defmodule AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator do @moduledoc """ Generates migrations based on resource snapshots See `Mix.Tasks.AshPostgres.GenerateMigrations` for more information. """ @default_snapshot_path "priv/resource_snapshots" import Mix.Generator alias AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.{Operation, Phase} defstruct snapshot_path: @default_snapshot_path, migration_path: nil, quiet: false, format: true def generate(apis, opts \\ []) do apis = List.wrap(apis) opts = struct(__MODULE__, opts) snapshots = apis |> Enum.flat_map(&Ash.Api.resources/1) |> Enum.filter(&(Ash.Resource.data_layer(&1) == AshPostgres.DataLayer)) |> Enum.filter(&AshPostgres.migrate?/1) |> snapshots |> Enum.group_by(& &1.repo) |> Enum.each(fn {repo, snapshots} -> deduped = deduplicate_snapshots(snapshots, opts) snapshots =, &elem(&1, 0)) deduped |> fetch_operations() |> Enum.uniq() |> case do [] -> "No changes detected, so no migrations or snapshots have been created." ) :ok operations -> operations |> sort_operations() |> streamline() |> group_into_phases() |> build_up_and_down() |> write_migration(snapshots, repo, opts) end end) end defp deduplicate_snapshots(snapshots, opts) do snapshots |> Enum.group_by(fn snapshot -> snapshot.table end) |> {_table, [snapshot | _] = snapshots} -> existing_snapshot = get_existing_snapshot(snapshot, opts) {primary_key, identities} = merge_primary_keys(existing_snapshot, snapshots) attributes = Enum.flat_map(snapshots, & &1.attributes) snapshot_identities = snapshots |> &1.identities) |> Enum.concat() new_snapshot = %{ snapshot | attributes: merge_attributes(attributes, snapshot.table), identities: snapshot_identities } all_identities = new_snapshot.identities |> Kernel.++(identities) |> Enum.sort_by(& & |> Enum.uniq_by(fn identity -> Enum.sort(identity.keys) end) new_snapshot = %{new_snapshot | identities: all_identities} { %{ new_snapshot | attributes:, fn attribute -> if in primary_key do %{attribute | primary_key?: true} else %{attribute | primary_key?: false} end end) }, existing_snapshot } end) end defp merge_attributes(attributes, table) do attributes |> Enum.group_by(& & |> {_name, [attribute]} -> attribute {name, attributes} -> %{ name: name, type: merge_types(, & &1.type), name, table), default: merge_defaults(, & &1.default)), allow_nil?: Enum.any?(attributes, & &1.allow_nil?), references: merge_references(, & &1.references), name, table), primary_key?: false } end) end defp merge_references(references, name, table) do references |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1) |> Enum.uniq() |> case do [] -> nil [reference] -> reference references -> conflicting_table_field_names = Enum.map_join(references, "\n", fn reference -> "* #{reference.table}.#{reference.destination_field}" end) raise "Conflicting references for `#{table}.#{name}`:\n#{conflicting_table_field_names}" end end defp merge_types(types, name, table) do types |> Enum.uniq() |> case do [type] -> type types -> raise "Conflicting types for table `#{table}.#{name}`: #{inspect(types)}" end end defp merge_defaults(defaults) do defaults |> Enum.uniq() |> case do [default] -> default _ -> nil end end defp merge_primary_keys(nil, [snapshot | _] = snapshots) do snapshots |> |> Enum.uniq() |> case do [pkey_names] -> {pkey_names, []} unique_primary_keys -> unique_primary_key_names = unique_primary_keys |> Enum.with_index() |> Enum.map_join("\n", fn {pkey, index} -> "#{index}: #{inspect(pkey)}" end) message = """ Which primary key should be used for the table `#{snapshot.table}` (enter the number)? #{unique_primary_key_names} """ choice = message |> |> String.to_integer() identities = unique_primary_keys |> List.delete_at(choice) |> pkey_names -> pkey_name_string = Enum.join(pkey_names, "_") name = snapshot.table <> "_" <> pkey_name_string %{ keys: pkey_names, name: name } end) primary_key = Enum.sort(, choice)) identities = Enum.reject(identities, fn identity -> Enum.sort(identity.keys) == primary_key end) {primary_key, identities} end end defp merge_primary_keys(existing_snapshot, snapshots) do pkey_names = pkey_names(existing_snapshot.attributes) one_pkey_exists? = Enum.any?