, expression, bindings, embedded?, type) end # A nil filter means "everything" def dynamic_expr(_, nil, _, _, _), do: true # A true filter means "everything" def dynamic_expr(_, true, _, _, _), do: true # A false filter means "nothing" def dynamic_expr(_, false, _, _, _), do: false def dynamic_expr(query, expression, bindings, embedded?, type) do do_dynamic_expr(query, expression, bindings, embedded?, type) end defp do_dynamic_expr(query, expr, bindings, embedded?, type \\ nil) defp do_dynamic_expr(_, {:embed, other}, _bindings, _true, _type) do other end defp do_dynamic_expr(query, %Not{expression: expression}, bindings, embedded?, _type) do new_expression = do_dynamic_expr(query, expression, bindings, embedded?, :boolean) Ecto.Query.dynamic(not (^new_expression)) end defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %TrigramSimilarity{arguments: [arg1, arg2], embedded?: pred_embedded?}, bindings, embedded?, _type ) do arg1 = do_dynamic_expr(query, arg1, bindings, pred_embedded? || embedded?, :string) arg2 = do_dynamic_expr(query, arg2, bindings, pred_embedded? || embedded?, :string) Ecto.Query.dynamic(fragment("similarity(?, ?)", ^arg1, ^arg2)) end defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %Like{arguments: [arg1, arg2], embedded?: pred_embedded?}, bindings, embedded?, _type ) do arg1 = do_dynamic_expr(query, arg1, bindings, pred_embedded? || embedded?, :string) arg2 = do_dynamic_expr(query, arg2, bindings, pred_embedded? || embedded?, :string) Ecto.Query.dynamic(like(^arg1, ^arg2)) end defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %ILike{arguments: [arg1, arg2], embedded?: pred_embedded?}, bindings, embedded?, type ) do arg1 = do_dynamic_expr(query, arg1, bindings, pred_embedded? || embedded?, :string) arg2 = do_dynamic_expr(query, arg2, bindings, pred_embedded? || embedded?, :string) Ecto.Query.dynamic(ilike(^arg1, ^arg2)) |> maybe_type(type, query) end defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %IsNil{left: left, right: right, embedded?: pred_embedded?}, bindings, embedded?, _type ) do left_expr = do_dynamic_expr(query, left, bindings, pred_embedded? || embedded?) right_expr = do_dynamic_expr(query, right, bindings, pred_embedded? || embedded?, :boolean) Ecto.Query.dynamic(is_nil(^left_expr) == ^right_expr) end defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %Ago{arguments: [left, right], embedded?: pred_embedded?}, bindings, embedded?, _type ) when is_binary(right) or is_atom(right) do left = do_dynamic_expr(query, left, bindings, pred_embedded? || embedded?, :integer) Ecto.Query.dynamic( fragment("(?)", datetime_add(^DateTime.utc_now(), ^left * -1, ^to_string(right))) ) end defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %FromNow{arguments: [left, right], embedded?: pred_embedded?}, bindings, embedded?, _type ) when is_binary(right) or is_atom(right) do left = do_dynamic_expr(query, left, bindings, pred_embedded? || embedded?, :integer) Ecto.Query.dynamic( fragment("(?)", datetime_add(^DateTime.utc_now(), ^left, ^to_string(right))) ) end defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %DateTimeAdd{arguments: [datetime, amount, interval], embedded?: pred_embedded?}, bindings, embedded?, _type ) when is_binary(interval) or is_atom(interval) do datetime = do_dynamic_expr(query, datetime, bindings, pred_embedded? || embedded?) amount = do_dynamic_expr(query, amount, bindings, pred_embedded? || embedded?, :integer) Ecto.Query.dynamic(fragment("(?)", datetime_add(^datetime, ^amount, ^to_string(interval)))) end defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %DateAdd{arguments: [date, amount, interval], embedded?: pred_embedded?