defmodule AshPostgres.MigrationGeneratorTest do use AshPostgres.RepoCase, async: false defmacrop defposts(mod \\ Post, do: body) do quote do Code.compiler_options(ignore_module_conflict: true) defmodule unquote(mod) do use Ash.Resource, data_layer: AshPostgres.DataLayer postgres do table "posts" repo AshPostgres.TestRepo end actions do read(:read) create(:create) end unquote(body) end Code.compiler_options(ignore_module_conflict: false) end end defmacrop defapi(resources) do quote do Code.compiler_options(ignore_module_conflict: true) defmodule Api do use Ash.Api resources do for resource <- unquote(resources) do resource(resource) end end end Code.compiler_options(ignore_module_conflict: false) end end describe "creating initial snapshots" do setup do on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf!("test_snapshots_path") File.rm_rf!("test_migration_path") end) defposts do resource do identities do identity(:title, [:title]) end end attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:title, :string) end end defapi([Post]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Api, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) :ok end test "it creates a snapshot for each resource" do assert File.exists?(Path.wildcard("test_snapshots_path/test_repo/posts/*.json")) end test "the snapshots can be loaded" do assert File.exists?(Path.wildcard("test_snapshots_path/test_repo/posts/*.json")) end test "the snapshots contain valid json" do assert!(Path.wildcard("test_snapshots_path/test_repo/posts/*.json")) |> Jason.decode!(keys: :atoms!) end test "the migration creates the table" do assert [file] = Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs") assert!(file) =~ "create table(:posts, primary_key: false) do" end test "the migration adds the id, with its default" do assert [file] = Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs") assert!(file) =~ ~S[add :id, :binary_id, null: false, default: fragment("uuid_generate_v4()"), primary_key: true] end test "the migration adds other attributes" do assert [file] = Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs") assert!(file) =~ ~S[add :title, :text] end test "the migration creates unique_indexes based on the identities of the resource" do assert [file] = Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs") assert!(file) =~ ~S{create unique_index(:posts, [:title], name: "posts_title_unique_index")} end end describe "creating follow up migrations" do setup do on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf!("test_snapshots_path") File.rm_rf!("test_migration_path") end) defposts do resource do identities do identity(:title, [:title]) end end attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:title, :string) end end defapi([Post]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Api, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) :ok end test "when adding a field, it adds the field" do defposts do resource do identities do identity(:title, [:title]) end end attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:title, :string) attribute(:name, :string, allow_nil?: false) end end defapi([Post]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Api, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert [_file1, file2] = Enum.sort(Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs")) assert!(file2) =~ ~S[add :name, :text, null: false] end test "when renaming a field, it asks if you are renaming it, and renames it if you are" do defposts do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:name, :string, allow_nil?: false) end end defapi([Post]) send(self(), {:mix_shell_input, :yes?, true}) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Api, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert [_file1, file2] = Enum.sort(Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs")) assert!(file2) =~ ~S[rename table(:posts), :title, to: :name] end test "when renaming a field, it asks if you are renaming it, and adds it if you aren't" do defposts do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:name, :string, allow_nil?: false) end end defapi([Post]) send(self(), {:mix_shell_input, :yes?, false}) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Api, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert [_file1, file2] = Enum.sort(Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs")) assert!(file2) =~ ~S[add :name, :text, null: false] end test "when renaming a field, it asks which field you are renaming it to, and renames it if you are" do defposts do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:name, :string, allow_nil?: false) attribute(:subject, :string, allow_nil?: false) end end defapi([Post]) send(self(), {:mix_shell_input, :yes?, true}) send(self(), {:mix_shell_input, :prompt, "subject"}) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Api, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert [_file1, file2] = Enum.sort(Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs")) assert!(file2) =~ ~S[rename table(:posts), :title, to: :subject] end test "when renaming a field, it asks which field you are renaming it to, and adds it if you arent" do defposts do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:name, :string, allow_nil?: false) attribute(:subject, :string, allow_nil?: false) end end defapi([Post]) send(self(), {:mix_shell_input, :yes?, false}) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Api, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert [_file1, file2] = Enum.sort(Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs")) assert!(file2) =~ ~S[add :subject, :text, null: false] end test "when changing the primary key, it changes properly" do defposts do attributes do attribute(:id, :uuid, primary_key?: false, default: &Ecto.UUID.generate/0) uuid_primary_key(:guid) attribute(:title, :string) end end defapi([Post]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Api, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert [_file1, file2] = Enum.sort(Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs")) assert!(file2) =~ ~S[add :guid, :binary_id, null: false, default: fragment("uuid_generate_v4()"), primary_key: true] end test "when multiple schemas apply to the same table, all attributes are added" do defposts do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:title, :string) attribute(:foobar, :string) end end defposts Post2 do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:name, :string) end end defapi([Post, Post2]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Api, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert [_file1, file2] = Enum.sort(Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs")) assert!(file2) =~ ~S[add :foobar, :text] assert!(file2) =~ ~S[add :foobar, :text] end end describe "auto incrementing integer, when generated" do setup do on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf!("test_snapshots_path") File.rm_rf!("test_migration_path") end) defposts do attributes do attribute(:id, :integer, generated?: true, allow_nil?: false, primary_key?: true) attribute(:views, :integer) end end defapi([Post]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Api, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) :ok end test "when an integer is generated and default nil, it is a serial" do assert [file] = Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs") assert!(file) =~ ~S[add :id, :serial, null: false, primary_key: true] assert!(file) =~ ~S[add :views, :integer] end end describe "--check_migrated option" do setup do defposts do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:title, :string) end end defapi([Post]) [api: Api] end test "returns code(1) if snapshots and resources don't fit", %{api: api} do assert catch_exit( AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(api, snapshot_path: "test_snapshot_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", check_generated: true ) ) == {:shutdown, 1} refute File.exists?(Path.wildcard("test_migration_path2/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs")) refute File.exists?(Path.wildcard("test_snapshots_path2/test_repo/posts/*.json")) end end end