(snapshots, fn snapshot -> pkey_names(snapshot.attributes) == pkey_names end) if one_pkey_exists? do identities = snapshots |> |> Enum.uniq() |> Enum.reject(&(&1 == pkey_names)) |> pkey_names -> pkey_name_string = Enum.join(pkey_names, "_") name = existing_snapshot.table <> "_" <> pkey_name_string %{ keys: pkey_names, name: name } end) {pkey_names, identities} else merge_primary_keys(nil, snapshots) end end defp pkey_names(attributes) do attributes |> Enum.filter(& &1.primary_key?) |> & |> Enum.sort() end defp write_migration({up, down}, snapshots, repo, opts) do repo_name = repo |> Module.split() |> List.last() |> Macro.underscore() Enum.each(snapshots, fn snapshot -> snapshot_binary = snapshot_to_binary(snapshot) snapshot_file = opts.snapshot_path |> Path.join(repo_name) |> Path.join(snapshot.table <> ".json") File.mkdir_p(Path.dirname(snapshot_file)) File.write!(snapshot_file, snapshot_binary, []) end) migration_path = if opts.migration_path do opts.migration_path else "priv/" end |> Path.join(repo_name) |> Path.join("migrations") count = migration_path |> Path.join("*_migrate_resources*") |> Path.wildcard() |> Enum.count() |> Kernel.+(1) migration_name = "#{timestamp()}_migrate_resources#{count}" migration_file = migration_path |> Path.join(migration_name <> ".exs") module_name = Module.concat([repo, Migrations, Macro.camelize("migrate_resources#{count}")]) contents = """ defmodule #{inspect(module_name)} do @moduledoc \"\"\" Updates resources based on their most recent snapshots. This file was autogenerated with `mix ash_postgres.generate_migrations` \"\"\" use Ecto.Migration def up() do #{up} end def down() do #{down} end end """ create_file(migration_file, format(contents, opts)) end defp build_up_and_down(phases) do up = Enum.map_join(phases, "\n", fn phase -> phase.__struct__.up(phase) <> "\n" end) down = phases |> Enum.reverse() |> Enum.map_join("\n", fn phase -> phase.__struct__.down(phase) <> "\n" end) {up, down} end defp format(string, opts) do if opts.format do Code.format_string!(string) else string end end defp streamline(ops, acc \\ []) defp streamline([], acc), do: Enum.reverse(acc) defp streamline( [ %Operation.AddAttribute{ attribute: %{ name: name }, table: table } = add, %AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.Operation.AlterAttribute{ new_attribute: %{ name: name, references: references }, old_attribute: %{ name: name }, table: table } | rest ], acc ) when not is_nil(references) do new_attribute = Map.put(add.attribute, :references, references) streamline( rest, [%{add | attribute: new_attribute} | acc] ) end defp streamline([first | rest], acc) do streamline(rest, [first | acc]) end defp group_into_phases(ops, current \\ nil, acc \\ []) defp group_into_phases([], nil, acc), do: Enum.reverse(acc) defp group_into_phases([], phase, acc) do phase = %{phase | operations: Enum.reverse(phase.operations)} Enum.reverse([phase | acc]) end defp group_into_phases([%Operation.CreateTable{table: table} | rest], nil, acc) do group_into_phases(rest, %Phase.Create{table: table}, acc) end defp group_into_phases( [%Operation.AddAttribute{table: table} = op | rest], %{table: table} = phase, acc ) do group_into_phases(rest, %{phase | operations: [op | phase.operations]}, acc) end defp group_into_phases( [%Operation.AlterAttribute{table: table} = op | rest], %{table: table} = phase, acc ) do group_into_phases(rest, %{phase | operations: [op | phase.operations]}, acc) end defp group_into_phases( [%Operation.RenameAttribute{table: table} = op | rest], %{table: table} = phase, acc ) do group_into_phases(rest, %{phase | operations: [op | phase.operations]}, acc) end defp group_into_phases( [%Operation.RemoveAttribute{table: table} = op | rest], %{table: table} = phase, acc ) do group_into_phases(rest, %{phase | operations: [op | phase.operations]}, acc) end defp group_into_phases([operation | rest], nil, acc) do group_into_phases(rest, nil, [ %Phase.Alter{operations: [operation], table: operation.table} | acc ]) end defp group_into_phases(operations, phase, acc) do phase = %{phase | operations: Enum.reverse(phase.operations)} group_into_phases(operations, nil, [phase | acc]) end defp sort_operations(ops, acc \\ []) defp sort_operations([], acc), do: acc defp sort_operations([op | rest], []), do: sort_operations(rest, [op]) defp sort_operations([op | rest], acc) do acc = Enum.reverse(acc) after_index = Enum.find_index(acc, &after?(op, &1)) new_acc = if after_index do acc |> List.insert_at(after_index, op) |> Enum.reverse() else [op | Enum.reverse(acc)] end sort_operations(rest, new_acc) end defp after?( %Operation.AddUniqueIndex{identity: %{keys: keys}, table: table}, %Operation.AddAttribute{table: table, attribute: %{name: name}} ) do name in keys end defp after?( %Operation.AddUniqueIndex{identity: %{keys: keys}, table: table}, %Operation.AlterAttribute{table: table, new_attribute: %{name: name}} ) do name in keys end defp after?( %Operation.AddUniqueIndex{identity: %{keys: keys}, table: table}, %Operation.RenameAttribute{table: table, new_attribute: %{name: name}} ) do name in keys end defp after?( %Operation.RemoveUniqueIndex{identity: %{keys: keys}, table: table}, %Operation.RemoveAttribute{table: table, attribute: %{name: name}} ) do name in keys end defp after?( %Operation.RemoveUniqueIndex{identity: %{keys: keys}, table: table}, %Operation.RenameAttribute{table: table, old_attribute: %{name: name}} ) do name in keys end defp after?(%Operation.AddAttribute{table: table}, %Operation.CreateTable{table: table}) do true end defp after?( %Operation.AddAttribute{ attribute: %{ references: %{table: table, destination_field: name} } }, %Operation.AddAttribute{table: table, attribute: %{name: name}} ), do: true defp after?( %Operation.AddAttribute{ table: table, attribute: %{ primary_key?: false } }, %Operation.AddAttribute{table: table, attribute: %{primary_key?: true}} ), do: true defp after?( %Operation.AddAttribute{ table: table, attribute: %{ primary_key?: true } }, %Operation.RemoveAttribute{table: table, attribute: %{primary_key?: true}} ), do: true defp after?( %Operation.AlterAttribute{ table: table, new_attribute: %{primary_key?: false}, old_attribute: %{primary_key?: true} }, %Operation.AddAttribute{ table: table, attribute: %{ primary_key?: true } } ), do: true defp after?( %Operation.RemoveAttribute{attribute: %{name: name}, table: table}, %Operation.AlterAttribute{ old_attribute: %{references: %{table: table, destination_field: name}} } ), do: true defp after?( %Operation.AlterAttribute{ new_attribute: %{ references: %{table: table, destination_field: name} } }, %Operation.AddAttribute{table: table, attribute: %{name: name}} ), do: true defp after?(%Operation.AddUniqueIndex{table: table}, %Operation.CreateTable{table: table}) do true end defp after?(%Operation.AlterAttribute{new_attribute: %{references: references}}, _) when not is_nil(references), do: true defp after?