defmodule AshPostgres.Repo do @moduledoc """ Resources that use `AshPostgres.DataLayer` use a `Repo` to access the database. This repo is a thin wrapper around an `Ecto.Repo`. You can use `Ecto.Repo`'s `init/2` to configure your repo like normal, but instead of returning `{:ok, config}`, use `super(config)` to pass the configuration to the `AshPostgres.Repo` implementation. ## Installed Extensions To configure your list of installed extensions, define `installed_extensions/0` Extensions can be a string, representing a standard postgres extension, or a module that implements `AshPostgres.CustomExtension`. That custom extension will be called to generate migrations that serve a specific purpose. Extensions that are relevant to ash_postgres: * "ash-functions" - This isn't really an extension, but it expresses that certain functions should be added when generating migrations, to support the `||` and `&&` operators in expressions. * `"uuid-ossp"` - Sets UUID primary keys defaults in the migration generator * `"pg_trgm"` - Makes the `AshPostgres.Functions.TrigramSimilarity` function available * "citext" - Allows case insensitive fields to be used * `"vector"` - Makes the `AshPostgres.Functions.VectorCosineDistance` function available. See `AshPostgres.Extensions.Vector` for more setup instructions. ``` def installed_extensions() do ["pg_trgm", "uuid-ossp", "vector", YourCustomExtension] end ``` ## Transaction Hooks You can define `on_transaction_begin/1`, which will be invoked whenever a transaction is started for Ash. This will be invoked with a map containing a `type` key and metadata. ```elixir %{type: :create, %{resource: YourApp.YourResource, action: :action}} ``` """ @doc "Use this to inform the data layer about what extensions are installed" @callback installed_extensions() :: [String.t() | module()] @doc "Configure the version of postgres that is being used." @callback min_pg_version() :: Version.t() @doc """ Use this to inform the data layer about the oldest potential postgres version it will be run on. Must be an integer greater than or equal to 13. ## Combining with other tools For things like `Fly.Repo`, where you might need to have more fine grained control over the repo module, you can use the `define_ecto_repo?: false` option to `use AshPostgres.Repo`. """ @callback on_transaction_begin(reason :: Ash.DataLayer.transaction_reason()) :: term @doc "Return a list of all schema names (only relevant for a multitenant implementation)" @callback all_tenants() :: [String.t()] @doc "The path where your tenant migrations are stored (only relevant for a multitenant implementation)" @callback tenant_migrations_path() :: String.t() | nil @doc "The path where your migrations are stored" @callback migrations_path() :: String.t() | nil @doc "The default prefix(postgres schema) to use when building queries" @callback default_prefix() :: String.t() @doc "Allows overriding a given migration type for *all* fields, for example if you wanted to always use :timestamptz for :utc_datetime fields" @callback override_migration_type(atom) :: atom @doc "Should the repo should be created by `mix ash_postgres.create`?" @callback create?() :: boolean @doc "Should the repo should be dropped by `mix ash_postgres.drop`?" @callback drop?() :: boolean defmacro __using__(opts) do quote bind_quoted: [opts: opts] do if Keyword.get(opts, :define_ecto_repo?, true) do otp_app = opts[:otp_app] || raise("Must configure OTP app") use Ecto.Repo, adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres, otp_app: otp_app end @agent __MODULE__.AshPgVersion @behaviour AshPostgres.Repo defoverridable insert: 2, insert: 1, insert!: 2, insert!: 1 def installed_extensions, do: [] def tenant_migrations_path, do: nil def migrations_path, do: nil def default_prefix, do: "public" def override_migration_type(type), do: type def create?, do: true def drop?, do: true def transaction!(fun) do case fun.() do {:ok, value} -> value {:error, error} -> raise Ash.Error.to_error_class(error) end end def all_tenants do raise """ `#{inspect(__MODULE__)}.all_tenants/0` was called, but was not defined. In order to migrate tenants, you must define this function. For example, you might say: def all_tenants do for org <- MyApp.Accounts.all_organizations!() do org.schema end end """ end def init(type, config) do if type == :supervisor do try do Agent.stop(@agent) rescue _ -> :ok catch _, _ -> :ok end end new_config = config |> Keyword.put(:installed_extensions, installed_extensions()) |> Keyword.put(:tenant_migrations_path, tenant_migrations_path()) |> Keyword.put(:migrations_path, migrations_path()) |> Keyword.put(:default_prefix, default_prefix()) {:ok, new_config} end def on_transaction_begin(_reason), do: :ok def insert(struct_or_changeset, opts \\ []) do struct_or_changeset |> to_ecto() |> then(fn value -> repo = get_dynamic_repo() Ecto.Repo.Schema.insert( __MODULE__, repo, value, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:insert, opts)) ) end) |> from_ecto() end def insert!(struct_or_changeset, opts \\ []) do struct_or_changeset |> to_ecto() |> then(fn value -> repo = get_dynamic_repo() Ecto.Repo.Schema.insert!( __MODULE__, repo, value, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:insert, opts)) ) end) |> from_ecto() end def from_ecto({:ok, result}), do: {:ok, from_ecto(result)} def from_ecto({:error, _} = other), do: other def from_ecto(nil), do: nil def from_ecto(value) when is_list(value) do, &from_ecto/1) end def from_ecto(%resource{} = record) do if, Ash.Resource) do empty = struct(resource) resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.relationships() |> Enum.reduce(record, fn relationship, record -> case Map.get(record, do %Ecto.Association.NotLoaded{} -> Map.put(record,, Map.get(empty, value -> Map.put(record,, from_ecto(value)) end end) else record end end def min_pg_version do if version = cached_version() do version else lookup_version() end end defp cached_version do Agent.start_link( fn -> lookup_version() end, name: @agent ) Agent.get(@agent, fn state -> state end) end defp lookup_version do version_string = try do query!("SELECT version()").rows |> |> rescue error -> reraise """ Got an error while trying to read postgres version Error: #{inspect(error)} """, __STACKTRACE__ end try do version_string |> String.split(" ") |> |> String.split(".") |> case do [major] -> "#{major}.0.0" [major, minor] -> "#{major}.#{minor}.0" other -> Enum.join(other, ".") end |> Version.parse!() rescue error -> reraise( """ Could not parse postgres version from version string: "#{version_string}" You may need to define the `min_version/0` callback yourself. Error: #{inspect(error)} """, __STACKTRACE__ ) end end def from_ecto(other), do: other def to_ecto(nil), do: nil def to_ecto(value) when is_list(value) do, &to_ecto/1) end def to_ecto(%resource{} = record) do if, Ash.Resource) do resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.relationships() |> Enum.reduce(record, fn relationship, record -> value = case Map.get(record, do %Ash.NotLoaded{} -> %Ecto.Association.NotLoaded{ __field__:, __cardinality__: relationship.cardinality } value -> to_ecto(value) end Map.put(record,, value) end) else record end end def to_ecto(other), do: other defoverridable init: 2, on_transaction_begin: 1, installed_extensions: 0, min_pg_version: 0, all_tenants: 0, tenant_migrations_path: 0, default_prefix: 0, override_migration_type: 1, create?: 0, drop?: 0 end end end