}, bindings, embedded?, _type ) when is_binary(interval) or is_atom(interval) do date = do_dynamic_expr(query, date, bindings, pred_embedded? || embedded?) amount = do_dynamic_expr(query, amount, bindings, pred_embedded? || embedded?, :integer) Ecto.Query.dynamic(fragment("(?)", datetime_add(^date, ^amount, ^to_string(interval)))) end defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %GetPath{ arguments: [%Ref{attribute: %{type: type}}, right] } = get_path, bindings, embedded?, nil ) when is_atom(type) and is_list(right) do if Ash.Type.embedded_type?(type) do type = determine_type_at_path(type, right) do_get_path(query, get_path, bindings, embedded?, type) else do_get_path(query, get_path, bindings, embedded?) end end defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %GetPath{ arguments: [%Ref{attribute: %{type: {:array, type}}}, right] } = get_path, bindings, embedded?, nil ) when is_atom(type) and is_list(right) do if Ash.Type.embedded_type?(type) do type = determine_type_at_path(type, right) do_get_path(query, get_path, bindings, embedded?, type) else do_get_path(query, get_path, bindings, embedded?) end end defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %GetPath{} = get_path, bindings, embedded?, type ) do do_get_path(query, get_path, bindings, embedded?, type) end defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %Contains{arguments: [left, %Ash.CiString{} = right], embedded?: pred_embedded?}, bindings, embedded?, type ) do if "citext" in AshPostgres.DataLayer.Info.repo(query.__ash_bindings__.resource).installed_extensions() do do_dynamic_expr( query, %Fragment{ embedded?: pred_embedded?, arguments: [ raw: "(strpos((", expr: left, raw: "::citext), (", expr: right, raw: ")) > 0)" ] }, bindings, embedded?, type ) else do_dynamic_expr( query, %Fragment{ embedded?: pred_embedded?, arguments: [ raw: "(strpos(lower(", expr: left, raw: "), lower(", expr: right, raw: ")) > 0)" ] }, bindings, embedded?, type ) end end defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %Contains{arguments: [left, right], embedded?: pred_embedded?}, bindings, embedded?, type ) do do_dynamic_expr( query, %Fragment{ embedded?: pred_embedded?, arguments: [ raw: "(strpos((", expr: left, raw: "), (", expr: right, raw: ")) > 0)" ] }, bindings, embedded?, type ) end defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %Length{arguments: [list], embedded?: pred_embedded?}, bindings, embedded?, type ) do do_dynamic_expr( query, %Fragment{ embedded?: pred_embedded?, arguments: [ raw: "array_length((", expr: list, raw: "), 1)" ] }, bindings, embedded?, type ) end defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %If{arguments: [condition, when_true, when_false], embedded?: pred_embedded?}, bindings, embedded?, type ) do [condition_type, when_true_type, when_false_type] = case AshPostgres.Types.determine_types(If, [condition, when_true, when_false]) do [condition_type, when_true] -> [condition_type, when_true, nil] [condition_type, when_true, when_false] -> [condition_type, when_true, when_false] end |> case do [condition_type, nil, nil] -> [condition_type, type, type] [condition_type, when_true, nil] -> [condition_type, when_true, type] [condition_type, nil, when_false] -> [condition_type, type, when_false] [condition_type, when_true, when_false] -> [condition_type, when_true, when_false] end condition = do_dynamic_expr(query, condition, bindings, pred_embedded? || embedded?) |> maybe_type(query, condition, condition_type) when_true = do_dynamic_expr(query, when_true, bindings, pred_embedded? || embedded?) |> maybe_type(query, when_true, when_true_type) when_false = do_dynamic_expr( query, when_false, bindings, pred_embedded? || embedded? ) |> maybe_type(query, when_false, when_false_type) do_dynamic_expr( query, %Fragment{ embedded?: pred_embedded?, arguments: [ raw: "(CASE WHEN ", casted_expr: condition, raw: " THEN ", casted_expr: when_true, raw: " ELSE ", casted_expr: when_false, raw: " END)" ] }, bindings, embedded?, type ) end defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %StringJoin{arguments: [values, joiner], embedded?: pred_embedded?