defmodule AshPostgres.DataLayer do @moduledoc """ A postgres data layer that levereges Ecto's postgres capabilities. AshPostgres supports all capabilities of an Ash data layer, and it will most likely stay that way, as postgres is the primary target/most maintained data layer. Custom Predicates: * AshPostgres.Predicates.Trigram ### Usage To use this data layer, you need to define an `AshPostgres.Repo`. Ash adds some functionality on top of ecto repos, so you'll want to use `AshPostgres.Repo` Then, configure your resource like so: ``` postgres do repo MyApp.Repo table "table_name" end ``` ### Generating Migrations See the documentation for `Mix.Tasks.AshPostgres.GenerateMigrations` for how to generate migrations from your resources """ @postgres %Ash.Dsl.Section{ name: :postgres, describe: """ Postgres data layer configuration """, schema: [ repo: [ type: {:custom, AshPostgres.DataLayer, :validate_repo, []}, required: true, doc: "The repo that will be used to fetch your data. See the `AshPostgres.Repo` documentation for more" ], migrate?: [ type: :boolean, default: true, doc: "Whether or not to include this resource in the generated migrations with `mix ash.generate_migrations`" ], table: [ type: :string, required: true, doc: "The table to store and read the resource from" ] ] } alias Ash.Filter alias Ash.Filter.{Expression, Not, Predicate} alias Ash.Filter.Predicate.{Eq, GreaterThan, In, IsNil, LessThan} alias AshPostgres.Predicates.Trigram import AshPostgres, only: [table: 1, repo: 1] @behaviour Ash.DataLayer use Ash.Dsl.Extension, sections: [@postgres] @doc false def validate_repo(repo) do if repo.__adapter__() == Ecto.Adapters.Postgres do {:ok, repo} else {:error, "Expected a repo using the postgres adapter `Ecto.Adapters.Postgres`"} end end @impl true def custom_filters(resource) do config = repo(resource).config() add_pg_trgm_search(%{}, config) end defp add_pg_trgm_search(filters, config) do if "pg_trgm" in (config[:installed_extensions] || []) do Map.update(filters, :string, [{:trigram, AshPostgres.Predicates.Trigram}], fn filters -> [{:trigram, AshPostgres.Predicates.Trigram} | filters] end) else filters end end import Ecto.Query, only: [from: 2, subquery: 1] @impl true def can?(_, :async_engine), do: true def can?(_, :transact), do: true def can?(_, :composite_primary_key), do: true def can?(_, :upsert), do: true def can?(resource, {:join, other_resource}) do data_layer = Ash.Resource.data_layer(resource) other_data_layer = Ash.Resource.data_layer(other_resource) data_layer == other_data_layer and repo(data_layer) == repo(other_data_layer) end def can?(resource, {:lateral_join, other_resource}) do data_layer = Ash.Resource.data_layer(resource) other_data_layer = Ash.Resource.data_layer(other_resource) data_layer == other_data_layer and repo(data_layer) == repo(other_data_layer) end def can?(_, :boolean_filter), do: true def can?(_, {:aggregate, :count}), do: true def can?(_, :aggregate_filter), do: true def can?(_, :aggregate_sort), do: true def can?(_, :create), do: true def can?(_, :read), do: true def can?(_, :update), do: true def can?(_, :destroy), do: true def can?(_, :filter), do: true def can?(_, :limit), do: true def can?(_, :offset), do: true def can?(_, {:filter_predicate, _, %In{}}), do: true def can?(_, {:filter_predicate, _, %Eq{}}), do: true def can?(_, {:filter_predicate, _, %LessThan{}}), do: true def can?(_, {:filter_predicate, _, %GreaterThan{}}), do: true def can?(_, {:filter_predicate, _, %IsNil{}}), do: true def can?(_, {:filter_predicate, :string, %Trigram{}}), do: true def can?(_, {:filter_predicate, _}), do: false def can?(_, :sort), do: true def can?(_, {:sort, _}), do: true def can?(_, _), do: false @impl true def in_transaction?(resource) do repo(resource).in_transaction?