defmodule AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.Operation do @moduledoc false defmodule Helper do @moduledoc false def join(list), do: list |> List.flatten() |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1) |> Enum.join(", ") |> String.replace(", )", ")") def maybe_add_default("nil"), do: nil def maybe_add_default(value), do: "default: #{value}" def maybe_add_primary_key(true), do: "primary_key: true" def maybe_add_primary_key(_), do: nil def maybe_add_null(false), do: "null: false" def maybe_add_null(_), do: nil def maybe_add_prefix(nil), do: nil def maybe_add_prefix(prefix), do: "prefix: #{prefix}" def in_quotes(nil), do: nil def in_quotes(value), do: "\"#{value}\"" def as_atom(value) when is_atom(value), do: Macro.inspect_atom(:remote_call, value) # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] def as_atom(value), do: Macro.inspect_atom(:remote_call, String.to_atom(value)) def option(key, value) do if value do "#{as_atom(key)}: #{inspect(value)}" end end def on_delete(%{on_delete: on_delete}) when on_delete in [:delete, :nilify] do "on_delete: :#{on_delete}_all" end def on_delete(%{on_delete: on_delete}) when is_atom(on_delete) and not is_nil(on_delete) do "on_delete: :#{on_delete}" end def on_delete(_), do: nil def on_update(%{on_update: on_update}) when on_update in [:update, :nilify] do "on_update: :#{on_update}_all" end def on_update(%{on_update: on_update}) when is_atom(on_update) and not is_nil(on_update) do "on_update: :#{on_update}" end def on_update(_), do: nil def reference_type( %{type: :integer}, %{destination_attribute_generated: true, destination_attribute_default: "nil"} ) do :bigint end def reference_type(%{type: type}, _) do type end def with_match(reference, source_attribute \\ nil) def with_match( %{ primary_key?: false, destination_attribute: reference_attribute, multitenancy: %{strategy: :attribute, attribute: destination_attribute} } = reference, source_attribute ) when not is_nil(source_attribute) and reference_attribute != destination_attribute do with_targets = [{as_atom(source_attribute), as_atom(destination_attribute)}] |> Enum.into(reference.match_with || %{}) |> with_targets() # We can only have match: :full here, this gets validated by a Transformer join([with_targets, "match: :full"]) end def with_match(reference, _) do with_targets = with_targets(reference.match_with) match_type = match_type(reference.match_type) if with_targets != nil or match_type != nil do join([with_targets, match_type]) else nil end end def with_targets(targets) when is_map(targets) do targets_string = targets |> Enum.map_join(", ", fn {source, destination} -> "#{source}: :#{destination}" end) "with: [#{targets_string}]" end def with_targets(_), do: nil def match_type(type) when type in [:simple, :partial, :full] do "match: :#{type}" end def match_type(_), do: nil end defmodule CreateTable do @moduledoc false defstruct [:table, :schema, :multitenancy, :old_multitenancy] end defmodule AddAttribute do @moduledoc false defstruct [:attribute, :table, :schema, :multitenancy, :old_multitenancy] import Helper def up(%{ multitenancy: %{strategy: :attribute, attribute: source_attribute}, attribute: %{ references: %{ table: table, destination_attribute: reference_attribute, schema: destination_schema, multitenancy: %{strategy: :attribute} } = reference } = attribute }) do with_match = with_match(reference, source_attribute) size = if attribute[:size] do "size: #{attribute[:size]}" end [ "add #{inspect(attribute.source)}", "references(:#{as_atom(table)}", [ "column: #{inspect(reference_attribute)}", with_match, "name: #{inspect(}", "type: #{inspect(reference_type(attribute, reference))}", option("prefix", destination_schema), on_delete(reference), on_update(reference), size ], ")", maybe_add_default(attribute.default), maybe_add_primary_key(attribute.primary_key?), maybe_add_null(attribute.allow_nil?) ] |> join() end def up(%{ multitenancy: %{strategy: :context}, attribute: %{ references: %{ table: table, destination_attribute: destination_attribute, schema: destination_schema, multitenancy: %{strategy: :attribute} } = reference } = attribute }) do with_match = with_match(reference) size = if attribute[:size] do "size: #{attribute[:size]}" end [ "add #{inspect(attribute.source)}", "references(:#{as_atom(table)}", [ "column: #{inspect(destination_attribute)}", with_match, option("prefix", destination_schema), "name: #{inspect(}", "type: #{inspect(reference_type(attribute, reference))}", size, on_delete(reference), on_update(reference) ], ")", maybe_add_default(attribute.default), maybe_add_primary_key(attribute.primary_key?), maybe_add_null(attribute.allow_nil?) ] |> join() end def up(%{ multitenancy: %{strategy: :attribute}, attribute: %{ references: %{ multitenancy: %{strategy: :context} } } = attribute }) do size = if attribute.size do "size: #{attribute.size}" end [ "add #{inspect(attribute.source)}", inspect(attribute.type), maybe_add_default(attribute.default), maybe_add_primary_key(attribute.primary_key?), size, maybe_add_null(attribute.allow_nil?) ] |> join() end def up(%{ multitenancy: %{strategy: :context}, attribute: %{ references: %{ multitenancy: %{strategy: :context}, table: table, destination_attribute: destination_attribute } = reference } = attribute }) do with_match = with_match(reference) size = if attribute[:size] do "size: #{attribute[:size]}" end [ "add #{inspect(attribute.source)}", "references(:#{as_atom(table)}", [ "column: #{inspect(destination_attribute)}", with_match, "name: #{inspect(}", "type: #{inspect(reference_type(attribute, reference))}", "prefix: prefix()", size, on_delete(reference), on_update(reference) ], ")", maybe_add_default(attribute.default), maybe_add_primary_key(attribute.primary_key?), maybe_add_null(attribute.allow_nil?) ] |> join() end def up(%{ multitenancy: %{strategy: :context}, schema: schema, attribute: %{ references: %{ table: table, schema: destination_schema, destination_attribute: destination_attribute } = reference } = attribute }) do with_match = with_match(reference) size = if attribute[:size] do "size: #{attribute[:size]}" end destination_schema = if schema != destination_schema do destination_schema end [ "add #{inspect(attribute.source)}", "references(:#{as_atom(table)}", [ "column: #{inspect(destination_attribute)}", with_match, "name: #{inspect(}", "type: #{inspect(reference_type(attribute, reference))}", option("prefix", destination_schema), size, on_delete(reference), on_update(reference) ], ")", maybe_add_default(attribute.default), maybe_add_primary_key(attribute.primary_key?), maybe_add_null(attribute.allow_nil?) ] |> join() end def up(%{ attribute: %{ references: %{ table: table, schema: destination_schema, destination_attribute: destination_attribute } = reference } = attribute }) do with_match = with_match(reference) size = if attribute[:size] do "size: #{attribute[:size]}" end [ "add #{inspect(attribute.source)}", "references(:#{as_atom(table)}", [ "column: #{inspect(destination_attribute)}", with_match, "name: #{inspect(}", "type: #{inspect(reference_type(attribute, reference))}", option("prefix", destination_schema), size, on_delete(reference), on_update(reference) ], ")", maybe_add_default(attribute.default), maybe_add_primary_key(attribute.primary_key?), maybe_add_null(attribute.allow_nil?) ] |> join() end def up(%{attribute: %{type: :bigint, default: "nil", generated?: true} = attribute}) do [ "add #{inspect(attribute.source)}", ":bigserial", maybe_add_null(attribute.allow_nil?), maybe_add_primary_key(attribute.primary_key?) ] |> join() end def up(%{attribute: %{type: :integer, default: "nil", generated?: true} = attribute}) do [ "add #{inspect(attribute.source)}", ":serial", maybe_add_null(attribute.allow_nil?), maybe_add_primary_key(attribute.primary_key?) ] |> join() end def up(%{attribute: attribute}) do size = if attribute[:size] do "size: #{attribute[:size]}" end [ "add #{inspect(attribute.source)}", "#{inspect(attribute.type)}", maybe_add_null(attribute.allow_nil?), maybe_add_default(attribute.default), size, maybe_add_primary_key(attribute.primary_key?) ] |> join() end