}, bindings, embedded?, type ) do do_dynamic_expr( query, %Fragment{ embedded?: pred_embedded?, arguments: Enum.reduce(values, [raw: "(concat_ws(", expr: joiner], fn value, acc -> acc ++ [raw: ", ", expr: value] end) ++ [raw: "))"] }, bindings, embedded?, type ) end defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %StringJoin{arguments: [values], embedded?: pred_embedded?}, bindings, embedded?, type ) do do_dynamic_expr( query, %Fragment{ embedded?: pred_embedded?, arguments: [raw: "(concat("] ++ (values |> Enum.reduce([], fn value, acc -> acc ++ [expr: value] end) |> Enum.intersperse({:raw, ", "})) ++ [raw: "))"] }, bindings, embedded?, type ) end # Sorry :( # This is bad to do, but is the only reasonable way I could find. defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %Fragment{arguments: arguments, embedded?: pred_embedded?}, bindings, embedded?, _type ) do arguments = case arguments do [{:raw, _} | _] -> arguments arguments -> [{:raw, ""} | arguments] end arguments = case List.last(arguments) do nil -> arguments {:raw, _} -> arguments _ -> arguments ++ [{:raw, ""}] end {params, fragment_data, _} = Enum.reduce(arguments, {[], [], 0}, fn {:raw, str}, {params, fragment_data, count} -> {params, [{:raw, str} | fragment_data], count} {:casted_expr, dynamic}, {params, fragment_data, count} -> {[{dynamic, :any} | params], [{:expr, {:^, [], [count]}} | fragment_data], count + 1} {:expr, expr}, {params, fragment_data, count} -> dynamic = do_dynamic_expr(query, expr, bindings, pred_embedded? || embedded?) {[{dynamic, :any} | params], [{:expr, {:^, [], [count]}} | fragment_data], count + 1} end) %Ecto.Query.DynamicExpr{ fun: fn _query -> {{:fragment, [], Enum.reverse(fragment_data)}, Enum.reverse(params), [], %{}} end, binding: [], file: __ENV__.file, line: __ENV__.line } end defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %BooleanExpression{op: op, left: left, right: right}, bindings, embedded?, _type ) do left_expr = do_dynamic_expr(query, left, bindings, embedded?, :boolean) right_expr = do_dynamic_expr(query, right, bindings, embedded?, :boolean) case op do :and -> Ecto.Query.dynamic(^left_expr and ^right_expr) :or -> Ecto.Query.dynamic(^left_expr or ^right_expr) end end # Honestly we need to either 1. not type cast or 2. build in type compatibility concepts # instead of `:same` we need an `ANY COMPATIBLE` equivalent. @cast_operands_for [:<>] defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %mod{ __predicate__?: _, left: left, right: right, embedded?: pred_embedded?, operator: operator }, bindings, embedded?, type ) do [left_type, right_type] = mod |> AshPostgres.Types.determine_types([left, right]) left_expr = do_dynamic_expr(query, left, bindings, pred_embedded? || embedded?, left_type) left_expr = if left_type && operator in @cast_operands_for do Ecto.Query.dynamic(type(^left_expr, ^left_type)) else left_expr end right_expr = do_dynamic_expr(query, right, bindings, pred_embedded? || embedded?, right_type) right_expr = if right_type && operator in @cast_operands_for do Ecto.Query.dynamic(type(^right_expr, ^right_type)) else right_expr end case operator do :== -> Ecto.Query.dynamic(^left_expr == ^right_expr) :!= -> Ecto.Query.dynamic(^left_expr != ^right_expr) :> -> Ecto.Query.dynamic(^left_expr > ^right_expr) :< -> Ecto.Query.dynamic(^left_expr < ^right_expr) :>= -> Ecto.Query.dynamic(^left_expr >= ^right_expr) :<= -> Ecto.Query.dynamic(^left_expr <= ^right_expr) :in -> Ecto.Query.dynamic(^left_expr in ^right_expr) :+ -> Ecto.Query.dynamic(^left_expr + ^right_expr) :- -> Ecto.Query.dynamic(^left_expr - ^right_expr) :/ -> Ecto.Query.dynamic(type(^left_expr, :decimal) / type(^right_expr, :decimal)) :* -> Ecto.Query.dynamic(^left_expr * ^right_expr) :<> -> do_dynamic_expr( query, %Fragment{ embedded?: pred_embedded?, arguments: [ raw: "(", casted_expr: left_expr, raw: " || ", casted_expr: right_expr, raw: ")" ] }, bindings, embedded?, type ) :|| -> require_ash_functions!