defmodule AshPostgres.Repo do @moduledoc """ Resources that use `AshPostgres.DataLayer` use a `Repo` to access the database. This repo is a thin wrapper around an `Ecto.Repo`. You can use `Ecto.Repo`'s `init/2` to configure your repo like normal, but instead of returning `{:ok, config}`, use `super(config)` to pass the configuration to the `AshPostgres.Repo` implementation. ## Installed Extensions To configure your list of installed extensions, define `installed_extensions/0` Extensions can be a string, representing a standard postgres extension, or a module that implements `AshPostgres.CustomExtension`. That custom extension will be called to generate migrations that serve a specific purpose. Extensions that are relevant to ash_postgres: * "ash-functions" - This isn't really an extension, but it expresses that certain functions should be added when generating migrations, to support the `||` and `&&` operators in expressions. * `"uuid-ossp"` - Sets UUID primary keys defaults in the migration generator * `"pg_trgm"` - Makes the `AshPostgres.Functions.TrigramSimilarity` function available * "citext" - Allows case insensitive fields to be used * `"vector"` - Makes the `AshPostgres.Functions.VectorCosineDistance` function available. See `AshPostgres.Extensions.Vector` for more setup instructions. ``` def installed_extensions() do ["pg_trgm", "uuid-ossp", "vector", YourCustomExtension] end ``` ## Transaction Hooks You can define `on_transaction_begin/1`, which will be invoked whenever a transaction is started for Ash. This will be invoked with a map containing a `type` key and metadata. ```elixir %{type: :create, %{resource: YourApp.YourResource, action: :action}} ``` """ @doc "Use this to inform the data layer about what extensions are installed" @callback installed_extensions() :: [String.t() | module()] @doc "Configure the version of postgres that is being used." @callback min_pg_version() :: Version.t() @doc """ Use this to inform the data layer about the oldest potential postgres version it will be run on. Must be an integer greater than or equal to 13. ## Combining with other tools For things like `Fly.Repo`, where you might need to have more fine grained control over the repo module, you can use the `define_ecto_repo?: false` option to `use AshPostgres.Repo`. """ @callback on_transaction_begin(reason :: Ash.DataLayer.transaction_reason()) :: term @doc "Return a list of all schema names (only relevant for a multitenant implementation)" @callback all_tenants() :: [String.t()] @doc "The path where your tenant migrations are stored (only relevant for a multitenant implementation)" @callback tenant_migrations_path() :: String.t() | nil @doc "The path where your migrations are stored" @callback migrations_path() :: String.t() | nil @doc "The default prefix(postgres schema) to use when building queries" @callback default_prefix() :: String.t() @doc "Allows overriding a given migration type for *all* fields, for example if you wanted to always use :timestamptz for :utc_datetime fields" @callback override_migration_type(atom) :: atom @doc "Should the repo should be created by `mix ash_postgres.create`?" @callback create?() :: boolean @doc "Should the repo should be dropped by `mix ash_postgres.drop`?" @callback drop?() :: boolean defmacro __using__(opts) do quote bind_quoted: [opts: opts] do if Keyword.get(opts, :define_ecto_repo?, true) do otp_app = opts[:otp_app] || raise("Must configure OTP app") use Ecto.Repo, adapter: opts[:adapter] || Ecto.Adapters.Postgres, otp_app: otp_app end @agent __MODULE__.AshPgVersion @behaviour AshPostgres.Repo @warn_on_missing_ash_functions Keyword.get(opts, :warn_on_missing_ash_functions?, true) @after_compile __MODULE__ require Logger defoverridable insert: 2, insert: 1, insert!: 2, insert!: 1 def installed_extensions, do: [] def tenant_migrations_path, do: nil def migrations_path, do: nil def default_prefix, do: "public" def override_migration_type(type), do: type def create?, do: true def drop?, do: true def transaction!(fun) do case fun.() do {:ok, value} -> value {:error, error} -> raise Ash.Error.to_error_class(error) end end def all_tenants do raise """ `#{inspect(__MODULE__)}.all_tenants/0` was called, but was not defined. In order to migrate tenants, you must define this function. For example, you might say: def all_tenants do for org <- MyApp.Accounts.all_organizations!