() end @impl true def limit(query, nil, _), do: {:ok, query} def limit(query, limit, _resource) do {:ok, from(row in query, limit: ^limit)} end @impl true def source(resource) do table(resource) end @impl true def offset(query, nil, _), do: query def offset(query, offset, _resource) do {:ok, from(row in query, offset: ^offset)} end @impl true def run_query(query, resource) do {:ok, repo(resource).all(query)} end @impl true def run_query_with_lateral_join( query, root_data, source_resource, _destination_resource, source_field, destination_field ) do source_values =, &Map.get(&1, source_field)) subquery = subquery( from(destination in query, where: field(destination, ^destination_field) == field(parent_as(:source_record), ^source_field) ) ) query = from(source in resource_to_query(source_resource), as: :source_record, where: field(source, ^source_field) in ^source_values, inner_lateral_join: destination in ^subquery, on: field(source, ^source_field) == field(destination, ^destination_field), select: destination ) {:ok, repo(source_resource).all(query)} end @impl true def resource_to_query(resource), do: Ecto.Queryable.to_query({table(resource), resource}) @impl true def create(resource, changeset) do |> Map.update!(:__meta__, &Map.put(&1, :source, table(resource))) |> ecto_changeset(changeset) |> repo(resource).insert() rescue e -> {:error, e} end defp ecto_changeset(record, changeset) do Ecto.Changeset.change(record, changeset.attributes) end @impl true def upsert(resource, changeset) do |> Map.update!(:__meta__, &Map.put(&1, :source, table(resource))) |> ecto_changeset(changeset) |> repo(resource).insert( on_conflict: :replace_all, conflict_target: Ash.Resource.primary_key(resource) ) rescue e -> {:error, e} end @impl true def update(resource, changeset) do |> Map.update!(:__meta__, &Map.put(&1, :source, table(resource))) |> ecto_changeset(changeset) |> repo(resource).update() rescue e -> {:error, e} end @impl true def destroy(resource, %{data: record}) do case repo(resource).delete(record) do {:ok, _record} -> :ok {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end rescue e -> {:error, e} end @impl true def sort(query, sort, resource) do query = default_bindings(query, resource) sort |> sanitize_sort() |> Enum.reduce({:ok, query}, fn {order, sort}, query -> binding = case Map.fetch(query.__ash_bindings__.aggregates, sort) do {:ok, binding} -> binding :error -> 0 end {:ok, from([{^binding, row}] in query, order_by: [{^order, field(row, ^sort)}] )} end) end defp sanitize_sort(sort) do sort |> List.wrap() |> {sort, order} -> {order, sort} sort -> sort end) end @impl true def filter(query, %{expression: false}, _resource) do impossible_query = from(row in query, where: false) {:ok, Map.put(impossible_query, :__impossible__, true)} end def filter(query, filter, _resource) do relationship_paths = filter |> Filter.relationship_paths() |> path -> if can_inner_join?(path, filter) do {:inner, relationship_path_to_relationships(filter.resource, path)} else {:left, relationship_path_to_relationships(filter.resource, path)} end end) new_query = query |> join_all_relationships(relationship_paths) |> add_filter_expression(filter) {:ok, new_query} end defp default_bindings(query, resource) do Map.put_new(query, :__ash_bindings__, %{ current: Enum.count(query.joins) + 1, aggregates: %{}, bindings: %{0 => %{path: [], type: :root, source: resource}} }) end defp can_inner_join?(path, expr, seen_an_or? \\ false) defp can_inner_join?(path, %{expression: expr}, seen_an_or?), do: can_inner_join?(path, expr, seen_an_or?) defp can_inner_join?(_path, expr, _seen_an_or?) when expr in [nil, true, false], do: true defp can_inner_join?(path, %Expression{op: :and, left: left, right: right}, seen_an_or?) do can_inner_join?(path, left, seen_an_or?) || can_inner_join?(path, right, seen_an_or?) end defp can_inner_join?(path, %Expression{op: :or, left: left, right: right}, _) do can_inner_join?(path, left, true) && can_inner_join?(path, right, true) end defp can_inner_join?( path, %Not{expression: %Expression{op: :or, left: left, right: right}}, seen_an_or? ) do can_inner_join?