defmodule AshPostgres.MigrationGeneratorTest do use AshPostgres.RepoCase, async: false @moduletag :migration import ExUnit.CaptureLog defmacrop defposts(mod \\ Post, do: body) do quote do Code.compiler_options(ignore_module_conflict: true) defmodule unquote(mod) do use Ash.Resource, domain: nil, data_layer: AshPostgres.DataLayer postgres do table "posts" repo(AshPostgres.TestRepo) custom_indexes do # need one without any opts index(["id"]) index(["id"], unique: true, name: "test_unique_index") end end actions do defaults([:create, :read, :update, :destroy]) end unquote(body) end Code.compiler_options(ignore_module_conflict: false) end end defmacrop defdomain(resources) do quote do Code.compiler_options(ignore_module_conflict: true) defmodule Domain do use Ash.Domain resources do for resource <- unquote(resources) do resource(resource) end end end Code.compiler_options(ignore_module_conflict: false) end end defmacrop defresource(mod, table, do: body) do quote do Code.compiler_options(ignore_module_conflict: true) defmodule unquote(mod) do use Ash.Resource, data_layer: AshPostgres.DataLayer, domain: nil postgres do table unquote(table) repo(AshPostgres.TestRepo) end actions do defaults([:create, :read, :update, :destroy]) end unquote(body) end Code.compiler_options(ignore_module_conflict: false) end end describe "creating initial snapshots" do setup do on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf!("test_snapshots_path") File.rm_rf!("test_migration_path") end) defposts do postgres do migration_types(second_title: {:varchar, 16}) migration_defaults(title_with_default: "\"fred\"") end identities do identity(:title, [:title]) identity(:thing, [:title, :second_title]) identity(:thing_with_source, [:title, :title_with_source]) end attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:title, :string, public?: true) attribute(:second_title, :string, public?: true) attribute(:title_with_source, :string, source: :t_w_s, public?: true) attribute(:title_with_default, :string, public?: true) attribute(:email, Test.Support.Types.Email, public?: true) end end defdomain([Post]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) :ok end test "the migration sets up resources correctly" do # the snapshot exists and contains valid json assert!(Path.wildcard("test_snapshots_path/test_repo/posts/*.json")) |> Jason.decode!(keys: :atoms!) assert [file] = Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs") file_contents =!(file) # the migration creates the table assert file_contents =~ "create table(:posts, primary_key: false) do" # the migration sets up the custom_indexes assert file_contents =~ ~S{create index(:posts, ["id"], name: "test_unique_index", unique: true)} assert file_contents =~ ~S{create index(:posts, ["id"]} # the migration adds the id, with its default assert file_contents =~ ~S[add :id, :uuid, null: false, default: fragment("gen_random_uuid()"), primary_key: true] # the migration adds the id, with its default assert file_contents =~ ~S[add :title_with_default, :text, default: "fred"] # the migration adds other attributes assert file_contents =~ ~S[add :title, :text] # the migration unwraps newtypes assert file_contents =~ ~S[add :email, :citext] # the migration adds custom attributes assert file_contents =~ ~S[add :second_title, :varchar, size: 16] # the migration creates unique_indexes based on the identities of the resource assert file_contents =~ ~S{create unique_index(:posts, [:title], name: "posts_title_index")} # the migration creates unique_indexes based on the identities of the resource assert file_contents =~ ~S{create unique_index(:posts, [:title, :second_title], name: "posts_thing_index")} # the migration creates unique_indexes using the `source` on the attributes of the identity on the resource assert file_contents =~ ~S{create unique_index(:posts, [:title, :t_w_s], name: "posts_thing_with_source_index")} end end describe "creating initial snapshots for resources with a schema" do setup do on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf!("test_snapshots_path") File.rm_rf!("test_migration_path") end) defposts do postgres do migration_types(second_title: {:varchar, 16}) identity_wheres_to_sql(second_title: "(second_title like '%foo%')") schema("example") end identities do identity(:title, [:title]) identity :second_title, [:second_title] do nils_distinct?(false) where expr(contains(second_title, "foo")) end end attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:title, :string, public?: true) attribute(:second_title, :string, public?: true) end end defdomain([Post]) {:ok, _} = Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query( AshPostgres.TestRepo, """ CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS example; """ ) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) :ok end test "the migration sets up resources correctly" do # the snapshot exists and contains valid json assert!(Path.wildcard("test_snapshots_path/test_repo/example.posts/*.json")) |> Jason.decode!(keys: :atoms!) assert [file] = Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs") file_contents =!