defmodule AshPostgres.Verifiers.PreventMultidimensionalArrayAggregates do @moduledoc false use Spark.Dsl.Verifier alias Spark.Dsl.Verifier def verify(dsl) do resource = Verifier.get_persisted(dsl, :module) dsl |> Ash.Resource.Info.aggregates() |> Stream.filter(&(&1.kind in [:list, :first])) |> Stream.filter(& &1.field) |> Enum.each(fn aggregate -> related = Ash.Resource.Info.related(resource, aggregate.relationship_path) related_field = if related do Ash.Resource.Info.field(related, aggregate.field) end type = if related_field do related_field.type end case type do {:array, _} -> raise Spark.Error.DslError, module: resource, path: [:aggregates,], message: """ Aggregate not supported. Aggregate #{inspect(resource)}.#{} is not supported, because its type is `#{aggregate.kind}`, and the destination attribute is an array. Postgres does not support multidimensional arrays with differing lengths internally. In the future we may be able to remove this restriction for the `:first` type aggregate, but likely never for `:list`. In the meantime, you will have to use a custom calculation to get this data. """ _ -> :ok end end) :ok end end