(query) do_dynamic_expr( query, %Fragment{ embedded?: pred_embedded?, arguments: [ raw: "ash_elixir_or(", casted_expr: left_expr, raw: ", ", casted_expr: right_expr, raw: ")" ] }, bindings, embedded?, type ) :&& -> require_ash_functions!(query) do_dynamic_expr( query, %Fragment{ embedded?: pred_embedded?, arguments: [ raw: "ash_elixir_and(", casted_expr: left_expr, raw: ", ", casted_expr: right_expr, raw: ")" ] }, bindings, embedded?, type ) other -> raise "Operator not implemented #{other}" end end defp do_dynamic_expr(query, %MapSet{} = mapset, bindings, embedded?, type) do do_dynamic_expr(query, Enum.to_list(mapset), bindings, embedded?, type) end defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %Ash.CiString{string: string} = expression, bindings, embedded?, type ) do string = do_dynamic_expr(query, string, bindings, embedded?) require_extension!(query, "citext", expression) do_dynamic_expr( query, %Fragment{ embedded?: embedded?, arguments: [ raw: "", casted_expr: string, raw: "::citext" ] }, bindings, embedded?, type ) end defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %Ref{ attribute: %Ash.Query.Calculation{} = calculation, relationship_path: [], resource: resource } = type_expr, bindings, embedded?, _type ) do calculation = %{calculation | load:} type = AshPostgres.Types.parameterized_type( calculation.type, Map.get(calculation, :constraints, []) ) validate_type!(query, type, type_expr) case Ash.Filter.hydrate_refs( calculation.module.expression(calculation.opts, calculation.context), %{ resource: resource, aggregates: %{}, calculations: %{}, public?: false } ) do {:ok, expression} -> expr = do_dynamic_expr( query, expression, bindings, embedded?, type ) if type do Ecto.Query.dynamic(type(^expr, ^type)) else expr end {:error, error} -> raise """ Failed to hydrate references in #{inspect(calculation.module.expression(calculation.opts, calculation.context))} #{inspect(error)} """ end end defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %Ref{ attribute: %Ash.Resource.Calculation{calculation: {module, opts}} = calculation } = ref, bindings, embedded?, type ) do calc_type = AshPostgres.Types.parameterized_type( calculation.type, Map.get(calculation, :constraints, []) ) validate_type!(query, calc_type, ref) {:ok, query_calc} =, module, opts, calculation.type ) expr = do_dynamic_expr(query, %{ref | attribute: query_calc}, bindings, embedded?, type) if calc_type do Ecto.Query.dynamic(type(^expr, ^calc_type)) else expr end end defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %Ref{attribute: %Ash.Query.Aggregate{} = aggregate} = ref, bindings, _embedded?, _type ) do related = Ash.Resource.Info.related(query.__ash_bindings__.resource, ref.relationship_path) first_optimized_aggregate? = AshPostgres.Aggregate.optimizable_first_aggregate?(related, aggregate) {ref_binding, field_name} = if first_optimized_aggregate? do ref = %{ref | relationship_path: ref.relationship_path ++ aggregate.relationship_path} ref_binding = ref_binding(ref, bindings) if is_nil(ref_binding) do raise "Error while building reference: #{inspect(ref)}" end {ref_binding, aggregate.field} else ref_binding = ref_binding(ref, bindings) if is_nil(ref_binding) do raise "Error while building reference: #{inspect(ref)}" end {ref_binding,} end ref_binding = if ref.relationship_path == [] || first_optimized_aggregate? do ref_binding else ref_binding + 1 end expr = if query.__ash_bindings__[:parent?] do Ecto.Query.dynamic(field(parent_as(^ref_binding), ^field_name)) else Ecto.Query.dynamic(field(as(^ref_binding), ^field_name)) end type = AshPostgres.Types.parameterized_type(aggregate.type, aggregate.constraints) validate_type!