(file) # the migration creates the table assert file_contents =~ "create table(:posts, primary_key: false, prefix: \"example\") do" # the migration sets up the custom_indexes assert file_contents =~ ~S{create index(:posts, ["id"], name: "test_unique_index", unique: true, prefix: "example")} assert file_contents =~ ~S{create index(:posts, ["id"]} assert file_contents =~ ~S{create unique_index(:posts, [:second_title], name: "posts_second_title_index", prefix: "example", nulls_distinct: false, where: "((second_title like '%foo%'))")} # the migration adds the id, with its default assert file_contents =~ ~S[add :id, :uuid, null: false, default: fragment("gen_random_uuid()"), primary_key: true] # the migration adds other attributes assert file_contents =~ ~S[add :title, :text] # the migration adds custom attributes assert file_contents =~ ~S[add :second_title, :varchar, size: 16] # the migration creates unique_indexes based on the identities of the resource assert file_contents =~ ~S{create unique_index(:posts, [:title], name: "posts_title_index", prefix: "example")} end end describe "custom_indexes with `concurrently: true`" do setup do on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf!("test_snapshots_path") File.rm_rf!("test_migration_path") end) defposts do postgres do custom_indexes do # need one without any opts index([:title], concurrently: true) end end attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:title, :string, public?: true) end end defdomain([Post]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) end test "it creates multiple migration files" do assert [_, custom_index_migration] = Enum.sort(Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs")) file =!(custom_index_migration) assert file =~ ~S[@disable_ddl_transaction true] assert file =~ ~S end end describe "custom_indexes with `null_distinct: false`" do setup do on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf!("test_snapshots_path") File.rm_rf!("test_migration_path") end) defposts do postgres do custom_indexes do index([:uniq_one], nulls_distinct: true) index([:uniq_two], nulls_distinct: false) index([:uniq_custom_one]) end end attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:title, :string, public?: true) end end defdomain([Post]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) end test "it adds nulls_distinct option to create index migration" do assert [custom_index_migration] = Enum.sort(Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs")) file =!(custom_index_migration) assert file =~ ~S assert file =~ ~S assert file =~ ~S end end describe "creating follow up migrations with a schema" do setup do on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf!("test_snapshots_path") File.rm_rf!("test_migration_path") end) defposts do postgres do schema("example") end attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:title, :string, public?: true) end end defdomain([Post]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) :ok end test "when renaming a field, it asks if you are renaming it, and renames it if you are" do defposts do postgres do schema("example") end attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:name, :string, allow_nil?: false, public?: true) end end defdomain([Post]) send(self(), {:mix_shell_input, :yes?, true}) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert [_file1, file2] = Enum.sort(Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs")) assert!(file2) =~ ~S[rename table(:posts, prefix: "example"), :title, to: :name] end test "renaming a field honors additional changes" do defposts do postgres do schema("example") end attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:name, :string, allow_nil?: false, default: "fred", public?: true) end end defdomain([Post]) send(self(), {:mix_shell_input, :yes?, true}) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert [_file1, file2] = Enum.sort(Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs")) assert!(file2) =~ ~S[rename table(:posts, prefix: "example"), :title, to: :name] assert!(file2) =~ ~S[modify :title, :text, null: true, default: nil] end end describe "creating follow up migrations" do setup do on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf!("test_snapshots_path") File.rm_rf!("test_migration_path") end) defposts do identities do identity(:title, [:title]) end attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:title, :string, public?: true) end end defdomain([Post]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) :ok end test "when renaming an index, it is properly renamed" do defposts do postgres do identity_index_names(title: "titles_r_unique_dawg") end identities do identity(:title, [:title]) end attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:title, :string, public?: true) end end defdomain([Post]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert [_file1, file2] = Enum.sort(Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs")) assert!(file2) =~ ~S[ALTER INDEX posts_title_index RENAME TO titles_r_unique_dawg] end test "when changing the where clause, it is properly dropped and recreated" do defposts do postgres do identity_wheres_to_sql(title: "title != 'fred' and title != 'george'") end identities do identity(:title, [:title], where: expr(title not in ["fred", "george"])) end attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:title, :string, public?: true) end end defdomain([Post]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert [_file1, file2] = Enum.sort(Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs")) assert [file_before, _] = String.split(!