def down( %{ attribute: attribute, table: table, multitenancy: multitenancy } = op ) do AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.Operation.RemoveAttribute.up(%{ op | attribute: attribute, table: table, multitenancy: multitenancy }) end end defmodule AlterDeferrability do @moduledoc false defstruct [:table, :schema, :references, :direction, no_phase: true] def up(%{direction: :up, table: table, references: %{name: name, deferrable: true}}) do "execute(\"ALTER TABLE #{table} alter CONSTRAINT #{name} DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE\");" end def up(%{direction: :up, table: table, references: %{name: name, deferrable: :initially}}) do "execute(\"ALTER TABLE #{table} alter CONSTRAINT #{name} DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED\");" end def up(%{direction: :up, table: table, references: %{name: name}}) do "execute(\"ALTER TABLE #{table} alter CONSTRAINT #{name} NOT DEFERRABLE\");" end def up(_), do: "" def down(%{direction: :down} = data), do: up(%{data | direction: :up}) def down(_), do: "" end defmodule AlterAttribute do @moduledoc false defstruct [ :old_attribute, :new_attribute, :table, :schema, :multitenancy, :old_multitenancy ] import Helper defp alter_opts(attribute, old_attribute) do primary_key = cond do attribute.primary_key? and !old_attribute.primary_key? -> ", primary_key: true" old_attribute.primary_key? and !attribute.primary_key? -> ", primary_key: false" true -> nil end default = if attribute.default != old_attribute.default do if is_nil(attribute.default) do ", default: nil" else ", default: #{attribute.default}" end end null = if attribute.allow_nil? != old_attribute.allow_nil? do ", null: #{attribute.allow_nil?}" end "#{null}#{default}#{primary_key}" end def up(%{ multitenancy: multitenancy, old_attribute: old_attribute, new_attribute: attribute, schema: schema }) do type_or_reference = if AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.has_reference?(multitenancy, attribute) and Map.get(old_attribute, :references) != Map.get(attribute, :references) do reference(multitenancy, attribute, schema) else inspect(attribute.type) end "modify #{inspect(attribute.source)}, #{type_or_reference}#{alter_opts(attribute, old_attribute)}" end defp reference( %{strategy: :context}, %{ references: %{ multitenancy: %{strategy: :context}, table: table, destination_attribute: destination_attribute } = reference } = attribute, _schema ) do with_match = with_match(reference) size = if attribute[:size] do "size: #{attribute[:size]}" end join([ "references(:#{as_atom(table)}, column: #{inspect(destination_attribute)}", with_match, "name: #{inspect(}", "type: #{inspect(reference_type(attribute, reference))}", size, "prefix: prefix()", on_delete(reference), on_update(reference), ")" ]) end defp reference( %{strategy: :attribute, attribute: source_attribute}, %{ references: %{ multitenancy: %{strategy: :attribute}, table: table, schema: destination_schema, destination_attribute: reference_attribute } = reference } = attribute, schema ) do destination_schema = if schema != destination_schema do destination_schema end with_match = with_match(reference, source_attribute) size = if attribute[:size] do "size: #{attribute[:size]}" end join([ "references(:#{as_atom(table)}, column: #{inspect(reference_attribute)}", with_match, "name: #{inspect(}", "type: #{inspect(reference_type(attribute, reference))}", size, option("prefix", destination_schema), on_delete(reference), on_update(reference), ")" ]) end defp reference( %{strategy: :context}, %{ references: %{ table: table, destination_attribute: destination_attribute, schema: destination_schema } = reference } = attribute, schema ) do with_match = with_match(reference) size = if attribute[:size] do "size: #{attribute[:size]}" end destination_schema = if schema != destination_schema do destination_schema end join([ "references(:#{as_atom(table)}, column: #{inspect(destination_attribute)}", with_match, "name: #{inspect(}", "type: #{inspect(reference_type(attribute, reference))}", size, option("prefix", destination_schema), on_delete(reference), on_update(reference), ")" ]) end defp reference( _, %{ references: %{ table: table, destination_attribute: destination_attribute, schema: destination_schema } = reference } = attribute, schema ) do with_match = with_match(reference) destination_schema = if schema != destination_schema do destination_schema end size = if attribute[:size] do "size: #{attribute[:size]}" end join([ "references(:#{as_atom(table)}, column: #{inspect(destination_attribute)}", with_match, "name: #{inspect(}", "type: #{inspect(reference_type(attribute, reference))}", size, option("prefix", destination_schema), on_delete(reference), on_update(reference), ")" ]) end def down(op) do up(%{ op | old_attribute: op.new_attribute, new_attribute: op.old_attribute, old_multitenancy: op.multitenancy, multitenancy: op.old_multitenancy }) end end defmodule DropForeignKey do @moduledoc false # We only run this migration in one direction, based on the input # This is because the creation of a foreign key is handled by `references/3` # We only need to drop it before altering an attribute with `references/3` defstruct [:attribute, :schema, :table, :multitenancy, :direction, no_phase: true] import Helper def up(%{table: table, schema: schema, attribute: %{references: reference}, direction: :up}) do "drop constraint(:#{as_atom(table)}, #{join([inspect(, option("prefix", schema)])})" end def up(_) do "" end def down(%{ table: table, schema: schema, attribute: %{references: reference}, direction: :down }) do "drop constraint(:#{as_atom(table)}, #{join([inspect(, option("prefix", schema)])})" end def down(_) do "" end end defmodule RenameAttribute do @moduledoc false defstruct [ :old_attribute, :new_attribute, :table, :schema, :multitenancy, :old_multitenancy, no_phase: true ] import Helper def up(%{ old_attribute: old_attribute, new_attribute: new_attribute, schema: schema, table: table }) do table_statement = join([":#{as_atom(table)}", option("prefix", schema)]) "rename table(#{table_statement}), #{inspect(old_attribute.source)}, to: #{inspect(new_attribute.source)}" end def down( %{ old_attribute: old_attribute, new_attribute: new_attribute } = data ) do up(%{data | new_attribute: old_attribute, old_attribute: new_attribute}) end end defmodule RemoveAttribute do @moduledoc false defstruct [:attribute, :schema, :table, :multitenancy, :old_multitenancy, commented?: true] def up(%{attribute: attribute, commented?: true}) do """ # Attribute removal has been commented out to avoid data loss. See the migration generator documentation for more # If you uncomment this, be sure to also uncomment the corresponding attribute *addition* in the `down` migration # remove #{inspect(attribute.source)} """ end def up(%{attribute: attribute}) do "remove #{inspect(attribute.source)}" end def down(%{attribute: attribute, multitenancy: multitenancy, commented?: true}) do prefix = """ # This is the `down` migration of the statement: # # remove #{inspect(attribute.source)} # """ contents = %AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.Operation.AddAttribute{ attribute: attribute, multitenancy: multitenancy } |> AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.Operation.AddAttribute.up() |> String.split("\n") |> Enum.map_join("\n", &"# #{&1}") prefix <> "\n" <> contents end def down(%{attribute: attribute, multitenancy: multitenancy, table: table, schema: schema}) do AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.Operation.AddAttribute.up( %AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.Operation.AddAttribute{ attribute: attribute, table: table, schema: schema, multitenancy: multitenancy } ) end end defmodule AddUniqueIndex do @moduledoc false defstruct [:identity, :table, :schema, :multitenancy, :old_multitenancy, no_phase: true] import Helper def up(%{ identity: %{ name: name, keys: keys, base_filter: base_filter, index_name: index_name, all_tenants?: all_tenants? }, table: table, schema: schema, multitenancy: multitenancy }) do keys = if all_tenants? do keys else case multitenancy.strategy do :attribute -> [multitenancy.attribute | keys] _ -> keys end end index_name = index_name || "#{table}_#{name}_index" if base_filter do "create unique_index(:#{as_atom(table)}, [#{Enum.map_join(keys, ", ", &inspect/1)}], where: \"#{base_filter}\", #{join(["name: \"#{index_name}\"", option("prefix", schema)])})" else "create unique_index(:#{as_atom(table)}, [#{Enum.map_join(keys, ", ", &inspect/1)}], #{join(["name: \"#{index_name}\"", option("prefix", schema)])})" end end def down(%{ identity: %{name: name, keys: keys, index_name: index_name}, table: table, schema: schema, multitenancy: multitenancy }) do keys = case multitenancy.strategy do :attribute -> [multitenancy.attribute | keys] _ -> keys end index_name = index_name || "#{table}_#{name}_index" "drop_if_exists unique_index(:#{as_atom(table)}, [#{Enum.map_join(keys, ", ", &inspect/1)}], #{join(["name: \"#{index_name}\"", option("prefix", schema)])})" end end defmodule AddCustomStatement do @moduledoc false defstruct [:statement, :table, no_phase: true] def up(%{statement: %{up: up, code?: false}}) do """ execute(\"\"\" #{String.trim(up)} \"\"\") """ end def up(%{statement: %{up: up, code?: true}}) do up end def down(%{statement: %{down: down, code?: false}}) do """ execute(\"\"\" #{String.trim(down)} \"\"\") """ end def down(%{statement: %{down: down, code?: true}}) do down end end defmodule RemoveCustomStatement do @moduledoc false defstruct [:statement, :table, no_phase: true] def up(%{statement: statement, table: table}) do AddCustomStatement.down(%AddCustomStatement{statement: statement, table: table}) end def down(%{statement: statement, table: table}) do AddCustomStatement.up(%AddCustomStatement{statement: statement, table: table}) end end defmodule AddCustomIndex do @moduledoc false defstruct [:table, :schema, :index, :base_filter, :multitenancy, no_phase: true] import Helper def up(%{ index: index, table: table, schema: schema, base_filter: base_filter, multitenancy: multitenancy }) do keys = if !index.all_tenants? and multitenancy.strategy == :attribute do [multitenancy.attribute | index.fields] else index.fields end index = if index.where && base_filter do %{index | where: base_filter <> " AND " <> index.where} else index end opts = join([ option(:name,, option(:unique, index.unique), option(:concurrently, index.concurrently), option(:using, index.using), option(:prefix, index.prefix), option(:where, index.where), option(:include, index.include), option(:prefix, schema) ]) if opts == "", do: "create index(:#{as_atom(table)}, [#{Enum.map_join(keys, ", ", &inspect/1)}])", else: "create index(:#{as_atom(table)}, [#{Enum.map_join(keys, ", ", &inspect/1)}], #{opts})" end def down(%{schema: schema, index: index, table: table, multitenancy: multitenancy}) do index_name =, index) keys = if !index.all_tenants? and multitenancy.strategy == :attribute do [multitenancy.attribute | index.fields] else index.fields end "drop_if_exists index(:#{as_atom(table)}, [#{Enum.map_join(keys, ", ", &inspect/1)}], #{join(["name: \"#{index_name}\"", option(:prefix, schema)])})" end end defmodule RemovePrimaryKey do @moduledoc false defstruct [:schema, :table, no_phase: true] def up(%{schema: schema, table: table}) do if schema do "drop constraint(#{inspect(table)}, \"#{table}_pkey\", prefix: \"#{schema}\")" else "drop constraint(#{inspect(table)}, \"#{table}_pkey\")" end end def down(_) do "" end end defmodule RemovePrimaryKeyDown do @moduledoc false defstruct [:schema, :table, commented?: false, no_phase: true] def up(_) do "" end def down(%{schema: schema, table: table, commented?: commented?