(query, type, ref) type = if type && aggregate.kind == :list do {:array, type} else type end coalesced = if is_nil(aggregate.default_value) do expr else if type do Ecto.Query.dynamic(coalesce(^expr, type(^aggregate.default_value, ^type))) else Ecto.Query.dynamic(coalesce(^expr, ^aggregate.default_value)) end end if type do Ecto.Query.dynamic(type(^coalesced, ^type)) else coalesced end end defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %Ref{ attribute: %Ash.Query.Calculation{} = calculation, relationship_path: relationship_path } = ref, bindings, embedded?, _type ) do binding_to_replace = Enum.find_value(bindings.bindings, fn {i, binding} -> if binding.path == relationship_path do i end end) temp_bindings = bindings.bindings |> Map.delete(0) |> Map.update!(binding_to_replace, &Map.merge(&1, %{path: [], type: :root})) type = AshPostgres.Types.parameterized_type( calculation.type, Map.get(calculation, :constraints, []) ) validate_type!(query, type, ref) case Ash.Filter.hydrate_refs( calculation.module.expression(calculation.opts, calculation.context), %{ resource: ref.resource, aggregates: %{}, calculations: %{}, public?: false } ) do {:ok, hydrated} -> expr = do_dynamic_expr( query, Ash.Filter.update_aggregates(hydrated, fn aggregate, _ -> %{aggregate | relationship_path: []} end), %{bindings | bindings: temp_bindings}, embedded?, type ) if type do Ecto.Query.dynamic(type(^expr, ^type)) else expr end _ -> raise "Failed to hydrate references in #{inspect(calculation.module.expression(calculation.opts, calculation.context))}" end end defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %Type{arguments: [arg1, arg2, constraints]}, bindings, embedded?, _type ) do arg2 = Ash.Type.get_type(arg2) arg1 = maybe_uuid_to_binary(arg2, arg1, arg1) type = AshPostgres.Types.parameterized_type(arg2, constraints) Ecto.Query.dynamic(type(^do_dynamic_expr(query, arg1, bindings, embedded?, type), ^type)) end defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %Now{embedded?: pred_embedded?}, bindings, embedded?, type ) do do_dynamic_expr( query, DateTime.utc_now(), bindings, embedded? || pred_embedded?, type ) end defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %Today{embedded?: pred_embedded?}, bindings, embedded?, type ) do do_dynamic_expr( query, Date.utc_today(), bindings, embedded? || pred_embedded?, type ) end defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %Ash.Query.Parent{expr: expr}, bindings, embedded?, type ) do do_dynamic_expr( %{ query | __ash_bindings__: Map.put(query.__ash_bindings__.parent_bindings, :parent?, true) }, expr, bindings, embedded?, type ) end defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %Exists{at_path: at_path, path: [first | rest], expr: expr}, bindings, _embedded?, _type ) do resource = Ash.Resource.Info.related(query.__ash_bindings__.resource, at_path) first_relationship = Ash.Resource.Info.relationship(resource, first) last_relationship = Enum.reduce(rest, first_relationship, fn name, relationship -> Ash.Resource.Info.relationship(relationship.destination, name) end) {:ok, expr} = Ash.Filter.hydrate_refs(expr, %{ resource: last_relationship.destination, aggregates: %{}, parent_stack: [ query.__ash_bindings__.resource | query.__ash_bindings__[:parent_resources] || [] ], calculations: %{}, public?: false }) filter = %Ash.Filter{expression: expr, resource: first_relationship.destination} |> nest_expression(rest) {:ok, source} = AshPostgres.Join.maybe_get_resource_query( first_relationship.destination, first_relationship, query ) source_ref = ref_binding( %Ref{ attribute: Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(resource, first_relationship.source_attribute), relationship_path: at_path, resource: resource }, bindings ) used_calculations = Ash.Filter.used_calculations( filter, first_relationship.destination, [] ) used_aggregates = filter |> AshPostgres.Aggregate.used_aggregates( first_relationship.destination, used_calculations, [] ) |> aggregate -> %{aggregate | load:} end) {:ok, filtered} = source |> set_parent_path(query) |> AshPostgres.Aggregate.add_aggregates( used_aggregates, first_relationship.destination, false, 0 ) |> case do {:ok, query} -> AshPostgres.DataLayer.filter( query, filter, first_relationship.destination, no_this?: true ) {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end free_binding = filtered.