(file2), ~S{create unique_index(:posts, [:title], name: "posts_title_index", where: "(title != 'fred' and title != 'george')")} ) assert file_before =~ ~S{drop_if_exists unique_index(:posts, [:title], name: "posts_title_index")} end test "when adding a field, it adds the field" do defposts do identities do identity(:title, [:title]) end attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:title, :string, public?: true) attribute(:name, :string, allow_nil?: false, public?: true) end end defdomain([Post]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert [_file1, file2] = Enum.sort(Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs")) assert!(file2) =~ ~S[add :name, :text, null: false] end test "when renaming a field, it asks if you are renaming it, and renames it if you are" do defposts do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:name, :string, allow_nil?: false, public?: true) end end defdomain([Post]) send(self(), {:mix_shell_input, :yes?, true}) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert [_file1, file2] = Enum.sort(Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs")) assert!(file2) =~ ~S[rename table(:posts), :title, to: :name] end test "when renaming a field, it asks if you are renaming it, and adds it if you aren't" do defposts do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:name, :string, allow_nil?: false, public?: true) end end defdomain([Post]) send(self(), {:mix_shell_input, :yes?, false}) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert [_file1, file2] = Enum.sort(Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs")) assert!(file2) =~ ~S[add :name, :text, null: false] end test "when renaming a field, it asks which field you are renaming it to, and renames it if you are" do defposts do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:name, :string, allow_nil?: false, public?: true) attribute(:subject, :string, allow_nil?: false, public?: true) end end defdomain([Post]) send(self(), {:mix_shell_input, :yes?, true}) send(self(), {:mix_shell_input, :prompt, "subject"}) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert [_file1, file2] = Enum.sort(Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs")) # Up migration assert!(file2) =~ ~S[rename table(:posts), :title, to: :subject] # Down migration assert!(file2) =~ ~S[rename table(:posts), :subject, to: :title] end test "when renaming a field, it asks which field you are renaming it to, and adds it if you arent" do defposts do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:name, :string, allow_nil?: false, public?: true) attribute(:subject, :string, allow_nil?: false, public?: true) end end defdomain([Post]) send(self(), {:mix_shell_input, :yes?, false}) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert [_file1, file2] = Enum.sort(Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs")) assert!(file2) =~ ~S[add :subject, :text, null: false] end test "when multiple schemas apply to the same table, all attributes are added" do defposts do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:title, :string, public?: true) attribute(:foobar, :string, public?: true) end end defposts Post2 do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:name, :string, public?: true) end end defdomain([Post, Post2]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert [_file1, file2] = Enum.sort(Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs")) assert!(file2) =~ ~S[add :foobar, :text] assert!(file2) =~ ~S[add :foobar, :text] end test "when multiple schemas apply to the same table, all identities are added" do defposts do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:title, :string, public?: true) end identities do identity(:unique_title, [:title]) end end defposts Post2 do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:name, :string, public?: true) end identities do identity(:unique_name, [:name]) end end defdomain([Post, Post2]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert [file1, file2] = Enum.sort(Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs")) file1_content =!(file1) assert file1_content =~ "create unique_index(:posts, [:title], name: \"posts_title_index\")" file2_content =!(file2) assert file2_content =~ "drop_if_exists unique_index(:posts, [:title], name: \"posts_title_index\")" assert file2_content =~ "create unique_index(:posts, [:name], name: \"posts_unique_name_index\")" assert file2_content =~ "create unique_index(:posts, [:title], name: \"posts_unique_title_index\")" end test "when an attribute exists only on some of the resources that use the same table, it isn't marked as null: false" do defposts do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:title, :string, public?: true) attribute(:example, :string, allow_nil?: false, public?: true) end end defposts Post2 do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) end end defdomain([Post, Post2]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert [_file1, file2] = Enum.sort(Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs")) assert!(file2) =~ ~S[add :example, :text] <> "\n" refute!(file2) =~ ~S[null: false] end end describe "auto incrementing integer, when generated" do setup do on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf!("test_snapshots_path") File.rm_rf!("test_migration_path") end) defposts do attributes do attribute(:id, :integer, generated?: true, allow_nil?: false, primary_key?: true, public?: true ) attribute(:views, :integer, public?: true) end end defdomain([Post]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) :ok end test "when an integer is generated and default nil, it is a bigserial" do assert [file] = Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs") assert!(file) =~ ~S[add :id, :bigserial, null: false, primary_key: true] assert!