defmodule AshPostgres do @behaviour Ash.DataLayer defmacro __using__(opts) do quote bind_quoted: [repo: opts[:repo]] do @data_layer AshPostgres @repo repo unless repo do raise "You must pass the `repo` option to `use AshPostgres` for #{__MODULE__}" end unless repo.__adapter__() == Ecto.Adapters.Postgres do raise "Only Ecto.Adapters.Postgres is supported with AshPostgres for now" end def repo() do @repo end end end def repo(resource) do resource.repo() end import Ecto.Query, only: [from: 2] @impl true def limit(query, limit, _resource) do {:ok, from(row in query, limit: ^limit)} end @impl true def offset(query, offset, _resource) do {:ok, from(row in query, offset: ^offset)} end @impl true def run_query(query, resource) do {:ok, repo(resource).all(query)} end @impl true def resource_to_query(resource), do: Ecto.Queryable.to_query(resource) @impl true def create(resource, changeset, relationships) do repo = repo(resource) repo.transaction(fn -> changeset = cast_assocs(changeset, repo, resource, relationships) result = try do changeset |> repo.insert() |> case do {:ok, result} -> result {:error, changeset} -> repo.rollback(changeset) end rescue e -> repo.rollback(e) end case changeset do %{__after_action__: [_ | _] = after_action_hooks} -> Enum.each(after_action_hooks, fn hook -> case hook.(changeset, result, repo) do :ok -> :ok {:error, error} -> repo.rollback(error) :error -> repo.rollback(:error) end end) result _ -> result end end) end @impl true def sort(query, sort, _resource) do {:ok, from(row in query, order_by: ^sort )} end @impl true def filter(query, filter, resource) do Enum.reduce(filter, {:ok, query}, fn _, {:error, error} -> {:error, error} {key, value}, {:ok, query} -> do_filter(query, key, value, resource) end) end defp do_filter( query, :from_related, {records, %{cardinality: :many_to_many} = relationship}, _resource ) do ids =, &Map.get(&1, relationship.source_field)) {:ok, from(row in query, join: join_row in ^relationship.through, on: field(join_row, ^relationship.destination_field_on_join_table) == field(row, ^relationship.destination_field), where: field(join_row, ^relationship.source_field_on_join_table) in ^ids, select_merge: %{__related_id__: field(join_row, ^relationship.source_field_on_join_table)} )} end defp do_filter(query, :from_related, {records, relationship}, _resource) do ids =, &Map.get(&1, relationship.source_field)) {:ok, from(row in query, where: field(row, ^relationship.destination_field) in ^ids )} end # TODO This is a really dumb implementation of this. defp do_filter(query, key, value, resource) do cond do attr = Ash.attribute(resource, key) -> filter_attribute(query, attr, value, resource) rel = Ash.relationship(resource, key) -> filter_relationship(query, rel, value, resource) true -> {:error, "No such filter"} end end defp filter_attribute(query, attribute, value, _resource) do query = from(row in query, where: field(row, ^ == ^value ) {:ok, query} end # Only supports a single id for now defp filter_relationship(query, %{name: name}, id, _resource) do query = from(row in query, join: related in assoc(row, ^name), where: == ^id ) {:ok, query} end @impl true def can_query_async?(resource) do repo(resource).in_transaction?() end def cast_assocs(changeset, repo, resource, relationships) do Enum.reduce(relationships, changeset, fn {relationship, value}, changeset -> case Ash.relationship(resource, relationship) do %{type: :belongs_to, source_field: source_field} -> belongs_to_assoc_update(changeset, source_field, value) %{type: :has_one} = rel -> has_one_assoc_update(changeset, repo, rel, value) %{type: :has_many} = rel -> has_many_assoc_update(changeset, rel, value) %{type: :many_to_many} = rel -> many_to_many_assoc_update(changeset, rel, value, repo) _ -> changeset end end) end defp has_one_assoc_update( changeset, repo, %{ destination: destination, destination_field: destination_field, source_field: source_field }, identifier ) do Ecto.Changeset.prepare_changes(changeset, fn changeset -> value = case identifier do %{id: id} -> id nil -> nil _ -> raise "what" end query = from(row in destination, where: field(row, ^destination_field) == ^Ecto.Changeset.get_field(changeset, source_field) ) repo.update_all(query, set: [{destination_field, value}]) changeset end) end defp belongs_to_assoc_update(changeset, source_field, %{id: id}) do Ecto.Changeset.cast(changeset, %{source_field => id}, [source_field]) end defp belongs_to_assoc_update(changeset, source_field, nil) do Ecto.Changeset.cast(changeset, %{source_field => nil}, [source_field]) end defp has_many_assoc_update( changeset, %{ destination: destination, destination_field: destination_field, source_field: source_field }, values ) do ids = values |>, :id)) |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1) add_after_action_hook(changeset, fn _changeset, result, repo -> field_value = Map.get(result, source_field) query = from(row in destination, where: in ^ids ) repo.update_all(query, set: [{destination_field, field_value}]) :ok end) end defp many_to_many_assoc_update( changeset, %{ through: through, source_field: source_field, source_field_on_join_table: source_field_on_join_table, destination_field_on_join_table: destination_field_on_join_table }, values, repo ) do ids = values |>, :id)) |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1) source_id = Ecto.Changeset.get_field( changeset, source_field ) changeset |> Ecto.Changeset.prepare_changes(fn changeset -> delete_now_unrelated_ids( repo, source_id, through, source_field_on_join_table, destination_field_on_join_table, ids ) changeset end) |> add_after_action_hook(fn _changeset, _result, repo -> upsert_join_table_rows( repo, source_id, through, values, source_field_on_join_table, destination_field_on_join_table ) end) end defp delete_now_unrelated_ids( repo, source_id, through, source_field_on_join_table, destination_field_on_join_table, ids ) do query = from(join_row in through, where: field(join_row, ^destination_field_on_join_table) not in ^ids, where: field(join_row, ^source_field_on_join_table) == ^source_id ) repo.delete_all(query) end defp upsert_join_table_rows( repo, source_id, through, values, source_field_on_join_table, destination_field_on_join_table ) do Enum.each(values, fn fields -> update_fields = Map.delete(fields, :id) cond do update_fields == %{} && is_nil(Map.get(fields, :id)) -> :ok is_bitstring(through) -> :ok true -> # TODO: This needs to be wired up properly # (fields/changes need to come from resource/relationship config) attributes = update_fields |> Map.put(source_field_on_join_table, source_id) |> Map.put(destination_field_on_join_table, Map.get(fields, :id)) changeset = through |> struct() |> Ecto.Changeset.cast(attributes, Map.keys(attributes)) repo.insert(changeset, on_conflict: :replace_all_except_primary_key, conflict_target: [source_field_on_join_table, destination_field_on_join_table] ) :ok end end) end defp add_after_action_hook(changeset, hook) do changeset |> Map.put_new(:__after_action__, []) |> Map.update!(:__after_action__, fn list -> [hook | list] end) end # Copied from an older file, to be added as more functionality is added back in # @impl true # def update(%resource{} = record, _action, attributes, relationships, _params) do # @repo.transaction(fn -> # changeset = # record # |> Ecto.Changeset.cast(attributes, Map.keys(attributes)) # |> AshPostgres.DataLayer.cast_assocs(@repo, resource, relationships) # result = # case @repo.update(changeset) do # {:ok, result} -> result # {:error, changeset} -> @repo.rollback(changeset) # end # case changeset do # %{__after_action__: [_ | _] = after_action_hooks} -> # Enum.each(after_action_hooks, fn hook -> # case hook.(changeset, result, @repo) do # :ok -> :ok # {:error, error} -> @repo.rollback(error) # :error -> @repo.rollback(:error) # end # end) # result # _other -> # result # end # end) # end # @impl true # def append_related(record, relationship, resource_identifiers) do # @repo.transaction(fn -> # AshPostgres.DataLayer.append_related(@repo, record, relationship, resource_identifiers) # end) # end # @impl true # def delete_related(record, relationship, resource_identifiers) do # @repo.transaction(fn -> # AshPostgres.DataLayer.delete_related(@repo, record, relationship, resource_identifiers) # end) # end # @impl true # def replace_related(record, relationship, resource_identifiers) do # @repo.transaction(fn -> # AshPostgres.DataLayer.replace_related(@repo, record, relationship, resource_identifiers) # end) # end # @impl true # def delete(record, _action, _params) do # @repo.delete(record) # end end end # @doc false # def replace_related( # repo, # record, # %{ # type: :many_to_many, # through: through, # source_field: source_field, # source_field_on_join_table: source_field_on_join_table, # destination_field_on_join_table: destination_field_on_join_table # }, # identifiers # ) do # ids = identifiers |>, :id)) |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1) # source_id = Map.get(record, source_field) # delete_now_unrelated_ids( # repo, # source_id, # through, # source_field_on_join_table, # destination_field_on_join_table, # ids # ) # upsert_join_table_rows( # repo, # source_id, # through, # identifiers, # source_field_on_join_table, # destination_field_on_join_table # ) # record # end # def replace_related( # repo, # record, # %{ # type: :has_many, # source_field: source_field, # destination: destination, # destination_field: destination_field # }, # identifiers # ) do # ids = identifiers |>, :id)) |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1) # field_value = Map.get(record, source_field) # query = # from(row in destination, # where: in ^ids # ) # repo.update_all(query, set: [{destination_field, field_value}]) # record # end # def replace_related( # repo, # record, # %{ # type: :belongs_to, # source_field: source_field # }, # identifier # ) do # value = # case identifier do # %{id: id} -> id # nil -> nil # _ -> raise "what do" # end # record # |> Ecto.Changeset.cast(%{source_field => value}, [source_field]) # |> repo.update() # |> case do # {:ok, record} -> record # {:error, error} -> repo.rollback(error) # end # end # def replace_related( # repo, # record, # %{ # type: :has_one, # source_field: source_field, # destination_field: destination_field, # destination: destination # }, # identifier # ) do # value = # case identifier do # %{id: id} -> id # nil -> nil # _ -> raise "what" # end # query = # from(row in destination, # where: field(row, ^destination_field) == ^Map.get(record, source_field) # ) # repo.update_all(query, set: [{destination_field, value}]) # record # end # @doc false # def append_related(repo, record, %{type: :many_to_many} = relationship, identifiers) do # source_id = Map.get(record, relationship.source_field) # upsert_join_table_rows( # repo, # source_id, # relationship.through, # identifiers, # relationship.source_field_on_join_table, # relationship.destination_field_on_join_table # ) # record # end # def append_related( # repo, # record, # %{type: :has_many, destination: destination, destination_field: destination_field}, # identifiers # ) do # ids = # identifiers # |>, :id)) # |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1) # query = # from(related in destination, # where: in ^ids, # where: field(related, ^destination_field) != ^ # ) # repo.update_all(query, set: [{destination_field,}]) # end # @doc false # def delete_related(repo, record, %{type: :many_to_many} = relationship, identifiers) do # source_id = Map.get(record, relationship.source_field) # ids = # identifiers # |>, :id)) # |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1) # delete_related_ids( # repo, # source_id, # relationship.through, # relationship.source_field_on_join_table, # relationship.destination_field_on_join_table, # ids # ) # record # end # def delete_related( # repo, # record, # %{type: :has_many, destination: destination, destination_field: destination_field}, # identifiers # ) do # ids = # identifiers # |>, :id)) # |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1) # query = # from(related in destination, # where: in ^ids, # where: field(related, ^destination_field) != ^ # ) # # TODO: Validate the a delete_related action doesn't exist for has_many relationships # # where the destination field is not nullable. That will only ever error. # repo.update_all(query, set: [{destination_field,}]) # end # defp delete_related_ids( # repo, # source_id, # through, # source_field_on_join_table, # destination_field_on_join_table, # ids # ) do # query = # from(join_row in through, # where: field(join_row, ^destination_field_on_join_table) in ^ids, # where: field(join_row, ^source_field_on_join_table) == ^source_id # ) # repo.delete_all(query) # end # def add_through_schema_fields(repo, resource, includes) when is_list(includes) do # Enum.flat_map(includes, fn {rel, further} -> # case Ash.relationship(resource, rel) do # %{type: :many_to_many, destination: destination} = relationship -> # [ # {rel, &fetch_and_add_through_row(&1, repo, relationship)}, # {rel, add_through_schema_fields(repo, destination, further)} # ] # %{destination: destination} -> # [ # {rel, add_through_schema_fields(repo, destination, further)} # ] # end # end) # end # def add_through_schema_fields(_repo, _resource, includes), do: includes # defp fetch_and_add_through_row(source_ids, repo, relationship) do # query = # from(join_row in relationship.through, # where: # type(field(join_row, ^relationship.source_field_on_join_table), :binary_id) in ^source_ids, # join: destination_row in ^relationship.destination, # on: # type(field(join_row, ^relationship.destination_field_on_join_table), :binary_id) == # field(destination_row, ^relationship.destination_field) # ) # query # |> add_select(relationship) # |> repo.all() # |> {destination_row, join_row} -> # {Map.get(join_row, relationship.source_field_on_join_table), # Map.put(destination_row, :__join_row__, join_row)} # end) # end # defp add_select(query, relationship) do # case relationship.through do # string when is_bitstring(string) -> # from([join_row, destination_row] in query, # select: # {destination_row, # %{ # ^relationship.source_field_on_join_table => # type(field(join_row, ^relationship.source_field_on_join_table), :binary_id), # ^relationship.destination_field_on_join_table => # type(field(join_row, ^relationship.destination_field_on_join_table), :binary_id) # }} # ) # module when is_atom(module) -> # from([join_row, destination_row] in query, # select: {destination_row, join_row} # ) # end # end end