defmodule AshPostgres.Aggregate do @moduledoc false import Ecto.Query, only: [from: 2, subquery: 1] require Ecto.Query @next_aggregate_names Enum.reduce(0..999, %{}, fn i, acc -> Map.put(acc, :"aggregate_#{i}", :"aggregate_#{i + 1}") end) def add_aggregates( query, aggregates, resource, select?, source_binding, root_data \\ nil ) def add_aggregates(query, [], _, _, _, _), do: {:ok, query} def add_aggregates(query, aggregates, resource, select?, source_binding, root_data) do case resource_aggregates_to_aggregates(resource, aggregates) do {:ok, aggregates} -> query = AshPostgres.DataLayer.default_bindings(query, resource) {query, aggregates, aggregate_name_mapping} = Enum.reduce(aggregates, {query, [], %{}}, fn aggregate, {query, aggregates, aggregate_name_mapping} -> if is_atom( do {query, [aggregate | aggregates], aggregate_name_mapping} else {query, name} = use_aggregate_name(query, {query, [%{aggregate | name: name} | aggregates], Map.put(aggregate_name_mapping, name,} end end) aggregates = Enum.reject(aggregates, fn aggregate -> Map.has_key?(query.__ash_bindings__.aggregate_defs, end) query = query |> Map.update!(:__ash_bindings__, fn bindings -> bindings |> Map.update!(:aggregate_defs, fn aggregate_defs -> Map.merge(aggregate_defs,, &{&, &1})) end) end) result = aggregates |> Enum.reject(&already_added?(&1, query.__ash_bindings__)) |> Enum.group_by(& &1.relationship_path) |> Enum.flat_map(fn {path, aggregates} -> {can_group, cant_group} = Enum.split_with(aggregates, &can_group?(resource, &1)) [{path, can_group}] ++, &{path, [&1]}) end) |> Enum.filter(fn {_, []} -> false _ -> true end) |> Enum.reduce_while( {:ok, query, []}, fn {[first_relationship | relationship_path], aggregates}, {:ok, query, dynamics} -> first_relationship = Ash.Resource.Info.relationship(resource, first_relationship) is_single? = match?([_], aggregates) cond do is_single? && optimizable_first_aggregate?(resource,, 0)) -> case add_first_join_aggregate(query, resource, hd(aggregates), root_data) do {:ok, query, dynamic} -> query = if select? do select_or_merge(query, hd(aggregates).name, dynamic) else query end {:cont, {:ok, query, dynamics}} {:error, error} -> {:halt, {:error, error}} end is_single? &&, 0).kind == :exists -> [aggregate] = aggregates exists = AshPostgres.Expr.dynamic_expr( query, %Ash.Query.Exists{path: aggregate.relationship_path, expr: true}, query.__ash_bindings__ ) {:cont, {:ok, query, [{aggregate.load,, exists} | dynamics]}} true -> with {:ok, agg_root_query} <- AshPostgres.Join.maybe_get_resource_query( first_relationship.destination, first_relationship, query, [], nil, nil, true, true ), agg_root_query <- Map.update!( agg_root_query, :__ash_bindings__, &Map.put(&1, :in_group?, true) ), {:ok, joined} <- join_all_relationships( agg_root_query, aggregates, relationship_path, first_relationship, is_single? ), {:ok, filtered} <- maybe_filter_subquery( joined, first_relationship, relationship_path, aggregates, is_single?, source_binding ), with_subquery_select <- select_all_aggregates( aggregates, filtered, relationship_path, query, is_single?, Ash.Resource.Info.related( first_relationship.destination, relationship_path ) ), query <- join_subquery( query, with_subquery_select, first_relationship, relationship_path, aggregates, source_binding ) do if select? do new_dynamics = aggregates, &{&1.load, &, select_dynamic(resource, query, &1, query.__ash_bindings__.current - 1)} ) {:cont, {:ok, query, new_dynamics ++ dynamics}} else {:cont, {:ok, query, dynamics}} end end end end ) case result do {:ok, query, dynamics} -> {:ok, add_aggregate_selects(query, dynamics, aggregate_name_mapping)} {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end end defp use_aggregate_name(query, aggregate_name) do {%{ query | __ash_bindings__: %{ query.