defprotocol EctoMigrationDefault do @moduledoc """ Allows configuring how values are translated to default values in migrations. Still a work in progress, but covers most standard values aside from maps. """ @fallback_to_any true @doc "Returns the text (elixir code) that will be placed into a migration as the default value" def to_default(value) end defimpl EctoMigrationDefault, for: Any do require Logger def to_default(value) do Logger.warn(""" You have specified a default value for a type that cannot be explicitly converted to an Ecto default: `#{inspect(value)}` The default value in the migration will be set to `nil` and you can edit your migration accordingly. To prevent this warning, implement the `EctoMigrationDefault` protocol for the appropriate Elixir type in your Ash project, or configure its default value in `migration_defaults` in the postgres section. Use `\\\"nil\\\"` for no default. """) "nil" end end defimpl EctoMigrationDefault, for: Integer do def to_default(value) do to_string(value) end end defimpl EctoMigrationDefault, for: Float do def to_default(value) do to_string(value) end end defimpl EctoMigrationDefault, for: Decimal do def to_default(value) do ~s["#{value}"] end end defimpl EctoMigrationDefault, for: BitString do def to_default(value) do inspect(value) end end defimpl EctoMigrationDefault, for: DateTime do def to_default(value) do ~s[fragment("'#{to_string(value)}'")] end end defimpl EctoMigrationDefault, for: NaiveDateTime do def to_default(value) do ~s[fragment("'#{to_string(value)}'")] end end defimpl EctoMigrationDefault, for: Date do def to_default(value) do ~s[fragment("'#{to_string(value)}'")] end end defimpl EctoMigrationDefault, for: Time do def to_default(value) do ~s[fragment("'#{to_string(value)}'")] end end defimpl EctoMigrationDefault, for: Atom do def to_default(value) when value in [nil, true, false], do: inspect(value) def to_default(value) do inspect(to_string(value)) end end