__ash_bindings__.current exists_query = if first_relationship.type == :many_to_many do through_relationship = Ash.Resource.Info.relationship(resource, first_relationship.join_relationship) through_bindings = query |> Map.delete(:__ash_bindings__) |> AshPostgres.DataLayer.default_bindings( query.__ash_bindings__.resource, query.__ash_bindings__.context ) |> Map.get(:__ash_bindings__) |> Map.put(:bindings, %{ free_binding => %{path: [], source: first_relationship.through, type: :left} }) {:ok, through} = AshPostgres.Join.maybe_get_resource_query( first_relationship.through, through_relationship, query, [], through_bindings ) Ecto.Query.from(destination in filtered, join: through in ^through, as: ^free_binding, on: field(through, ^first_relationship.destination_attribute_on_join_resource) == field(destination, ^first_relationship.destination_attribute), on: field(parent_as(^source_ref), ^first_relationship.source_attribute) == field(through, ^first_relationship.source_attribute_on_join_resource) ) else Ecto.Query.from(destination in filtered, where: field(parent_as(^source_ref), ^first_relationship.source_attribute) == field(destination, ^first_relationship.destination_attribute) ) end exists_query = exists_query |> Ecto.Query.exclude(:select) |> |> AshPostgres.DataLayer.set_subquery_prefix(query, first_relationship.destination) Ecto.Query.dynamic(exists(Ecto.Query.subquery(exists_query))) end defp do_dynamic_expr( query, %Ref{attribute: %Ash.Resource.Attribute{name: name, type: attr_type}} = ref, bindings, _embedded?, expr_type ) do ref_binding = ref_binding(ref, bindings) if is_nil(ref_binding) do raise "Error while building reference: #{inspect(ref)}" end case AshPostgres.Types.parameterized_type(attr_type || expr_type, []) do nil -> if query.__ash_bindings__[:parent?] do Ecto.Query.dynamic(field(parent_as(^ref_binding), ^name)) else Ecto.Query.dynamic(field(as(^ref_binding), ^name)) end type -> validate_type!(query, type, ref) if query.__ash_bindings__[:parent?] do Ecto.Query.dynamic(type(field(parent_as(^ref_binding), ^name), ^type)) else Ecto.Query.dynamic(type(field(as(^ref_binding), ^name), ^type)) end end end defp do_dynamic_expr(query, other, bindings, true, type) do if other && is_atom(other) && !is_boolean(other) do to_string(other) else if Ash.Filter.TemplateHelpers.expr?(other) do if is_list(other) do list_expr(query, other, bindings, true, type) else raise "Unsupported expression in AshPostgres query: #{inspect(other)}" end else maybe_sanitize_list(query, other, bindings, true, type) end end end defp do_dynamic_expr(query, value, bindings, embedded?, {:in, type}) when is_list(value) do list_expr(query, value, bindings, embedded?, {:array, type}) end defp do_dynamic_expr(query, value, bindings, embedded?, type) when not is_nil(value) and is_atom(value) and not is_boolean(value) do do_dynamic_expr(query, to_string(value), bindings, embedded?, type) end defp do_dynamic_expr(query, value, bindings, false, type) when type == nil or type == :any do if is_list(value) do list_expr(query, value, bindings, false, type) else maybe_sanitize_list(query, value, bindings, true, type) end end defp do_dynamic_expr(query, value, bindings, false, type) do if Ash.Filter.TemplateHelpers.expr?(value) do if is_list(value) do list_expr(query, value, bindings, false, type) else raise "Unsupported expression in AshPostgres query: #{inspect(value)}" end else case maybe_sanitize_list(query, value, bindings, true, type) do ^value -> type = AshPostgres.Types.parameterized_type(type, []) validate_type!