(_, _), do: false defp fetch_operations(snapshots) do Enum.flat_map(snapshots, fn {snapshot, existing_snapshot} -> do_fetch_operations(snapshot, existing_snapshot) end) end defp do_fetch_operations(snapshot, existing_snapshot, acc \\ []) defp do_fetch_operations(snapshot, nil, acc) do empty_snapshot = %{ attributes: [], identities: [], table: snapshot.table, repo: snapshot.repo } do_fetch_operations(snapshot, empty_snapshot, [ %Operation.CreateTable{table: snapshot.table} | acc ]) end defp do_fetch_operations(snapshot, old_snapshot, acc) do attribute_operations = attribute_operations(snapshot, old_snapshot) unique_indexes_to_remove = old_snapshot.identities |> Enum.reject(fn old_identity -> Enum.find(snapshot.identities, fn identity -> Enum.sort(old_identity.keys) == Enum.sort(identity.keys) end) end) |> identity -> %Operation.RemoveUniqueIndex{identity: identity, table: snapshot.table} end) unique_indexes_to_add = snapshot.identities |> Enum.reject(fn identity -> Enum.find(old_snapshot.identities, fn old_identity -> Enum.sort(old_identity.keys) == Enum.sort(identity.keys) end) end) |> identity -> %Operation.AddUniqueIndex{identity: identity, table: snapshot.table} end) attribute_operations ++ unique_indexes_to_add ++ unique_indexes_to_remove ++ acc end defp attribute_operations(snapshot, old_snapshot) do attributes_to_add = Enum.reject(snapshot.attributes, fn attribute -> Enum.find(old_snapshot.attributes, &(& == end) attributes_to_remove = Enum.reject(old_snapshot.attributes, fn attribute -> Enum.find(snapshot.attributes, &(& == end) {attributes_to_add, attributes_to_remove, attributes_to_rename} = resolve_renames(attributes_to_add, attributes_to_remove) attributes_to_alter = snapshot.attributes |> attribute -> {attribute, Enum.find(old_snapshot.attributes, &(& == && &1 != attribute))} end) |> Enum.filter(&elem(&1, 1)) rename_attribute_events =, fn {new, old} -> %Operation.RenameAttribute{new_attribute: new, old_attribute: old, table: snapshot.table} end) add_attribute_events = Enum.flat_map(attributes_to_add, fn attribute -> if attribute.references do [ %Operation.AddAttribute{ attribute: Map.delete(attribute, :references), table: snapshot.table }, %Operation.AlterAttribute{ old_attribute: Map.delete(attribute, :references), new_attribute: attribute, table: snapshot.table } ] else [ %Operation.AddAttribute{ attribute: attribute, table: snapshot.table } ] end end) alter_attribute_events = Enum.flat_map(attributes_to_alter, fn {new_attribute, old_attribute} -> if new_attribute.references do [ %Operation.AlterAttribute{ new_attribute: Map.delete(new_attribute, :references), old_attribute: old_attribute, table: snapshot.table }, %Operation.AlterAttribute{ new_attribute: new_attribute, old_attribute: Map.delete(new_attribute, :references), table: snapshot.table } ] else [ %Operation.AlterAttribute{ new_attribute: new_attribute, old_attribute: old_attribute, table: snapshot.table } ] end end) remove_attribute_events =, fn attribute -> %Operation.RemoveAttribute{attribute: attribute, table: snapshot.table} end) add_attribute_events ++ alter_attribute_events ++ remove_attribute_events ++ rename_attribute_events end def get_existing_snapshot(snapshot, opts) do repo_name = snapshot.repo |> Module.split() |> List.last() |> Macro.underscore() folder = Path.join(opts.snapshot_path, repo_name) file = Path.join(folder, snapshot.table <> ".json") if File.exists?(file) do existing_snapshot = file |>!() |> load_snapshot() existing_snapshot end end defp resolve_renames(adding, []), do: {adding, [], []} defp resolve_renames([adding], [removing]) do if"Are you renaming :#{} to :#{}?") do {[], [], [{adding, removing}]} else {[adding], [removing], []} end end defp resolve_renames(adding, [removing | rest]) do {new_adding, new_removing, new_renames} = if"Are you renaming :#{}?") do new_attribute = get_new_attribute(adding) {adding -- [new_attribute], [], [{new_attribute, removing}]} else {adding, [removing], []} end {rest_adding, rest_removing, rest_renames} = resolve_renames(new_adding, rest) {new_adding ++ rest_adding, new_removing ++ rest_removing, rest_renames ++ new_renames} end defp get_new_attribute(adding, tries \\ 3) defp get_new_attribute(_adding, 0) do raise "Could not get matching name after 3 attempts." end defp get_new_attribute(adding, tries) do name = "What are you renaming it to?: #{Enum.map_join(adding, ", ", & &}" ) case Enum.find(adding, &(to_string(& == name)) do nil -> get_new_attribute(adding, tries - 1) new_attribute -> new_attribute end end defp timestamp do {{y, m, d}, {hh, mm, ss}} = :calendar.universal_time() "#{y}#{pad(m)}#{pad(d)}#{pad(hh)}#{pad(mm)}#{pad(ss)}" end defp pad(i) when i < 10, do: <> defp pad(i), do: to_string(i) def get_snapshot(resource) do snapshot = %{ attributes: attributes(resource), identities: identities(resource), table: AshPostgres.table(resource), repo: AshPostgres.repo(resource) } hash = :sha256 |> :crypto.hash(inspect(snapshot)) |> Base.encode16() Map.put(snapshot, :hash, hash) end def attributes(resource) do repo = AshPostgres.repo(resource) resource |> Ash.Resource.attributes() |> Enum.sort_by(& & |>, [:name, :type, :default, :allow_nil?, :primary_key?])) |> attribute -> default = default(attribute, repo) attribute |> Map.put(:default, default) |> Map.update!(:type, fn type -> type |> Ash.Type.storage_type() |> migration_type() end) end) |> attribute -> references = find_reference(resource, attribute) Map.put(attribute, :references, references) end) end defp find_reference(resource, attribute) do Enum.find_value(Ash.Resource.relationships(resource), fn relationship -> if == relationship.source_field && relationship.type == :belongs_to && foreign_key?(relationship) do %{ destination_field: relationship.destination_field, table: AshPostgres.table(relationship.destination) } end end) end defp migration_type(:string), do: :text defp migration_type(:integer), do: :integer defp migration_type(:boolean), do: :boolean defp migration_type(:binary_id), do: :binary_id defp migration_type(other), do: raise("No migration_type set up for #{other}") defp foreign_key?(relationship) do Ash.Resource.data_layer(relationship.source) == AshPostgres.DataLayer && AshPostgres.repo(relationship.source) == AshPostgres.repo(relationship.destination) end defp identities(resource) do resource |> Ash.Resource.identities() |> Enum.filter(fn identity -> Enum.all?(identity.keys, fn key -> Ash.Resource.attribute(resource, key) end) end) |> Enum.sort_by(& & |>, [:name, :keys])) end if :erlang.function_exported(Ash, :uuid, 0) do @uuid_functions [&Ash.uuid/0, &Ecto.UUID.generate/0] else @uuid_functions [&Ecto.UUID.generate/0] end defp default(%{default: default}, repo) when is_function(default) do cond do default in @uuid_functions && "uuid-ossp" in (repo.config()[:installed_extensions] || []) -> ~S[fragment("uuid_generate_v4()")] default == (&DateTime.utc_now/0) -> ~S[fragment("now()")] true -> "nil" end end defp default(%{default: {_, _, _}}, _), do: "nil" defp default(%{default: value, type: type}, _) do case Ash.Type.dump_to_native(type, value) do {:ok, value} -> inspect(value) _ -> "nil" end end defp snapshot_to_binary(snapshot) do Jason.encode!(snapshot, pretty: true) end defp load_snapshot(json) do json |> Jason.decode!(keys: :atoms!) |> Map.update!(:identities, fn identities ->, &load_identity/1) end) |> Map.update!(:attributes, fn attributes ->, &load_attribute/1) end) |> Map.update!(:repo, &String.to_atom/1) end defp load_attribute(attribute) do attribute |> Map.update!(:type, &String.to_atom/1) |> Map.update!(:name, &String.to_atom/1) |> Map.update!(:references, fn nil -> nil references -> Map.update!(references, :destination_field, &String.to_atom/1) end) end defp load_identity(identity) do identity |> Map.update!(:name, &String.to_atom/1) |> Map.update!(:keys, fn keys ->, &String.to_atom/1) end) end end