defmodule Mix.Tasks.AshPostgres.SquashSnapshots do use Mix.Task @shortdoc "Cleans snapshots folder, leaving only one snapshot per resource" @switches [ into: :string, snapshot_path: :string, quiet: :boolean, dry_run: :boolean, check: :boolean ] @moduledoc """ Cleans snapshots folder, leaving only one snapshot per resource. ## Examples mix ash_postgres.squash_snapshots mix ash_postgres.squash_snapshots --check --quiet mix ash_postgres.squash_snapshots --into zero mix ash_postgres.squash_snapshots --dry-run ## Command line options * `--into` - `last`, `first` or `zero`. The default is `last`. Determines which name to use for a remaining snapshot. `last` keeps the name of the last snapshot, `first` renames it to the previously first, `zero` sets name with fourteen zeros. * `--snapshot-path` - a custom path to stored snapshots. The default is "priv/resource_snapshots". * `--quiet` - no messages will not be printed. * `--dry-run` - no files are touched, instead prints folders that have snapshots to squash. * `--check` - no files are touched, instead returns an exit(1) code if there are snapshots to squash. """ def run(args) do {opts, []} = OptionParser.parse!(args, strict: @switches) opts = opts |> |> Map.put_new(:into, "last") |> Map.put_new(:snapshot_path, "priv/resource_snapshots") |> Map.put_new(:quiet, false) |> Map.put_new(:dry_run, false) |> Map.put_new(:check, false) |> Map.update!(:into, fn "last" -> :last "first" -> :first "zero" -> :zero _other -> raise "Valid values for --into flag are `last`, `first` and `zero`." end) squashable = opts.snapshot_path |> Path.join("**/*.json") |> Path.wildcard() |> Enum.filter(&String.match?(Path.basename(&1), ~r/^\d{14}\.json$/)) |> Enum.group_by(&Path.dirname(&1)) |> Enum.reduce([], fn {folder, snapshots}, squashable -> last_snapshot = Enum.max(snapshots) into_snapshot = case opts.into do :last -> last_snapshot :first -> Enum.min(snapshots) :zero -> Path.join(folder, "00000000000000.json") end if length(snapshots) > 1 or last_snapshot != into_snapshot do [{folder, snapshots, last_snapshot, into_snapshot} | squashable] else squashable end end) |> Enum.reverse() if Enum.empty?(squashable) do print(opts, "No snapshots to squash.") else if opts.dry_run do print(opts, "Snapshots in following folders would have been squashed in non-dry run:") print(opts, Enum.map_join(squashable, "\n", fn {folder, _, _, _} -> folder end)) if opts.check do exit({:shutdown, 1}) end end if opts.check do print(opts, """ Snapshots would have been squashed, but the --check flag was provided. To see what snapshots would have been squashed, run with the --dry-run flag. To squash those snapshots, run without either flag. """) exit({:shutdown, 1}) end if not opts.dry_run do for {_folder, snapshots, last_snapshot, into_snapshot} <- squashable do for snapshot <- snapshots, snapshot != last_snapshot do File.rm!(snapshot) end if last_snapshot != into_snapshot do File.rename!(last_snapshot, into_snapshot) end end end end end defp print(%{quiet: true}, _message), do: nil defp print(_opts, message), do: end