__ash_bindings__ | current_aggregate_name: next_aggregate_name(query.__ash_bindings__.current_aggregate_name), aggregate_names: Map.put( query.__ash_bindings__.aggregate_names, aggregate_name, query.__ash_bindings__.current_aggregate_name ) } }, query.__ash_bindings__.current_aggregate_name} end defp resource_aggregates_to_aggregates(resource, aggregates) do aggregates |> Enum.reduce_while({:ok, []}, fn %Ash.Query.Aggregate{} = aggregate, {:ok, aggregates} -> {:cont, {:ok, [aggregate | aggregates]}} aggregate, {:ok, aggregates} -> related = Ash.Resource.Info.related(resource, aggregate.relationship_path) read_action = aggregate.read_action || Ash.Resource.Info.primary_action!(related, :read).name with %{valid?: true} = aggregate_query <- Ash.Query.for_read(related, read_action), %{valid?: true} = aggregate_query <-, filter: aggregate.filter, sort: aggregate.sort) do resource,, aggregate.kind, path: aggregate.relationship_path, query: aggregate_query, field: aggregate.field, default: aggregate.default, filterable?: aggregate.filterable?, type: aggregate.type, constraints: aggregate.constraints, implementation: aggregate.implementation, uniq?: aggregate.uniq?, read_action: aggregate.read_action || Ash.Resource.Info.primary_action!( Ash.Resource.Info.related(resource, aggregate.relationship_path), :read ).name, authorize?: aggregate.authorize? ) else %{valid?: false, errors: errors} -> {:error, errors} {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end |> case do {:ok, aggregate} -> {:cont, {:ok, [aggregate | aggregates]}} {:error, error} -> {:halt, {:error, error}} end end) end defp add_first_join_aggregate(query, resource, aggregate, root_data) do {resource, path} = case root_data do {resource, path} -> {resource, path} _ -> {resource, []} end case AshPostgres.Join.join_all_relationships( query, nil, [], [ {:left, AshPostgres.Join.relationship_path_to_relationships( resource, path ++ aggregate.relationship_path )} ] ) do {:ok, query} -> binding = AshPostgres.DataLayer.get_binding( resource, aggregate.relationship_path, query, [:left, :inner] ) {:ok, query, Ecto.Query.dynamic(field(as(^binding), ^aggregate.field))} {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end end defp already_added?(aggregate, bindings) do Enum.any?(bindings.bindings, fn {_, %{type: :aggregate, aggregates: aggregates}} -> aggregate in aggregates _ -> false end) end defp maybe_filter_subquery( agg_query, first_relationship, relationship_path, aggregates, is_single?, source_binding ) do Enum.reduce_while(aggregates, {:ok, agg_query}, fn aggregate, {:ok, agg_query} -> filter = if aggregate.query.filter do Ash.Filter.move_to_relationship_path( aggregate.query.filter, relationship_path ) |> Map.put(:resource, first_relationship.destination) else aggregate.query.filter end used_calculations = Ash.Filter.used_calculations( filter, first_relationship.destination, relationship_path ) related = Ash.Resource.Info.related(first_relationship.destination, relationship_path) used_calculations = case Ash.Resource.Info.calculation(related, aggregate.field) do %{name: name, calculation: {module, opts}, type: type, constraints: constraints} -> {:ok, new_calc} =, module, opts, {type, constraints}) if new_calc in used_calculations do used_calculations else [ new_calc | used_calculations ] end nil -> used_calculations end used_aggregates = used_aggregates( filter, first_relationship.destination, used_calculations, relationship_path ) case add_aggregates( agg_query, used_aggregates, first_relationship.destination, false, source_binding ) do {:ok, agg_query} -> if has_filter?