defmodule AshPostgres.Join do @moduledoc false import Ecto.Query, only: [from: 2, subquery: 1] alias Ash.Query.{BooleanExpression, Not, Ref} @known_inner_join_operators [ Eq, GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqual, In, LessThanOrEqual, LessThan, NotEq ] |>, &1)) @known_inner_join_functions [ Ago, Contains ] |>, &1)) @known_inner_join_predicates @known_inner_join_functions ++ @known_inner_join_operators def join_all_relationships( query, filter, opts \\ [], relationship_paths \\ nil, path \\ [], source \\ nil, sort? \\ true, join_filters \\ nil, parent_bindings \\ nil, no_inner_join? \\ false ) # simple optimization for common cases def join_all_relationships( query, filter, _opts, relationship_paths, _path, _source, _sort?, _join_filters, _parent_bindings, _no_inner_join? ) when is_nil(relationship_paths) and filter in [nil, true, false] do {:ok, query} end def join_all_relationships( query, filter, opts, relationship_paths, path, source, sort?, join_filters, parent_query, no_inner_join? ) do relationship_paths = cond do relationship_paths -> relationship_paths opts[:no_this?] -> filter |> %Ash.Query.Parent{} -> nil other -> other end) |> Ash.Filter.relationship_paths() |> to_joins(filter, query.__ash_bindings__.resource) true -> filter |> Ash.Filter.relationship_paths() |> to_joins(filter, query.__ash_bindings__.resource) end Enum.reduce_while(relationship_paths, {:ok, query}, fn {_join_type, []}, {:ok, query} -> {:cont, {:ok, query}} {join_type, [relationship | rest_rels]}, {:ok, query} -> join_type = if no_inner_join? do :left else join_type end source = source || relationship.source current_path = path ++ [relationship] current_join_type = join_type look_for_join_types = case join_type do :left -> [:left, :inner] :inner -> [:left, :inner] other -> [other] end binding = get_binding(source,, & &, query, look_for_join_types) # We can't reuse joins if we're adding filters/have a separate parent binding if is_nil(join_filters) && is_nil(parent_query) && binding do case join_all_relationships( query, filter, opts, [{join_type, rest_rels}], current_path, source, sort? ) do {:ok, query} -> {:cont, {:ok, query}} {:error, error} -> {:halt, {:error, error}} end else case join_relationship( set_parent_bindings(query, parent_query), relationship,, & &, current_join_type, source, filter, sort?, Ash.Filter.move_to_relationship_path( join_filters[, & &], [] ) ) do {:ok, joined_query} -> joined_query_with_distinct = add_distinct(relationship, join_type, joined_query) case join_all_relationships( joined_query_with_distinct, filter, opts, [{join_type, rest_rels}], current_path, source, sort?, join_filters, joined_query ) do {:ok, query} -> {:cont, {:ok, query}} {:error, error} -> {:halt, {:error, error}} end {:error, error} -> {:halt, {:error, error}} end end end) end defp set_parent_bindings(query, parent_query) do if parent_query do AshPostgres.Expr.set_parent_path(query, parent_query, false) else query end end defp to_joins(paths, filter, resource) do paths |> Enum.reject(&(&1 == [])) |> path -> if can_inner_join?(path, filter) do {:inner, AshPostgres.Join.relationship_path_to_relationships( resource, path )} else {:left, AshPostgres.Join.relationship_path_to_relationships( resource, path )} end end) end def relationship_path_to_relationships(resource, path, acc \\ []) def relationship_path_to_relationships(_resource, [], acc), do: Enum.reverse(acc) def relationship_path_to_relationships(resource, [name | rest], acc) do relationship = Ash.Resource.Info.relationship(resource, name) if !relationship do raise "no such relationship #{inspect(resource)}.#{name}" end relationship_path_to_relationships(relationship.destination, rest, [relationship | acc]) end def related_subquery( relationship, root_query, opts \\ [] ) do on_parent_expr = Keyword.get(opts, :on_parent_expr, & &1) on_subquery = Keyword.get(opts, :on_subquery, & &1) with {:ok, query} <- related_query(relationship, root_query, opts) do has_parent_expr? = !!query.