(file) =~ ~S[add :views, :bigint] end end describe "--check option" do setup do defposts do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:title, :string, public?: true) end end defdomain([Post]) [domain: Domain] end test "returns code(1) if snapshots and resources don't fit", %{domain: domain} do assert catch_exit( AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshot_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", check: true ) ) == {:shutdown, 1} refute File.exists?(Path.wildcard("test_migration_path2/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs")) refute File.exists?(Path.wildcard("test_snapshots_path2/test_repo/posts/*.json")) end end describe "references" do setup do on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf!("test_snapshots_path") File.rm_rf!("test_migration_path") end) end test "references are inferred automatically" do defposts do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:title, :string, public?: true) attribute(:foobar, :string, public?: true) end end defposts Post2 do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:name, :string, public?: true) end relationships do belongs_to(:post, Post, public?: true) end end defdomain([Post, Post2]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert [file] = Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs") assert!(file) =~ ~S[references(:posts, column: :id, name: "posts_post_id_fkey", type: :uuid, prefix: "public")] end test "references are inferred automatically if the attribute has a different type" do defposts do attributes do attribute(:id, :string, primary_key?: true, allow_nil?: false, public?: true) attribute(:title, :string, public?: true) attribute(:foobar, :string, public?: true) end end defposts Post2 do attributes do attribute(:id, :string, primary_key?: true, allow_nil?: false, public?: true) attribute(:name, :string, public?: true) end relationships do belongs_to(:post, Post, attribute_type: :string, public?: true) end end defdomain([Post, Post2]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert [file] = Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs") assert!(file) =~ ~S[references(:posts, column: :id, name: "posts_post_id_fkey", type: :text, prefix: "public")] end test "references allow passing :match_with and :match_type" do defposts do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:key_id, :uuid, allow_nil?: false, public?: true) attribute(:foobar, :string, public?: true) end end defposts Post2 do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:name, :string, public?: true) attribute(:related_key_id, :uuid, public?: true) end relationships do belongs_to(:post, Post) do public?(true) end end postgres do references do reference(:post, match_with: [related_key_id: :key_id], match_type: :partial) end end end defdomain([Post, Post2]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert [file] = Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs") assert!(file) =~ ~S{references(:posts, column: :id, with: [related_key_id: :key_id], match: :partial, name: "posts_post_id_fkey", type: :uuid, prefix: "public")} end test "references generate related index when index? true" do defposts do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:key_id, :uuid, allow_nil?: false, public?: true) attribute(:foobar, :string, public?: true) end end defposts Post2 do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:name, :string, public?: true) attribute(:related_key_id, :uuid, public?: true) end relationships do belongs_to(:post, Post) do public?(true) end end postgres do references do reference(:post, index?: true) end end end defdomain([Post, Post2]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert [file] = Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs") assert!(file) =~ ~S{create index(:posts, [:post_id])} end test "index generated by index? true also adds column when using attribute multitenancy" do defresource Org, "orgs" do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id, writable?: true, public?: true) attribute(:name, :string, public?: true) end multitenancy do strategy(:attribute) attribute(:id) end end defposts do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:key_id, :uuid, allow_nil?: false, public?: true) attribute(:foobar, :string, public?: true) end multitenancy do strategy(:attribute) attribute(:org_id) end relationships do belongs_to(:org, Org) do public?(true) end end end defposts Post2 do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:name, :string, public?: true) attribute(:related_key_id, :uuid, public?: true) end multitenancy do strategy(:attribute) attribute(:org_id) end relationships do belongs_to(:post, Post) do public?(true) end belongs_to(:org, Org) do public?(true) end end postgres do references do reference(:post, index?: true) end end end defdomain([Org, Post, Post2]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert [file] = Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs") assert!(file) =~ ~S{create index(:posts, [:org_id, :post_id])} end test "references merge :match_with and multitenancy attribute" do defresource Org, "orgs" do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id, writable?: true, public?: true) attribute(:name, :string, public?: true) end multitenancy do strategy(:attribute) attribute(:id) end end defresource User, "users" do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id, writable?: true) attribute(:secondary_id, :uuid, public?: true) attribute(:name, :string, public?: true) attribute(:org_id, :uuid, public?: true) attribute(:key_id, :uuid, public?: true) end multitenancy do strategy(:attribute) attribute(:org_id) end relationships do belongs_to(:org, Org) do public?