defmodule AshPostgres.CustomIndex do @moduledoc "Represents a custom index on the table backing a resource" @fields [ :table, :fields, :name, :unique, :concurrently, :using, :prefix, :where, :include, :message, :all_tenants? ] defstruct @fields def fields, do: @fields @schema [ fields: [ type: {:wrap_list, {:or, [:atom, :string]}}, doc: "The fields to include in the index." ], name: [ type: :string, doc: "the name of the index. Defaults to \"\#\{table\}_\#\{column\}_index\"." ], unique: [ type: :boolean, doc: "indicates whether the index should be unique.", default: false ], concurrently: [ type: :boolean, doc: "indicates whether the index should be created/dropped concurrently.", default: false ], using: [ type: :string, doc: "configures the index type." ], prefix: [ type: :string, doc: "specify an optional prefix for the index." ], where: [ type: :string, doc: "specify conditions for a partial index." ], message: [ type: :string, doc: "A custom message to use for unique indexes that have been violated" ], include: [ type: {:list, :string}, doc: "specify fields for a covering index. This is not supported by all databases. For more information on PostgreSQL support, please read the official docs." ], all_tenants?: [ type: :boolean, default: false, doc: "Whether or not the index should factor in the multitenancy attribute or not." ] ] def schema, do: @schema def transform(index) do cond do -> if Regex.match?(~r/^[0-9a-zA-Z_]+$/, do {:ok, index} else {:error, "Custom index name #{} is not valid. Must have letters, numbers and underscores only"} end mismatched_field = Enum.find(index.fields, fn field -> !Regex.match?(~r/^[0-9a-zA-Z_]+$/, to_string(field)) end) -> {:error, """ Custom index field #{mismatched_field} contains invalid index name characters. A name must be set manually, i.e `name: "your_desired_index_name"` Index names must have letters, numbers and underscores only """} true -> {:ok, index} end end def name(_resource, %{name: name}) when is_binary(name) do name end # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] def name(table, %{fields: fields}) do [table, fields, "index"] |> List.flatten() |> |>, ~r"[^\w_]", "_")) |> Enum.map_join("_", &String.replace_trailing(&1, "_", "")) |> String.to_atom() end end