( path, %Expression{ op: :and, left: %Not{expression: left}, right: %Not{expression: right} }, seen_an_or? ) end defp can_inner_join?(path, %Not{expression: expression}, seen_an_or?) do can_inner_join?(path, expression, seen_an_or?) end defp can_inner_join?(_path, %Predicate{predicate: %IsNil{nil?: true}}, seen_an_or?), do: not seen_an_or? defp can_inner_join?(search_path, %Predicate{relationship_path: relationship_path}, seen_an_or?) when search_path == relationship_path do not seen_an_or? end defp can_inner_join?(_, _, _), do: true @impl true def add_aggregate(query, aggregate, _resource) do resource = aggregate.resource query = default_bindings(query, resource) {query, binding} = case get_binding(resource, aggregate.relationship_path, query, :aggregate) do nil -> relationship = Ash.Resource.relationship(resource, aggregate.relationship_path) subquery = aggregate_subquery(relationship, aggregate) new_query = join_all_relationships( query, [ {{:aggregate,, subquery}, relationship_path_to_relationships(resource, aggregate.relationship_path)} ] ) {new_query, get_binding(resource, aggregate.relationship_path, new_query, :aggregate)} binding -> {query, binding} end query_with_aggregate_binding = put_in( query.__ash_bindings__.aggregates, Map.put(query.__ash_bindings__.aggregates,, binding) ) new_query = query_with_aggregate_binding |> add_aggregate_to_subquery(resource, aggregate, binding) |> select_aggregate(resource, aggregate) {:ok, new_query} end defp select_aggregate(query, resource, aggregate) do binding = get_binding(resource, aggregate.relationship_path, query, :aggregate) query = if do query else from(row in query, select: row, select_merge: %{aggregates: %{}} ) end %{query | select: add_to_select(, binding, aggregate)} end defp add_to_select( %{expr: {:merge, _, [first, {:%{}, _, [{:aggregates, {:%{}, [], fields}}]}]}} = select, binding, %{load: nil} = aggregate ) do field = {:type, [], [ {{:., [], [{:&, [], [binding]},]}, [], []}, Ash.Type.ecto_type(aggregate.type) ]} field_with_default = if aggregate.default_value do {:coalesce, [], [ field, aggregate.default_value ]} end new_fields = [ {, field_with_default} | fields ] %{select | expr: {:merge, [], [first, {:%{}, [], [{:aggregates, {:%{}, [], new_fields}}]}]}} end defp add_to_select( %{expr: expr} = select, binding, %{load: load_as} = aggregate ) do field = {:type, [], [ {{:., [], [{:&, [], [binding]},]}, [], []}, Ash.Type.ecto_type(aggregate.type) ]} field_with_default = if aggregate.default_value do {:coalesce, [], [ field, aggregate.default_value ]} end %{select | expr: {:merge, [], [expr, {:%{}, [], [{load_as, field_with_default}]}]}} end defp add_aggregate_to_subquery(query, resource, aggregate, binding) do new_joins = List.update_at(query.joins, binding - 1, fn join -> aggregate_query = if aggregate.authorization_filter do {:ok, filter} = filter( join.source.from.source.query, aggregate.authorization_filter, Ash.Resource.related(resource, aggregate.relationship_path) ) filter else join.source.from.source.query end new_aggregate_query = add_subquery_aggregate_select(aggregate_query, aggregate, resource) put_in(join.source.from.source.query, new_aggregate_query) end) %{ query | joins: new_joins } end defp aggregate_subquery(relationship, _aggregate) do from(row in relationship.destination, group_by: ^relationship.destination_field, select: field(row, ^relationship.destination_field) ) end defp add_subquery_aggregate_select(query, %{kind: :count} = aggregate, resource) do query = default_bindings(query, aggregate.resource) key_to_count = List.first(Ash.Resource.primary_key(resource)) type = Ash.Type.ecto_type(aggregate.type) field = {:count, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, key_to_count]}, [], []}]} {params, filtered} = if aggregate.query do {params, expr} = filter_to_expr( aggregate.query.filter, query.