}) do comment = if commented? do """ # Primary key removal is dropped because a corresponding attribute removal # has been commented out. If you uncomment this, uncomment the attribute removal and vice versa. """ else "" end if schema do "#{comment}drop constraint(#{inspect(table)}, \"#{table}_pkey\", prefix: \"#{schema}\")" else "#{comment}drop constraint(#{inspect(table)}, \"#{table}_pkey\")" end end end defmodule RemoveCustomIndex do @moduledoc false defstruct [:schema, :table, :index, :base_filter, :multitenancy, no_phase: true] import Helper def up(operation) do AddCustomIndex.down(operation) end def down(operation) do AddCustomIndex.up(operation) end end defmodule RenameUniqueIndex do @moduledoc false defstruct [ :new_identity, :old_identity, :table, :schema, :multitenancy, :old_multitenancy, no_phase: true ] defp prefix_name(name, prefix) do if prefix do "#{prefix}.#{name}" else name end end def up(%{ old_identity: %{index_name: old_index_name, name: old_name}, new_identity: %{index_name: new_index_name}, schema: schema, table: table }) do old_index_name = old_index_name || "#{table}_#{old_name}_index" "execute(\"ALTER INDEX #{prefix_name(old_index_name, schema)} " <> "RENAME TO #{prefix_name(new_index_name, schema)}\")\n" end def down(%{ old_identity: %{index_name: old_index_name, name: old_name}, new_identity: %{index_name: new_index_name}, schema: schema, table: table }) do old_index_name = old_index_name || "#{table}_#{old_name}_index" "execute(\"ALTER INDEX #{prefix_name(new_index_name, schema)} " <> "RENAME TO #{prefix_name(old_index_name, schema)}\")\n" end end defmodule RemoveUniqueIndex do @moduledoc false defstruct [:identity, :schema, :table, :multitenancy, :old_multitenancy, no_phase: true] import Helper def up(%{ identity: %{name: name, keys: keys, index_name: index_name}, table: table, schema: schema, old_multitenancy: multitenancy }) do keys = case multitenancy.strategy do :attribute -> [multitenancy.attribute | keys] _ -> keys end index_name = index_name || "#{table}_#{name}_index" "drop_if_exists unique_index(:#{as_atom(table)}, [#{Enum.map_join(keys, ", ", &inspect/1)}], #{join(["name: \"#{index_name}\"", option(:prefix, schema)])})" end def down(%{ identity: %{name: name, keys: keys, base_filter: base_filter, index_name: index_name}, table: table, schema: schema, multitenancy: multitenancy }) do keys = case multitenancy.strategy do :attribute -> [multitenancy.attribute | keys] _ -> keys end index_name = index_name || "#{table}_#{name}_index" if base_filter do "create unique_index(:#{as_atom(table)}, [#{Enum.map_join(keys, ", ", &inspect/1)}], where: \"#{base_filter}\", #{join(["name: \"#{index_name}\"", option(:prefix, schema)])})" else "create unique_index(:#{as_atom(table)}, [#{Enum.map_join(keys, ", ", &inspect/1)}], #{join(["name: \"#{index_name}\"", option(:prefix, schema)])})" end end end defmodule AddCheckConstraint do @moduledoc false defstruct [:table, :schema, :constraint, :multitenancy, :old_multitenancy, no_phase: true] import Helper def up(%{ schema: schema, constraint: %{ name: name, check: check, base_filter: base_filter }, table: table }) do if base_filter do "create constraint(:#{as_atom(table)}, :#{as_atom(name)}, #{join(["check: \"#{base_filter} AND #{check}\")", option(:prefix, schema)])}" else "create constraint(:#{as_atom(table)}, :#{as_atom(name)}, #{join(["check: \"#{check}\")", option(:prefix, schema)])}" end end def down(%{ constraint: %{name: name}, schema: schema, table: table }) do "drop_if_exists constraint(:#{as_atom(table)}, #{join([":#{as_atom(name)}", option(:prefix, schema)])})" end end defmodule RemoveCheckConstraint do @moduledoc false defstruct [:table, :schema, :constraint, :multitenancy, :old_multitenancy, no_phase: true] import Helper def up(%{constraint: %{name: name}, schema: schema, table: table}) do "drop_if_exists constraint(:#{as_atom(table)}, #{join([":#{as_atom(name)}", option(:prefix, schema)])})" end def down(%{ constraint: %{ name: name, check: check, base_filter: base_filter }, schema: schema, table: table }) do if base_filter do "create constraint(:#{as_atom(table)}, :#{as_atom(name)}, #{join(["check: \"#{base_filter} AND #{check}\")", option(:prefix, schema)])}" else "create constraint(:#{as_atom(table)}, :#{as_atom(name)}, #{join(["check: \"#{check}\")", option(:prefix, schema)])}" end end end end