__ash_bindings__.context[:data_layer][:has_parent_expr?] || not is_nil(query.limit) query = if has_parent_expr? do on_parent_expr.(query) else query end query = on_subquery.(query) query = if opts[:return_subquery?] do subquery(query) else from(row in subquery(query), as: ^0) |> AshPostgres.DataLayer.default_bindings(relationship.destination) |> AshPostgres.DataLayer.merge_expr_accumulator( query.__ash_bindings__.expression_accumulator ) |> Map.update!( :__ash_bindings__, fn bindings -> bindings |> Map.put(:current, query.__ash_bindings__.current) |> put_in([:context, :data_layer], %{ has_parent_expr?: has_parent_expr? }) end ) end {:ok, query} end end defp related_query(relationship, query, opts) do sort? = Keyword.get(opts, :sort?, false) filter = Keyword.get(opts, :filter, nil) parent_resources = Keyword.get(opts, :parent_stack, [relationship.source]) read_action = relationship.read_action || Ash.Resource.Info.primary_action!(relationship.destination, :read).name context = query.__ash_bindings__.context relationship.destination |> |> Ash.Query.set_context(context) |> Ash.Query.set_context(%{data_layer: %{table: nil}}) |> Ash.Query.set_context(relationship.context) |> Ash.Query.do_filter(relationship.filter, parent_stack: parent_resources) |> Ash.Query.do_filter(filter, parent_stack: parent_resources) |> Ash.Query.for_read(read_action, %{}, actor: context[:private][:actor], tenant: context[:private][:tenant] ) |> Ash.Query.unset([:sort, :distinct, :select, :limit, :offset]) |> limit_from_many(relationship) |> then(fn query -> if sort? do Ash.Query.sort(query, relationship.sort) else Ash.Query.unset(query, :sort) end end) |> set_has_parent_expr_context(relationship) |> case do %{valid?: true} = related_query -> Ash.Query.data_layer_query( Ash.Query.set_context(related_query, %{ data_layer: %{parent_bindings: query.__ash_bindings__} }) ) |> case do {:ok, ecto_query} -> {:ok, ecto_query |> set_join_prefix(query, relationship.destination) |> Ecto.Query.exclude(:select)} {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end %{errors: errors} -> {:error, errors} end end defp limit_from_many(query, %{from_many?: true}) do Ash.Query.limit(query, 1) end defp limit_from_many(query, _), do: query defp set_has_parent_expr_context(query, relationship) do has_parent_expr? = Ash.Actions.Read.Relationships.has_parent_expr?(%{ relationship | filter: query.filter, sort: query.sort }) Ash.Query.set_context(query, %{data_layer: %{has_parent_expr?: has_parent_expr?}}) end def set_join_prefix(join_query, query, resource) do if Ash.Resource.Info.multitenancy_strategy(resource) == :context do %{ join_query | prefix: query.prefix || AshPostgres.DataLayer.Info.schema(resource) || "public" } else %{ join_query | prefix: AshPostgres.DataLayer.Info.schema(resource) || AshPostgres.DataLayer.Info.repo(resource, :mutate).config()[:default_prefix] || "public" } end end defp can_inner_join?(path, expr, seen_an_or? \\ false) defp can_inner_join?(path, %{expression: expr}, seen_an_or?), do: can_inner_join?(path, expr, seen_an_or?) defp can_inner_join?(_path, expr, _seen_an_or?) when expr in [nil, true, false], do: true defp can_inner_join?(path, %BooleanExpression{op: :and, left: left, right: right}, seen_an_or?) do can_inner_join?(path, left, seen_an_or?) || can_inner_join?(path, right, seen_an_or?) end defp can_inner_join?(path, %BooleanExpression{op: :or, left: left, right: right}, _) do can_inner_join?(path, left, true) && can_inner_join?(path, right, true) end defp can_inner_join?( _, %Not{}, _ ) do false end defp can_inner_join?( search_path, %struct{__operator__?: true, left: %Ref{relationship_path: relationship_path}}, seen_an_or? ) when search_path == relationship_path and struct in @known_inner_join_predicates do not seen_an_or? end defp can_inner_join?( search_path, %struct{__operator__?: true, right: %Ref{relationship_path: relationship_path}}, seen_an_or? ) when search_path == relationship_path and struct in @known_inner_join_predicates do not seen_an_or? end defp can_inner_join?