__ash_bindings__.bindings, ) {params, {:filter, [], [field, expr]}} else {[], field} end cast = {:type, [], [filtered, type]} new_expr = {:merge, [], [, {:%{}, [], [{, cast}]}]} %{query | select: %{ | expr: new_expr, params: params}} end defp relationship_path_to_relationships(resource, path, acc \\ []) defp relationship_path_to_relationships(_resource, [], acc), do: Enum.reverse(acc) defp relationship_path_to_relationships(resource, [relationship | rest], acc) do relationship = Ash.Resource.relationship(resource, relationship) relationship_path_to_relationships(relationship.destination, rest, [relationship | acc]) end defp join_all_relationships(query, relationship_paths, path \\ [], source \\ nil) do query = default_bindings(query, source) Enum.reduce(relationship_paths, query, fn {_join_type, []}, query -> query {join_type, [relationship | rest_rels]}, query -> source = source || relationship.source current_path = path ++ [relationship] current_join_type = case join_type do {:aggregate, _name, _agg} when rest_rels != [] -> :left other -> other end if has_binding?(source, Enum.reverse(current_path), query, current_join_type) do query else joined_query = join_relationship( query, relationship,, & &, current_join_type, source ) joined_query_with_distinct = add_distinct(relationship, join_type, joined_query) join_all_relationships( joined_query_with_distinct, [{join_type, rest_rels}], current_path, source ) end end) end defp has_binding?(resource, path, query, {:aggregate, _, _}), do: has_binding?(resource, path, query, :aggregate) defp has_binding?(resource, candidate_path, %{__ash_bindings__: _} = query, type) do Enum.any?(query.__ash_bindings__.bindings, fn {_, %{path: path, source: source, type: ^type}} -> Ash.SatSolver.synonymous_relationship_paths?(resource, path, candidate_path, source) _ -> false end) end defp has_binding?(_, _, _, _), do: false defp get_binding(resource, path, %{__ash_bindings__: _} = query, type) do paths = Enum.flat_map(query.__ash_bindings__.bindings, fn {binding, %{path: path, type: ^type}} -> [{binding, path}] _ -> [] end) Enum.find_value(paths, fn {binding, candidate_path} -> Ash.SatSolver.synonymous_relationship_paths?(resource, candidate_path, path) && binding end) end defp get_binding(_, _, _, _), do: nil defp add_distinct(relationship, join_type, joined_query) do if relationship.cardinality == :many and join_type == :left && !joined_query.distinct do from(row in joined_query, distinct: ^Ash.Resource.primary_key(relationship.destination) ) else joined_query end end defp join_relationship(query, relationship, path, join_type, source) do case Map.get(query.__ash_bindings__.bindings, path) do %{type: existing_join_type} when join_type != existing_join_type -> raise "unreachable?" nil -> do_join_relationship(query, relationship, path, join_type, source) _ -> query end end defp do_join_relationship(query, %{type: :many_to_many} = relationship, path, kind, source) do relationship_through = maybe_get_resource_query(relationship.through) relationship_destination = Ecto.Queryable.to_query(maybe_get_resource_query(relationship.destination)) current_binding = Enum.find_value(query.__ash_bindings__.bindings, 0, fn {binding, data} -> if data.type == kind && data.path == Enum.reverse(path) do binding end end) new_query = case kind do {:aggregate, _, subquery} -> subquery = subquery( from(destination in subquery, where: field(destination, ^relationship.destination_field) == field( parent_as(:rel_through), ^relationship.destination_field_on_join_table ) ) ) from([{row, current_binding}] in query, left_join: through in ^relationship_through, as: :rel_through, on: field(row, ^relationship.source_field) == field(through, ^relationship.source_field_on_join_table), left_lateral_join: destination in ^subquery, on: field(destination, ^relationship.destination_field) == field(through, ^relationship.destination_field_on_join_table) ) :inner -> from([{row, current_binding}] in query, join: through in ^relationship_through, on: field(row, ^relationship.source_field) == field(through, ^relationship.source_field_on_join_table), join: destination in ^relationship_destination, on: field(destination, ^relationship.destination_field) == field(through, ^relationship.destination_field_on_join_table) ) _ -> from([{row, current_binding}] in query, left_join: through in ^relationship_through, on: field(row, ^relationship.source_field) == field(through, ^relationship.source_field_on_join_table), left_join: destination in ^relationship_destination, on: field(destination, ^relationship.destination_field) == field(through, ^relationship.destination_field_on_join_table) ) end join_path = Enum.reverse([String.to_existing_atom(to_string( <> "_join_assoc") | path]) full_path = Enum.reverse([ | path]) binding_data = case kind do {:aggregate, name, _agg} -> %{type: :aggregate, name: name, path: full_path, source: source} _ -> %{type: kind, path: full_path, source: source} end new_query |> add_binding(%{path: join_path, type: :left, source: source}) |> add_binding(binding_data) end defp do_join_relationship(query, relationship, path, kind, source) do relationship_destination = Ecto.Queryable.to_query(maybe_get_resource_query(relationship.destination)) current_binding = Enum.find_value(query.__ash_bindings__.bindings, 0, fn {binding, data} -> if data.type == kind && data.path == Enum.reverse(path) do binding end end) new_query = case kind do {:aggregate, _, subquery} -> subquery = from( sub in subquery( from(destination in subquery, where: field(destination, ^relationship.destination_field) == field(parent_as(:rel_source), ^relationship.source_field) ) ), select: field(sub, ^relationship.destination_field) ) from([{row, current_binding}] in query, as: :rel_source, left_lateral_join: destination in ^subquery, on: field(row, ^relationship.source_field) == field(destination, ^relationship.destination_field) ) :inner -> from([{row, current_binding}] in query, join: destination in ^relationship_destination, on: field(row, ^relationship.source_field) == field(destination, ^relationship.destination_field) ) _ -> from([{row, current_binding}] in query, left_join: destination in ^relationship_destination, on: field(row, ^relationship.source_field) == field(destination, ^relationship.destination_field) ) end full_path = Enum.reverse([ | path]) binding_data = case kind do {:aggregate, name, _agg} -> %{type: :aggregate, name: name, path: full_path, source: source} _ -> %{type: kind, path: full_path, source: source} end new_query |> add_binding(binding_data) end defp add_filter_expression(query, filter) do filter |> split_and_statements() |> Enum.reduce(query, fn filter, query -> clause = filter_to_dynamic_expr(filter, query.__ash_bindings__.bindings) from(row in query, where: ^clause ) end) end defp split_and_statements(%Filter{expression: expression}) do split_and_statements(expression) end defp split_and_statements(%Expression{op: :and, left: left, right: right}) do split_and_statements(left) ++ split_and_statements(right) end defp split_and_statements(%Not{expression: %Not{expression: expression}}) do split_and_statements(expression) end defp split_and_statements(%Not{expression: %Expression{op: :or, left: left, right: right}}) do split_and_statements(%Expression{ op: :and, left: %Not{expression: left}, right: %Not{expression: right} }) end defp split_and_statements(other), do: [other] defp filter_to_dynamic_expr(%Filter{expression: expression}, bindings) do filter_to_dynamic_expr(expression, bindings) end defp filter_to_dynamic_expr(nil, _), do: true defp filter_to_dynamic_expr(true, _), do: true defp filter_to_dynamic_expr(false, _), do: false defp filter_to_dynamic_expr(%Expression{op: :and, left: left, right: right}, bindings) do left = filter_to_dynamic_expr(left, bindings) right = filter_to_dynamic_expr(right, bindings) Ecto.Query.dynamic([row], ^left and ^right) end defp filter_to_dynamic_expr(%Expression{op: :or, left: left, right: right}, bindings) do left = filter_to_dynamic_expr(left, bindings) right = filter_to_dynamic_expr(right, bindings) Ecto.Query.dynamic([row], ^left or ^right) end