(aggregate.query) && is_single? do {:cont, AshPostgres.DataLayer.filter(agg_query, filter, agg_query.__ash_bindings__.resource)} else {:cont, {:ok, agg_query}} end other -> {:halt, other} end end) end defp join_subquery( query, subquery, %{manual: {module, opts}} = first_relationship, _relationship_path, aggregates, source_binding ) do field = first_relationship.destination_attribute new_subquery = from(row in subquery, select_merge: map(row, ^[field]), group_by: field(row, ^first_relationship.destination_attribute), distinct: true ) {:ok, subquery} = module.ash_postgres_subquery( opts, source_binding, subquery.__ash_bindings__.current - 1, new_subquery ) subquery = AshPostgres.Join.set_join_prefix(subquery, query, first_relationship.destination) query = from(row in query, left_lateral_join: sub in subquery(subquery_if_distinct(subquery)), as: ^query.__ash_bindings__.current, on: true ) AshPostgres.DataLayer.add_binding( query, %{ path: [], type: :aggregate, aggregates: aggregates } ) end defp join_subquery( query, subquery, %{type: :many_to_many, join_relationship: join_relationship, source: source} = first_relationship, _relationship_path, aggregates, source_binding ) do join_relationship_struct = Ash.Resource.Info.relationship(source, join_relationship) {:ok, through} = AshPostgres.Join.maybe_get_resource_query( join_relationship_struct.destination, join_relationship_struct, query, [join_relationship], nil, subquery.__ash_bindings__.current, true, true ) field = first_relationship.source_attribute_on_join_resource subquery = from(sub in subquery, join: through in ^through, as: ^subquery.__ash_bindings__.current, on: field(through, ^first_relationship.destination_attribute_on_join_resource) == field(sub, ^first_relationship.destination_attribute), select_merge: map(through, ^[field]), group_by: field(through, ^first_relationship.source_attribute_on_join_resource), distinct: field(through, ^first_relationship.source_attribute_on_join_resource), where: field( parent_as(^source_binding), ^first_relationship.source_attribute ) == field( through, ^first_relationship.source_attribute_on_join_resource ) ) subquery = AshPostgres.Join.set_join_prefix(subquery, query, first_relationship.destination) query = from(row in query, left_lateral_join: agg in subquery(subquery_if_distinct(subquery)), as: ^query.__ash_bindings__.current, on: true ) AshPostgres.DataLayer.add_binding( query, %{ path: [], type: :aggregate, aggregates: aggregates } ) end defp join_subquery( query, subquery, first_relationship, _relationship_path, aggregates, source_binding ) do field = first_relationship.destination_attribute subquery = from(row in subquery, group_by: field(row, ^first_relationship.destination_attribute), select_merge: map(row, ^[field]), where: field(parent_as(^source_binding), ^first_relationship.source_attribute) == field(as(^0), ^first_relationship.destination_attribute) ) subquery = AshPostgres.Join.set_join_prefix(subquery, query, first_relationship.destination) query = from(row in query, left_lateral_join: agg in subquery(subquery_if_distinct(subquery)), as: ^query.