defmodule AshPostgres.Repo do @moduledoc """ Resources that use the `AshPostgres` data layer use a `Repo` to access the database. This repo is a slightly modified version of an `Ecto.Repo`. You can use `Ecto.Repo`'s `init/2` to configure your repo like normal, but instead of returning `{:ok, config}`, use `super(config)` to pass the configuration to the `AshPostgres.Repo` implementation. ## Installed Extensions To configure your list of installed extensions, define `installed_extensions/0` Extensions that are relevant to ash_postgres: * `"uuid-ossp"` - Sets UUID primary keys defaults in the migration generator * `"pg_trgm"` - Makes the `AshPostgres.Predicates.Trigram` custom predicate available * "citext" - Allows case insensitive fields to be used ``` def installed_extensions() do ["pg_trgm", "uuid-ossp"] end ``` """ @doc "Use this to inform the data layer about what extensions are installed" @callback installed_extensions() :: [String.t()] @doc "Return a list of all schema names (only relevant for a multitenant implementation)" @callback all_tenants() :: [String.t()] @doc "The path where your tenant migrations are stored (only relevant for a multitenant implementation)" @callback tenant_migrations_path() :: String.t() @doc "The path where your migrations are stored" @callback migrations_path() :: String.t() @doc "The default prefix(postgres schema) to use when building queries" @callback default_prefix() :: String.t() defmacro __using__(opts) do quote bind_quoted: [opts: opts] do otp_app = opts[:otp_app] || raise("Must configure OTP app") use Ecto.Repo, adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres, otp_app: otp_app def installed_extensions, do: [] def tenant_migrations_path, do: nil def migrations_path, do: nil def default_prefix, do: "public" def all_tenants do raise """ `#{inspect(__MODULE__)}.all_tenants/0` was called, but was not defined. In order to migrate tenants, you must define this function. For example, you might say: def all_tenants do for org <- MyApp.Accounts.all_organizations!() do org.schema end end """ end def init(_, config) do new_config = config |> Keyword.put(:installed_extensions, installed_extensions()) |> Keyword.put(:tenant_migrations_path, tenant_migrations_path()) |> Keyword.put(:migrations_path, migrations_path()) |> Keyword.put(:default_prefix, default_prefix()) {:ok, new_config} end defoverridable init: 2, installed_extensions: 0, all_tenants: 0, tenant_migrations_path: 0, default_prefix: 0 end end end