defp filter_to_dynamic_expr(%Not{expression: expression}, bindings) do expression = filter_to_dynamic_expr(expression, bindings) Ecto.Query.dynamic([row], not (^expression)) end defp filter_to_dynamic_expr(%Predicate{} = pred, bindings) do %{predicate: predicate, relationship_path: relationship_path, attribute: attribute} = pred current_binding = case attribute do %Ash.Resource.Attribute{} -> Enum.find_value(bindings, fn {binding, data} -> data.path == relationship_path && data.type in [:left, :inner, :root] && binding end) %Ash.Query.Aggregate{} = aggregate -> Enum.find_value(bindings, fn {binding, data} -> data.path == aggregate.relationship_path && data.type == :aggregate && binding end) end type = Ash.Type.ecto_type(attribute.type) filter_value_to_dynamic_expr(attribute, predicate, type, current_binding) end defp filter_value_to_dynamic_expr(attribute, %Eq{value: value}, _type, current_binding) do Ecto.Query.dynamic([{row, current_binding}], field(row, ^ == ^value) end defp filter_value_to_dynamic_expr(attribute, %LessThan{value: value}, _type, current_binding) do Ecto.Query.dynamic([{row, current_binding}], field(row, ^ < ^value) end defp filter_value_to_dynamic_expr(attribute, %GreaterThan{value: value}, _type, current_binding) do Ecto.Query.dynamic([{row, current_binding}], field(row, ^ > ^value) end defp filter_value_to_dynamic_expr(attribute, %In{values: values}, _type, current_binding) do Ecto.Query.dynamic([{row, current_binding}], field(row, ^ in ^values) end defp filter_value_to_dynamic_expr(attribute, %IsNil{nil?: true}, _type, current_binding) do Ecto.Query.dynamic([{row, current_binding}], is_nil(field(row, ^ end defp filter_value_to_dynamic_expr(attribute, %IsNil{nil?: false}, _type, current_binding) do Ecto.Query.dynamic([{row, current_binding}], not is_nil(field(row, ^ end defp filter_value_to_dynamic_expr(attribute, %Trigram{} = trigram, _type, current_binding) do case trigram do %{equals: nil, greater_than: greater_than, less_than: nil, text: text} -> Ecto.Query.dynamic( [{row, current_binding}], fragment("similarity(?, ?) > ?", field(row, ^, ^text, ^greater_than) ) %{equals: nil, greater_than: nil, less_than: less_than, text: text} -> Ecto.Query.dynamic( [{row, current_binding}], fragment("similarity(?, ?) < ?", field(row, ^, ^text, ^less_than) ) %{equals: nil, greater_than: greater_than, less_than: less_than, text: text} -> Ecto.Query.dynamic( [{row, current_binding}], fragment( "similarity(?, ?) BETWEEN ? AND ?", field(row, ^, ^text, ^less_than, ^greater_than ) ) %{equals: equals, text: text} -> Ecto.Query.dynamic( [{row, current_binding}], fragment("similarity(?, ?) = ?", field(row, ^, ^text, ^equals) ) end end # IMPORTANT: We need to rework this so we don't need this hacky logic. # Specifically, we can't use dynamic expers in selects, so we need this for aggregates :( defp filter_to_expr(%Filter{expression: expression}, bindings, params) do filter_to_expr(expression, bindings, params) end # A nil filter means "everything" defp filter_to_expr(nil, _, _), do: {[], true} # A true filter means "everything" defp filter_to_expr(true, _, _), do: true # A false filter means "nothing" defp filter_to_expr(false, _, _), do: {[], false} defp filter_to_expr(%Expression{op: op, left: left, right: right}, bindings, params) do {params, left_expr} = filter_to_expr(left, bindings, params) {params, right_expr} = filter_to_expr(right, bindings, params) {params, {op, [], [left_expr, right_expr]}} end defp filter_to_expr(%Not{expression: expression}, bindings, params) do {params, new_expression} = filter_to_expr(expression, bindings, params) {params, {:not, [], [new_expression]}} end defp filter_to_expr(%Predicate{} = pred, bindings, params) do %{predicate: predicate, relationship_path: relationship_path, attribute: attribute} = pred current_binding = case attribute do %Ash.Resource.Attribute{} -> Enum.find_value(bindings, fn {binding, data} -> data.path == relationship_path && data.type in [:left, :root] && binding end) %Ash.Query.Aggregate{} = aggregate -> Enum.find_value(bindings, fn {binding, data} -> data.path == aggregate.relationship_path && data.type == :aggregate && binding end) end type = Ash.Type.ecto_type(attribute.type) filter_value_to_expr(, predicate, type, current_binding, params) end defp filter_value_to_expr(attribute, %Eq{value: value}, type, current_binding, params) do simple_operator_expr( :==, params, value, type, current_binding, attribute ) end defp filter_value_to_expr(attribute, %LessThan{value: value}, type, current_binding, params) do simple_operator_expr( :<, params, value, type, current_binding, attribute ) end defp filter_value_to_expr(attribute, %GreaterThan{value: value}, type, current_binding, params) do simple_operator_expr( :>, params, value, type, current_binding, attribute ) end defp filter_value_to_expr(attribute, %In{values: values}, type, current_binding, params) do simple_operator_expr( :in, params, values, {:in, type}, current_binding, attribute ) end defp filter_value_to_expr(attribute, %IsNil{nil?: true}, _type, current_binding, params) do {params, {:is_nil, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [current_binding]}, attribute]}, [], []}]}} end defp filter_value_to_expr(attribute, %IsNil{nil?: false}, _type, current_binding, params) do {params, {:not, [], [{:is_nil, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [current_binding]}, attribute]}, [], []}]}]}} end defp filter_value_to_expr( attribute, %Trigram{} = trigram, _type, current_binding, params ) do param_count = Enum.count(params) case trigram do %{equals: equals, greater_than: nil, less_than: nil, text: text} -> {params ++ [{text, {current_binding, attribute}}, {equals, :float}], {:fragment, [], [ raw: "similarity(", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [current_binding]}, attribute]}, [], []}, raw: ", ", expr: {:^, [], [param_count]}, raw: ") = ", expr: {:^, [], [param_count + 1]}, raw: "" ]}} %{equals: nil, greater_than: greater_than, less_than: nil, text: text} -> {params ++ [{text, {current_binding, attribute}}, {greater_than, :float}], {:fragment, [], [ raw: "similarity(", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [current_binding]}, attribute]}, [], []}, raw: ", ", expr: {:^, [], [param_count]}, raw: ") > ", expr: {:^, [], [param_count + 1]}, raw: "" ]}} %{equals: nil, greater_than: nil, less_than: less_than, text: text} -> {params ++ [{text, {current_binding, attribute}}, {less_than, :float}], {:fragment, [], [ raw: "similarity(", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [current_binding]}, attribute]}, [], []}, raw: ", ", expr: {:^, [], [param_count]}, raw: ") < ", expr: {:^, [], [param_count + 1]}, raw: "" ]}} %{equals: nil, greater_than: greater_than, less_than: less_than, text: text} -> {params ++ [{text, {current_binding, attribute}}, {less_than, :float}, {greater_than, :float}], {:fragment, [], [ raw: "similarity(", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [current_binding]}, attribute]}, [], []}, raw: ", ", expr: {:^, [], [param_count]}, raw: ") BETWEEN ", expr: {:^, [], [param_count + 1]}, raw: " AND ", expr: {:^, [], [param_count + 2]}, raw: "" ]}} end end defp simple_operator_expr(op, params, value, type, current_binding, attribute) do {params ++ [{value, type}], {op, [], [ {{:., [], [{:&, [], [current_binding]}, attribute]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [Enum.count(params)]} ]}} end defp add_binding(query, data) do current = query.__ash_bindings__.current bindings = query.__ash_bindings__.bindings new_ash_bindings = %{ query.__ash_bindings__ | bindings: Map.put(bindings, current, data), current: current + 1 } %{query | __ash_bindings__: new_ash_bindings} end @impl true def transaction(resource, func) do repo(resource).transaction(func) end @impl true def rollback(resource, term) do repo(resource).rollback(term) end defp maybe_get_resource_query(resource) do {table(resource), resource} end end