__ash_bindings__.current, on: true ) AshPostgres.DataLayer.add_binding( query, %{ path: [], type: :aggregate, aggregates: aggregates } ) end def next_aggregate_name(i) do @next_aggregate_names[i] || raise Ash.Error.Framework.AssumptionFailed, message: """ All 1000 static names for aggregates have been used in a single query. Congratulations, this means that you have gone so wildly beyond our imagination of how much can fit into a single quer. Please file an issue and we will raise the limit. """ end defp subquery_if_distinct(%{distinct: nil} = query), do: query defp subquery_if_distinct(subquery) do from(row in subquery(subquery), select: row ) end defp select_all_aggregates(aggregates, joined, relationship_path, _query, is_single?, resource) do Enum.reduce(aggregates, joined, fn aggregate, joined -> add_subquery_aggregate_select(joined, relationship_path, aggregate, resource, is_single?) end) end defp join_all_relationships( agg_root_query, _aggregates, relationship_path, first_relationship, _is_single? ) do if Enum.empty?(relationship_path) do {:ok, agg_root_query} else AshPostgres.Join.join_all_relationships( agg_root_query, nil, [], [ {:inner, AshPostgres.Join.relationship_path_to_relationships( first_relationship.destination, relationship_path )} ], [], nil ) end end defp can_group?(_, %{kind: :exists}), do: false defp can_group?(_, %{kind: :list}), do: false defp can_group?(resource, aggregate) do can_group_kind?(aggregate, resource) && !has_exists?(aggregate) && !references_relationships?(aggregate) end # We can potentially optimize this. We don't have to prevent aggregates that reference # relationships from joining, we can # 1. group up the ones that do join relationships by the relationships they join # 2. potentially group them all up that join to relationships and just join to all the relationships # but this method is predictable and easy so we're starting by just not grouping them defp references_relationships?(aggregate) do !!Ash.Filter.find(aggregate.query && aggregate.query.filter, fn %Ash.Query.Ref{relationship_path: relationship_path} when relationship_path != [] -> true _ -> false end) end defp can_group_kind?(aggregate, resource) do if aggregate.kind == :first do if array_type?(resource, aggregate) || optimizable_first_aggregate?(resource, aggregate) do false else true end else true end end @doc false def optimizable_first_aggregate?(resource, %{ name: name, kind: :first, relationship_path: relationship_path }) do name in AshPostgres.DataLayer.Info.simple_join_first_aggregates(resource) || single_path?(resource, relationship_path) end def optimizable_first_aggregate?(_, _), do: false defp array_type?(resource, aggregate) do related = Ash.Resource.Info.related(resource, aggregate.relationship_path) case Ash.Resource.Info.field(related, aggregate.field).type do {:array, _} -> false _ -> true end end defp has_exists?(aggregate) do !!Ash.Filter.find(aggregate.query && aggregate.query.filter, fn %Ash.Query.Exists{} -> true _ -> false end) end defp add_aggregate_selects(query, dynamics, name_mapping) do {in_aggregates, in_body} = Enum.split_with(dynamics, fn {load, _name, _dynamic} -> is_nil(load) end) aggs = in_body |> {load, _, dynamic} -> {load, dynamic} end) aggs = if Enum.empty?(in_aggregates) do aggs else Map.put( aggs, :aggregates,, fn {_, name, dynamic} -> {name_mapping[name] || name, dynamic} end) ) end Ecto.Query.select_merge(query, ^aggs) end defp select_dynamic(_resource, _query, aggregate, binding) do type = AshPostgres.Types.parameterized_type(aggregate.type, aggregate.constraints) field = if type do Ecto.Query.dynamic( type( field(as(^binding), ^, ^type ) ) else Ecto.Query.dynamic(field(as(^binding), ^ end coalesced = if is_nil(aggregate.default_value) do field else if type do Ecto.Query.dynamic( coalesce( ^field, type( ^aggregate.default_value, ^type ) ) ) else Ecto.Query.dynamic( coalesce( ^field, ^aggregate.default_value ) ) end end if type do Ecto.Query.dynamic(type(^coalesced, ^type)) else coalesced end end defp has_filter?(nil), do: false defp has_filter?(%{filter: nil}), do: false defp has_filter?