( search_path, %struct{__function__?: true, arguments: arguments}, seen_an_or? ) when struct in @known_inner_join_predicates do if Enum.any?(arguments, &match?(%Ref{relationship_path: ^search_path}, &1)) do not seen_an_or? else true end end defp can_inner_join?(_, _, _), do: false @doc false def get_binding(resource, candidate_path, %{__ash_bindings__: _} = query, types) do types = List.wrap(types) Enum.find_value(query.__ash_bindings__.bindings, fn {binding, %{path: path, source: source, type: type}} -> if type in types && Ash.SatSolver.synonymous_relationship_paths?(resource, path, candidate_path, source) do binding end _ -> nil end) end def get_binding(_, _, _, _), do: nil defp add_distinct(relationship, _join_type, joined_query) do if !joined_query.__ash_bindings__.in_group? && relationship.cardinality == :many && !joined_query.distinct do from(row in joined_query, distinct: ^Ash.Resource.Info.primary_key(joined_query.__ash_bindings__.resource) ) else joined_query end end defp join_relationship( query, %{manual: {module, opts}} = relationship, path, kind, source, filter, sort?, apply_filter ) do full_path = path ++ [] initial_ash_bindings = query.__ash_bindings__ binding_data = %{type: kind, path: full_path, source: source} query = AshPostgres.DataLayer.add_binding(query, binding_data) used_aggregates = Ash.Filter.used_aggregates(filter, full_path) with {:ok, relationship_destination} <- related_subquery(relationship, query, sort?: sort?) do {relationship_destination, acc} = maybe_apply_filter(relationship_destination, query, query.__ash_bindings__, apply_filter) query = AshPostgres.DataLayer.merge_expr_accumulator(query, acc) binding_kinds = case kind do :left -> [:left, :inner] :inner -> [:left, :inner] other -> [other] end current_binding = Enum.find_value(initial_ash_bindings.bindings, 0, fn {binding, data} -> if data.type in binding_kinds && data.path == path do binding end end) case module.ash_postgres_join( query, opts, current_binding, initial_ash_bindings.current, kind, relationship_destination ) do {:ok, query} -> AshPostgres.Aggregate.add_aggregates( query, used_aggregates, relationship.destination, false, initial_ash_bindings.current, {query.__ash_bindings__.resource, full_path} ) {:error, query} -> {:error, query} end end rescue e in UndefinedFunctionError -> if e.function == :ash_postgres_join do reraise """ Cannot join to a manual relationship #{inspect(module)} that does not implement the `AshPostgres.ManualRelationship` behaviour. """, __STACKTRACE__ else reraise e, __STACKTRACE__ end end defp join_relationship( query, %{type: :many_to_many} = relationship, path, kind, source, filter, sort?, apply_filter ) do join_relationship = Ash.Resource.Info.relationship(relationship.source, relationship.join_relationship) join_path = path ++ [] full_path = path ++ [] initial_ash_bindings = query.__ash_bindings__ binding_data = %{type: kind, path: full_path, source: source} used_aggregates = Ash.Filter.used_aggregates(filter, full_path) query = query |> AshPostgres.DataLayer.add_binding(%{ path: join_path, type: :left, source: source }) |> AshPostgres.DataLayer.add_binding(binding_data) with {:ok, relationship_through} <- related_subquery(join_relationship, query), {:ok, relationship_destination} <- related_subquery(relationship, query, sort?: sort?) do {relationship_destination, dest_acc} = maybe_apply_filter(relationship_destination, query, query.__ash_bindings__, apply_filter) query = query |> AshPostgres.DataLayer.merge_expr_accumulator(dest_acc) binding_kinds = case kind do :left -> [:left, :inner] :inner -> [:left, :inner] other -> [other] end current_binding = Enum.find_value(initial_ash_bindings.bindings, 0, fn {binding, data} -> if data.type in binding_kinds && data.path == path do binding end end) query = case kind do :inner -> from(_ in query, join: through in ^relationship_through, as: ^initial_ash_bindings.current, on: field(as(^current_binding), ^relationship.source_attribute) == field(through, ^relationship.source_attribute_on_join_resource), join: destination in ^relationship_destination, as: ^(initial_ash_bindings.current + 1), on: field(destination, ^relationship.destination_attribute) == field(through, ^relationship.destination_attribute_on_join_resource) ) _ -> from(_ in query, left_join: through in ^relationship_through, as: ^initial_ash_bindings.current, on: field(as(^current_binding), ^relationship.source_attribute) == field(through, ^relationship.source_attribute_on_join_resource), left_join: destination in ^relationship_destination, as: ^(initial_ash_bindings.current + 1), on: field(destination, ^relationship.destination_attribute) == field(through, ^relationship.destination_attribute_on_join_resource) ) end AshPostgres.Aggregate.add_aggregates( query, used_aggregates, relationship.destination, false, initial_ash_bindings.current, {query.__ash_bindings__.resource, full_path} ) end end defp join_relationship( query, relationship, path, kind, source, filter, sort?, apply_filter ) do full_path = path ++ [] initial_ash_bindings = query.__ash_bindings__ binding_data = %{type: kind, path: full_path, source: source} query = AshPostgres.DataLayer.add_binding(query, binding_data) used_aggregates = Ash.Filter.used_aggregates(filter, full_path) binding_kinds = case kind do :left -> [:left, :inner] :inner -> [:left, :inner] other -> [other] end current_binding = Enum.find_value(initial_ash_bindings.bindings, 0, fn {binding, data} -> if data.type in binding_kinds && data.path == path do binding end end) case related_subquery(relationship, query, sort?: sort?, on_parent_expr: fn subquery -> if Map.get(relationship, :no_attributes?) do subquery else from(row in subquery, where: field(parent_as(^current_binding), ^relationship.source_attribute) == field( row, ^relationship.destination_attribute ) ) end end ) do {:error, error} -> {:error, error} {:ok, relationship_destination} -> {relationship_destination, acc} = maybe_apply_filter( relationship_destination, query, query.__ash_bindings__, apply_filter ) query = AshPostgres.DataLayer.merge_expr_accumulator(query, acc) query = case {kind, Map.get(relationship, :no_attributes?, false), relationship_destination.__ash_bindings__.context[:data_layer][ :has_parent_expr? ]} do {:inner, true, false} -> from(_ in query, join: destination in ^relationship_destination, as: ^initial_ash_bindings.current, on: true ) {:inner, true, true} -> from(_ in query, inner_lateral_join: destination in ^relationship_destination, as: ^initial_ash_bindings.current, on: true ) {:inner, false, false} -> from(_ in query, join: destination in ^relationship_destination, as: ^initial_ash_bindings.current, on: field(as(^current_binding), ^relationship.source_attribute) == field( destination, ^relationship.destination_attribute ) ) {:inner, false, true} -> from(_ in query, inner_lateral_join: destination in ^relationship_destination, as: ^initial_ash_bindings.current, on: true ) {:left, true, false} -> from(_ in query, left_join: destination in ^relationship_destination, as: ^initial_ash_bindings.current, on: true ) {:left, true, true} -> from(_ in query, left_lateral_join: destination in ^relationship_destination, as: ^initial_ash_bindings.current, on: true ) {:left, false, false} -> from(_ in query, left_join: destination in ^relationship_destination, as: ^initial_ash_bindings.current, on: field(as(^current_binding), ^relationship.source_attribute) == field( destination, ^relationship.destination_attribute ) ) {:left, false, true} -> from(_ in query, left_lateral_join: destination in ^relationship_destination, as: ^initial_ash_bindings.current, on: true ) end AshPostgres.Aggregate.add_aggregates( query, used_aggregates, relationship.destination, false, initial_ash_bindings.current, {query.__ash_bindings__.resource, full_path} ) end end @doc false def maybe_apply_filter(query, _root_query, _bindings, nil), do: {query, %AshPostgres.Expr.ExprInfo{}} def maybe_apply_filter(query, root_query, bindings, filter) do {dynamic, acc} = AshPostgres.Expr.dynamic_expr(root_query, filter, bindings, true) {from(row in query, where: ^dynamic), acc} end end