defmodule AshPostgres.MixSquashSnapshotsTest do use AshPostgres.RepoCase, async: false @moduletag :migration defmacrop defposts(mod \\ Post, do: body) do quote do Code.compiler_options(ignore_module_conflict: true) defmodule unquote(mod) do use Ash.Resource, domain: nil, data_layer: AshPostgres.DataLayer postgres do table "posts" repo(AshPostgres.TestRepo) custom_indexes do # need one without any opts index(["id"]) index(["id"], unique: true, name: "test_unique_index") end end actions do defaults([:create, :read, :update, :destroy]) end unquote(body) end Code.compiler_options(ignore_module_conflict: false) end end defmacrop defdomain(resources) do quote do Code.compiler_options(ignore_module_conflict: true) defmodule Domain do use Ash.Domain resources do for resource <- unquote(resources) do resource(resource) end end end Code.compiler_options(ignore_module_conflict: false) end end def squash_snapshots(args) do args = ["--snapshot-path", "test_snapshots_path"] ++ args Mix.Task.rerun("ash_postgres.squash_snapshots", args) end def list_snapshots do Path.wildcard("test_snapshots_path/**/[0-9]*.json") end describe "with two snapshots to squash" do setup do on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf!("test_snapshots_path") File.rm_rf!("test_migration_path") end) defposts do identities do identity(:title, [:title]) end attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:title, :string, public?: true) end end defdomain([Post]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) defposts do identities do identity(:title, [:title]) end attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:title, :string, public?: true) attribute(:name, :string, allow_nil?: false, public?: true) end end AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) :ok end test "runs without flags" do [_first_snapshot, last_snapshot] = list_snapshots() |> Enum.sort() squash_snapshots([]) assert [^last_snapshot] = list_snapshots() end test "runs with `--check`" do prev_snapshots = list_snapshots() assert catch_exit(squash_snapshots(["--check"])) == {:shutdown, 1} assert prev_snapshots == list_snapshots() end test "runs with `--dry-run`" do prev_snapshots = list_snapshots() squash_snapshots(["--dry-run"]) assert prev_snapshots == list_snapshots() end test "runs with `--into last`" do [_first_snapshot, last_snapshot] = list_snapshots() |> Enum.sort() squash_snapshots(["--into", "last"]) assert [^last_snapshot] = list_snapshots() end test "runs with `--into first`" do [first_snapshot, _last_snapshot] = list_snapshots() |> Enum.sort() squash_snapshots(["--into", "first"]) assert [^first_snapshot] = list_snapshots() end test "runs with `--into zero`" do squash_snapshots(["--into", "zero"]) assert ["test_snapshots_path/test_repo/posts/00000000000000.json"] = list_snapshots() end end describe "with one snapshot to squash" do setup do on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf!("test_snapshots_path") File.rm_rf!("test_migration_path") end) defposts do identities do identity(:title, [:title]) end attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:title, :string, public?: true) end end defdomain([Post]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) :ok end test "runs with `--check`" do prev_snapshots = list_snapshots() squash_snapshots(["--check"]) assert prev_snapshots == list_snapshots() end test "runs with `--check --into last`" do prev_snapshots = list_snapshots() squash_snapshots(["--check", "--into", "last"]) assert prev_snapshots == list_snapshots() end test "runs with `--check --into first`" do prev_snapshots = list_snapshots() squash_snapshots(["--check", "--into", "last"]) assert prev_snapshots == list_snapshots() end test "runs with `--check --into zero`" do prev_snapshots = list_snapshots() assert catch_exit(squash_snapshots(["--check", "--into", "zero"])) == {:shutdown, 1} assert prev_snapshots == list_snapshots() end end end