(%{filter: %Ash.Filter{expression: nil}}), do: false defp has_filter?(%{filter: %Ash.Filter{}}), do: true defp has_filter?(_), do: false defp has_sort?(nil), do: false defp has_sort?(%{sort: nil}), do: false defp has_sort?(%{sort: []}), do: false defp has_sort?(%{sort: _}), do: true defp has_sort?(_), do: false def used_aggregates(filter, resource, used_calculations, path) do Ash.Filter.used_aggregates(filter, path) ++ Enum.flat_map( used_calculations, fn calculation -> case Ash.Filter.hydrate_refs( calculation.module.expression(calculation.opts, calculation.context), %{ resource: resource, aggregates: %{}, calculations: %{}, public?: false } ) do {:ok, hydrated} -> Ash.Filter.used_aggregates(hydrated) _ -> [] end end ) end def add_subquery_aggregate_select( query, relationship_path, %{kind: :first} = aggregate, resource, is_single? ) do query = AshPostgres.DataLayer.default_bindings(query, aggregate.resource) ref = %Ash.Query.Ref{ attribute: aggregate_field(aggregate, resource, relationship_path, query), relationship_path: relationship_path, resource: query.__ash_bindings__.resource } type = AshPostgres.Types.parameterized_type(aggregate.type, aggregate.constraints) binding = AshPostgres.DataLayer.get_binding( query.__ash_bindings__.resource, relationship_path, query, [:left, :inner, :root] ) field = AshPostgres.Expr.dynamic_expr(query, ref, query.__ash_bindings__, false) sorted = if has_sort?(aggregate.query) do {:ok, sort_expr} = AshPostgres.Sort.sort( query, aggregate.query.sort, Ash.Resource.Info.related( query.__ash_bindings__.resource, relationship_path ), relationship_path, binding, true ) question_marks =, fn _ -> " ? " end) {:ok, expr} = AshPostgres.Functions.Fragment.casted_new( ["array_agg(? ORDER BY #{question_marks})", field] ++ sort_expr ) AshPostgres.Expr.dynamic_expr(query, expr, query.__ash_bindings__, false) else Ecto.Query.dynamic( [row], fragment("array_agg(?)", ^field) ) end filtered = filter_field(sorted, query, aggregate, relationship_path, is_single?) value = Ecto.Query.dynamic(fragment("(?)[1]", ^filtered)) with_default = if aggregate.default_value do if type do Ecto.Query.dynamic(coalesce(^value, type(^aggregate.default_value, ^type))) else Ecto.Query.dynamic(coalesce(^value, ^aggregate.default_value)) end else value end casted = if type do Ecto.Query.dynamic(type(^with_default, ^type)) else with_default end select_or_merge(query,, casted) end def add_subquery_aggregate_select( query, relationship_path, %{kind: :list} = aggregate, resource, is_single? ) do query = AshPostgres.DataLayer.default_bindings(query, aggregate.resource) type = AshPostgres.Types.parameterized_type(aggregate.type, aggregate.constraints) binding = AshPostgres.DataLayer.get_binding( query.__ash_bindings__.resource, relationship_path, query, [:left, :inner, :root] ) ref = %Ash.Query.Ref{ attribute: aggregate_field(aggregate, resource, relationship_path, query), relationship_path: relationship_path, resource: query.__ash_bindings__.resource } field = AshPostgres.Expr.dynamic_expr(query, ref, query.__ash_bindings__, false) sorted = if has_sort?(aggregate.query) do {:ok, sort_expr} = AshPostgres.Sort.sort( query, aggregate.query.sort, Ash.Resource.Info.related( query.__ash_bindings__.resource, relationship_path ), relationship_path, binding, true ) question_marks =, fn _ -> " ? " end) distinct = if Map.get(aggregate, :uniq?) do "DISTINCT " else "" end {:ok, expr} = AshPostgres.Functions.Fragment.casted_new( ["array_agg(#{distinct}? ORDER BY #{question_marks})", field] ++ sort_expr ) AshPostgres.Expr.dynamic_expr(query, expr, query.