(query, type, value) Ecto.Query.dynamic(type(^value, ^type)) value -> value end end end defp list_expr(query, value, bindings, embedded?, type) do type = case type do {:array, type} -> type {:in, type} -> type _ -> nil end {params, exprs, _} = Enum.reduce(value, {[], [], 0}, fn value, {params, data, count} -> case do_dynamic_expr(query, value, bindings, embedded?, type) do %Ecto.Query.DynamicExpr{} = dynamic -> result = Ecto.Query.Builder.Dynamic.partially_expand( :select, query, dynamic, params, count ) expr = elem(result, 0) new_params = elem(result, 1) new_count = result |> Tuple.to_list() |> List.last() {new_params, [expr | data], new_count} other -> {params, [other | data], count} end end) exprs = Enum.reverse(exprs) %Ecto.Query.DynamicExpr{ fun: fn _query -> {exprs, Enum.reverse(params), [], []} end, binding: [], file: __ENV__.file, line: __ENV__.line } end defp maybe_uuid_to_binary({:array, type}, value, _original_value) when is_list(value) do, &maybe_uuid_to_binary(type, &1, &1)) end defp maybe_uuid_to_binary(type, value, original_value) when type in [ Ash.Type.UUID.EctoType, :uuid ] and is_binary(value) do case Ecto.UUID.dump(value) do {:ok, encoded} -> encoded _ -> original_value end end defp maybe_uuid_to_binary(_type, _value, original_value), do: original_value defp maybe_type(dynamic, _query, _type_expr, nil), do: dynamic defp maybe_type(dynamic, query, type_expr, type) do type = AshPostgres.Types.parameterized_type( type, [] ) if type do validate_type!(query, type, type_expr) Ecto.Query.dynamic(type(^dynamic, ^type)) else dynamic end end defp validate_type!(query, type, context) do case type do {:parameterized, Ash.Type.CiStringWrapper.EctoType, _} -> require_extension!(query, "citext", context) :ci_string -> require_extension!(query, "citext", context) :citext -> require_extension!(query, "citext", context) _ -> :ok end end defp maybe_type(dynamic, nil, _query), do: dynamic defp maybe_type(dynamic, type, query) do type = AshPostgres.Types.parameterized_type(type, []) validate_type!(query, type, type) Ecto.Query.dynamic(type(^dynamic, ^type)) end defp maybe_sanitize_list(query, value, bindings, embedded?, type) do if is_list(value) do, &do_dynamic_expr(query, &1, bindings, embedded?, type)) else value end end defp ref_binding( %{attribute: %Ash.Query.Aggregate{name: name}, relationship_path: []}, bindings ) do Enum.find_value(bindings.bindings, fn {binding, data} -> data.type == :aggregate && Enum.any?(data.aggregates, &(& == name)) && binding end) end defp ref_binding(%{attribute: %Ash.Resource.Attribute{}} = ref, bindings) do Enum.find_value(bindings.bindings, fn {binding, data} -> data.path == ref.relationship_path && data.type in [:inner, :left, :root] && binding end) end defp ref_binding(%{attribute: %Ash.Query.Aggregate{}} = ref, bindings) do Enum.find_value(bindings.bindings, fn {binding, data} -> data.path == ref.relationship_path && data.type in [:inner, :left, :root] && binding end) end defp do_get_path( query, %GetPath{arguments: [left, right], embedded?: pred_embedded?} = get_path, bindings, embedded?, type \\ nil ) do path =, &to_string/1) expr = do_dynamic_expr( query, %Fragment{ embedded?: pred_embedded?, arguments: [ raw: "(", expr: left, raw: " #>> ", expr: path, raw: ")" ] }, bindings, embedded?, type ) if type do type = AshPostgres.Types.parameterized_type( type, [] ) validate_type!(query, type, get_path) Ecto.Query.dynamic(type(^expr, ^type)) else expr end end defp require_ash_functions!(query) do installed_extensions = AshPostgres.DataLayer.Info.repo(query.