() do org.schema end end """ end def init(type, config) do if type == :supervisor do try do Agent.stop(@agent) rescue _ -> :ok catch _, _ -> :ok end end new_config = config |> Keyword.put(:installed_extensions, installed_extensions()) |> Keyword.put(:tenant_migrations_path, tenant_migrations_path()) |> Keyword.put(:migrations_path, migrations_path()) |> Keyword.put(:default_prefix, default_prefix()) {:ok, new_config} end def on_transaction_begin(_reason), do: :ok def insert(struct_or_changeset, opts \\ []) do struct_or_changeset |> to_ecto() |> then(fn value -> repo = get_dynamic_repo() Ecto.Repo.Schema.insert( __MODULE__, repo, value, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:insert, opts)) ) end) |> from_ecto() end def insert!(struct_or_changeset, opts \\ []) do struct_or_changeset |> to_ecto() |> then(fn value -> repo = get_dynamic_repo() Ecto.Repo.Schema.insert!( __MODULE__, repo, value, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:insert, opts)) ) end) |> from_ecto() end def from_ecto({:ok, result}), do: {:ok, from_ecto(result)} def from_ecto({:error, _} = other), do: other def from_ecto(nil), do: nil def from_ecto(value) when is_list(value) do, &from_ecto/1) end def from_ecto(%resource{} = record) do if, Ash.Resource) do empty = struct(resource) resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.relationships() |> Enum.reduce(record, fn relationship, record -> case Map.get(record, do %Ecto.Association.NotLoaded{} -> Map.put(record,, Map.get(empty, value -> Map.put(record,, from_ecto(value)) end end) else record end end def min_pg_version do if version = cached_version() do version else lookup_version() end end defp cached_version do if config()[:pool] == Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox do Agent.start_link( fn -> nil end, name: @agent ) case Agent.get(@agent, fn state -> state end) do nil -> version = lookup_version() Agent.update(@agent, fn _ -> version end) version version -> version end else Agent.start_link( fn -> lookup_version() end, name: @agent ) Agent.get(@agent, fn state -> state end) end end defp lookup_version do version_string = try do query!("SELECT version()").rows |> |> rescue error -> reraise """ Got an error while trying to read postgres version Error: #{inspect(error)} """, __STACKTRACE__ end try do version_string |> String.split(" ") |> |> String.split(".") |> case do [major] -> "#{major}.0.0" [major, minor] -> "#{major}.#{minor}.0" other -> Enum.join(other, ".") end |> Version.parse!() rescue error -> reraise( """ Could not parse postgres version from version string: "#{version_string}" You may need to define the `min_version/0` callback yourself. Error: #{inspect(error)} """, __STACKTRACE__ ) end end def from_ecto(other), do: other def to_ecto(nil), do: nil def to_ecto(value) when is_list(value) do, &to_ecto/1) end def to_ecto(%resource{} = record) do if, Ash.Resource) do resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.relationships() |> Enum.reduce(record, fn relationship, record -> value = case Map.get(record, do %Ash.NotLoaded{} -> %Ecto.Association.NotLoaded{ __field__:, __cardinality__: relationship.cardinality } value -> to_ecto(value) end Map.put(record,, value) end) else record end end def to_ecto(other), do: other defoverridable init: 2, on_transaction_begin: 1, installed_extensions: 0, min_pg_version: 0, all_tenants: 0, tenant_migrations_path: 0, default_prefix: 0, override_migration_type: 1, create?: 0, drop?: 0 # We do this switch because `!@warn_on_missing_ash_functions` in the function body triggers # a dialyzer error if @warn_on_missing_ash_functions do def __after_compile__(_, _) do if "ash-functions" in installed_extensions() do :ok else IO.warn(""" AshPostgres: You have not installed the `ash-functions` extension. The following features will not be available: - atomics (using the `raise_ash_error` function) - `string_trim` (using the `ash_trim_whitespace` function) - the `||` and `&&` operators (using the `ash_elixir_and` and `ash_elixir_or` functions) To address this warning, do one of two things: 1. add the `"ash-functions"` extension to your `installed_extensions/0` function, and then generate migrations. def installed_extensions do ["ash-functions"] end If you are *not* using the migration generator, but would like to leverage these features, follow the above instructions, and then visit the source for `ash_postgres` and copy the latest version of those functions into your own migrations: 2. disable this warning, by adding the following to your `use` statement: use AshPostgres.Repo, .. warn_on_missing_ash_functions?: false Keep in mind that if you disable this warning, you will not be able to use the features mentioned above. If you are in an environment where you cannot define functions, you will have to use the second option. """) end end else def __after_compile__(_, _) do :ok end end end end end