__ash_bindings__, false) else if Map.get(aggregate, :uniq?) do Ecto.Query.dynamic( [row], fragment("array_agg(DISTINCT ?)", ^field) ) else Ecto.Query.dynamic( [row], fragment("array_agg(?)", ^field) ) end end filtered = filter_field(sorted, query, aggregate, relationship_path, is_single?) with_default = if aggregate.default_value do if type do Ecto.Query.dynamic(coalesce(^filtered, type(^aggregate.default_value, ^type))) else Ecto.Query.dynamic(coalesce(^filtered, ^aggregate.default_value)) end else filtered end cast = if type do Ecto.Query.dynamic(type(^with_default, ^type)) else with_default end select_or_merge(query,, cast) end def add_subquery_aggregate_select( query, relationship_path, %{kind: kind} = aggregate, resource, is_single? ) when kind in [:count, :sum, :avg, :max, :min, :custom] do query = AshPostgres.DataLayer.default_bindings(query, aggregate.resource) ref = %Ash.Query.Ref{ attribute: aggregate_field(aggregate, resource, relationship_path, query), relationship_path: relationship_path, resource: resource } field = if kind == :custom do # we won't use this if its custom so don't try to make one nil else AshPostgres.Expr.dynamic_expr(query, ref, query.__ash_bindings__, false) end type = AshPostgres.Types.parameterized_type(aggregate.type, aggregate.constraints) binding = AshPostgres.DataLayer.get_binding( query.__ash_bindings__.resource, relationship_path, query, [:left, :inner, :root] ) field = case kind do :count -> if Map.get(aggregate, :uniq?) do Ecto.Query.dynamic([row], count(^field, :distinct)) else Ecto.Query.dynamic([row], count(^field)) end :sum -> Ecto.Query.dynamic([row], sum(^field)) :avg -> Ecto.Query.dynamic([row], avg(^field)) :max -> Ecto.Query.dynamic([row], max(^field)) :min -> Ecto.Query.dynamic([row], min(^field)) :custom -> {module, opts} = aggregate.implementation module.dynamic(opts, binding) end filtered = filter_field(field, query, aggregate, relationship_path, is_single?) with_default = if aggregate.default_value do if type do Ecto.Query.dynamic(coalesce(^filtered, type(^aggregate.default_value, ^type))) else Ecto.Query.dynamic(coalesce(^filtered, ^aggregate.default_value)) end else filtered end cast = if type do Ecto.Query.dynamic(type(^with_default, ^type)) else with_default end select_or_merge(query,, cast) end defp filter_field(field, _query, _aggregate, _relationship_path, true) do field end defp filter_field(field, query, aggregate, relationship_path, _is_single?) do if has_filter?(aggregate.query) do filter = Ash.Filter.move_to_relationship_path( aggregate.query.filter, relationship_path ) expr = AshPostgres.Expr.dynamic_expr( query, filter, query.__ash_bindings__, false, AshPostgres.Types.parameterized_type(aggregate.type, aggregate.constraints) ) Ecto.Query.dynamic(filter(^field, ^expr)) else field end end defp select_or_merge(query, aggregate_name, casted) do query = if do query else, %{}) end Ecto.Query.select_merge(query, ^%{aggregate_name => casted}) end defp single_path?(_, []), do: true defp single_path?(resource, [relationship | rest]) do relationship = Ash.Resource.Info.relationship(resource, relationship) relationship.type == :belongs_to && single_path?(relationship.destination, rest) end defp aggregate_field(aggregate, resource, _relationship_path, query) do case Ash.Resource.Info.field( resource, aggregate.field || List.first(Ash.Resource.Info.primary_key(resource)) ) do %Ash.Resource.Calculation{calculation: {module, opts}} = calculation -> calc_type = AshPostgres.Types.parameterized_type( calculation.type, Map.get(calculation, :constraints, []) ) AshPostgres.Expr.validate_type!(query, calc_type, "#{inspect(}") {:ok, query_calc} =, module, opts, calculation.type, Map.get(aggregate, :context, %{}) ) query_calc other -> other end end end