defmodule AshPostgres.Functions.Fragment do @moduledoc """ A function that maps to ecto's `fragment` function This function is highly based off of that implementation. """ use Ash.Query.Function, name: :fragment # Varargs is special, and should only be used in rare circumstances (like this one) # no type casting or help can be provided for these functions. def args, do: :var_args def new([fragment | _]) when not is_binary(fragment) do {:error, "First argument to `fragment` must be a string."} end def new([fragment | rest]) do split = split_fragment(fragment) if Enum.count(split, &(&1 == :slot)) != length(rest) do {:error, "fragment(...) expects extra arguments in the same amount of question marks in string. " <> "It received #{Enum.count(split, &(&1 == :slot))} extra argument(s) but expected #{length(rest)}"} else {:ok, %__MODULE__{arguments: merge_fragment(split, rest)}} end end def casted_new([fragment | _]) when not is_binary(fragment) do {:error, "First argument to `fragment` must be a string."} end def casted_new([fragment | rest]) do split = split_fragment(fragment) if Enum.count(split, &(&1 == :slot)) != length(rest) do {:error, "fragment(...) expects extra arguments in the same amount of question marks in string. " <> "It received #{Enum.count(split, &(&1 == :slot))} extra argument(s) but expected #{length(rest)}"} else {:ok, %__MODULE__{arguments: merge_fragment(split, rest, :casted_expr)}} end end defp merge_fragment(expr, args, tag \\ :expr) defp merge_fragment([], [], _tag), do: [] defp merge_fragment([:slot | rest], [arg | rest_args], tag) do [{tag, arg} | merge_fragment(rest, rest_args, tag)] end defp merge_fragment([val | rest], rest_args, tag) do [{:raw, val} | merge_fragment(rest, rest_args, tag)] end defp split_fragment(frag, consumed \\ "") defp split_fragment(<<>>, consumed), do: [consumed] defp split_fragment(<>, consumed), do: [consumed, :slot | split_fragment(rest, "")] defp split_fragment(<>, consumed), do: split_fragment(rest, consumed <> <>) defp split_fragment(<>, consumed), do: split_fragment(rest, consumed <> <>) end