__ash_bindings__.resource).installed_extensions() unless "ash-functions" in installed_extensions do raise """ Cannot use `||` or `&&` operators without adding the extension `ash-functions` to your repo. Add it to the list in `installed_extensions/0` If you are using the migration generator, you will then need to generate migrations. If not, you will need to copy the following into a migration: execute(\"\"\" CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ash_elixir_or(left BOOLEAN, in right ANYCOMPATIBLE, out f1 ANYCOMPATIBLE) AS $$ SELECT COALESCE(NULLIF($1, FALSE), $2) $$ LANGUAGE SQL; \"\"\") execute(\"\"\" CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ash_elixir_or(left ANYCOMPATIBLE, in right ANYCOMPATIBLE, out f1 ANYCOMPATIBLE) AS $$ SELECT COALESCE($1, $2) $$ LANGUAGE SQL; \"\"\") execute(\"\"\" CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ash_elixir_and(left BOOLEAN, in right ANYCOMPATIBLE, out f1 ANYCOMPATIBLE) AS $$ SELECT CASE WHEN $1 IS TRUE THEN $2 ELSE $1 END $$ LANGUAGE SQL; \"\"\") execute(\"\"\" CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ash_elixir_and(left ANYCOMPATIBLE, in right ANYCOMPATIBLE, out f1 ANYCOMPATIBLE) AS $$ SELECT CASE WHEN $1 IS NOT NULL THEN $2 ELSE $1 END $$ LANGUAGE SQL; \"\"\") """ end end defp require_extension!(query, extension, context) do repo = AshPostgres.DataLayer.Info.repo(query.__ash_bindings__.resource) unless extension in repo.installed_extensions() do raise Ash.Error.Query.InvalidExpression, expression: context, message: "The #{extension} extension needs to be installed before #{inspect(context)} can be used. Please add \"#{extension}\" to the list of installed_extensions in #{inspect(repo)}." end end defp determine_type_at_path(type, path) do path |> Enum.reject(&is_integer/1) |> do_determine_type_at_path(type) |> case do nil -> nil {type, constraints} -> AshPostgres.Types.parameterized_type(type, constraints) end end defp do_determine_type_at_path([], _), do: nil defp do_determine_type_at_path([item], type) do case Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(type, item) do nil -> nil %{type: {:array, type}, constraints: constraints} -> constraints = constraints[:items] || [] {type, constraints} %{type: type, constraints: constraints} -> {type, constraints} end end defp do_determine_type_at_path([item | rest], type) do case Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(type, item) do nil -> nil %{type: {:array, type}} -> if Ash.Type.embedded_type?(type) do type else nil end %{type: type} -> if Ash.Type.embedded_type?(type) do type else nil end end |> case do nil -> nil type -> do_determine_type_at_path(rest, type) end end defp set_parent_path(query, parent) do # This is a stupid name. Its actually the path we *remove* when stepping up a level. I.e the child's path Map.update!(query, :__ash_bindings__, fn ash_bindings -> ash_bindings |> Map.put(:parent_bindings, parent.__ash_bindings__) |> Map.put(:parent_resources, [ parent.__ash_bindings__.resource | parent.__ash_bindings__[:parent_resources] || [] ]) end) end defp nest_expression(expression, relationship_path) do case expression do {key, value} when is_atom(key) -> {key, nest_expression(value, relationship_path)} %Not{expression: expression} = not_expr -> %{not_expr | expression: nest_expression(expression, relationship_path)} %BooleanExpression{left: left, right: right} = expression -> %{ expression | left: nest_expression(left, relationship_path), right: nest_expression(right, relationship_path) } %{__operator__?: true, left: left, right: right} = op -> left = nest_expression(left, relationship_path) right = nest_expression(right, relationship_path) %{op | left: left, right: right} %Ref{} = ref -> add_to_ref_path(ref, relationship_path) %{__function__?: true, arguments: args} = func -> %{func | arguments:, &nest_expression(&1, relationship_path))} %Ash.Query.Exists{} = exists -> %{exists | at_path: relationship_path ++ exists.at_path} %Ash.Query.Parent{} = parent -> parent %Ash.Query.Call{args: args} = call -> %{call | args:, &nest_expression(&1, relationship_path))} %Ash.Filter{expression: expression} = filter -> %{filter | expression: nest_expression(expression, relationship_path)} other -> other end end defp add_to_ref_path(%Ref{relationship_path: relationship_path} = ref, to_add) do %{ref | relationship_path: to_add ++ relationship_path} end end