(true) end end end defresource UserThing, "user_things" do attributes do attribute(:id, :string, primary_key?: true, allow_nil?: false, public?: true) attribute(:name, :string, public?: true) attribute(:org_id, :uuid, public?: true) attribute(:related_key_id, :uuid, public?: true) end multitenancy do strategy(:attribute) attribute(:org_id) end relationships do belongs_to(:org, Org) do public?(true) end belongs_to(:user, User, destination_attribute: :secondary_id, public?: true) end postgres do references do reference(:user, match_with: [related_key_id: :key_id], match_type: :full) end end end defdomain([Org, User, UserThing]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert [file] = Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs") assert!(file) =~ ~S{references(:users, column: :secondary_id, with: [related_key_id: :key_id, org_id: :org_id], match: :full, name: "user_things_user_id_fkey", type: :uuid, prefix: "public")} end test "identities using `all_tenants?: true` will not have the condition on multitenancy attribtue added" do defresource Org, "orgs" do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id, writable?: true) attribute(:name, :string, public?: true) end multitenancy do strategy(:attribute) attribute(:id) end end defresource User, "users" do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id, writable?: true) attribute(:secondary_id, :uuid, public?: true) attribute(:name, :string, public?: true) attribute(:org_id, :uuid, public?: true) attribute(:key_id, :uuid, public?: true) end multitenancy do strategy(:attribute) attribute(:org_id) end identities do identity(:unique_name, [:name], all_tenants?: true) end relationships do belongs_to(:org, Org) do public?(true) end end end defdomain([Org, User]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert [file] = Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs") assert!(file) =~ ~S{create unique_index(:users, [:name], name: "users_unique_name_index")} end test "when modified, the foreign key is dropped before modification" do defposts do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:title, :string, public?: true) attribute(:foobar, :string, public?: true) end end defposts Post2 do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:name, :string, public?: true) end relationships do belongs_to(:post, Post) do public?(true) end end end defdomain([Post, Post2]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) defposts Post2 do postgres do references do reference(:post, name: "special_post_fkey", on_delete: :delete, on_update: :update) end end attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:name, :string, public?: true) end relationships do belongs_to(:post, Post) do public?(true) end end end AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert file = "test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs" |> Path.wildcard() |> Enum.sort() |> |>!() assert file =~ ~S[references(:posts, column: :id, name: "special_post_fkey", type: :uuid, prefix: "public", on_delete: :delete_all, on_update: :update_all)] assert file =~ ~S[drop constraint(:posts, "posts_post_id_fkey")] assert [_, down_code] = String.split(file, "def down do") assert [_, after_drop] = String.split(down_code, "drop constraint(:posts, \"special_post_fkey\")") assert after_drop =~ ~S[references(:posts] end test "references with added only when needed on multitenant resources" do defresource Org, "orgs" do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id, writable?: true) attribute(:name, :string, public?: true) end multitenancy do strategy(:attribute) attribute(:id) end end defresource User, "users" do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id, writable?: true) attribute(:secondary_id, :uuid, public?: true) attribute(:name, :string, public?: true) attribute(:org_id, :uuid, public?: true) end multitenancy do strategy(:attribute) attribute(:org_id) end relationships do belongs_to(:org, Org) do public?(true) end end end defresource UserThing1, "user_things1" do attributes do attribute(:id, :string, primary_key?: true, allow_nil?: false, public?: true) attribute(:name, :string, public?: true) attribute(:org_id, :uuid, public?: true) end multitenancy do strategy(:attribute) attribute(:org_id) end relationships do belongs_to(:org, Org) do public?(true) end belongs_to(:user, User, destination_attribute: :secondary_id, public?: true) end end defresource UserThing2, "user_things2" do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id, writable?: true) attribute(:name, :string, public?: true) end multitenancy do strategy(:attribute) attribute(:org_id) end relationships do belongs_to(:org, Org) do public?(true) end belongs_to(:user, User) do public?(true) end end end defdomain([Org, User, UserThing1, UserThing2]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert [file] = Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs") assert!(file) =~ ~S{references(:users, column: :secondary_id, with: [org_id: :org_id], match: :full, name: "user_things1_user_id_fkey", type: :uuid, prefix: "public")} assert!(file) =~ ~S[references(:users, column: :id, name: "user_things2_user_id_fkey", type: :uuid, prefix: "public")] end test "references on_delete: {:nilify, columns} works with multitenant resources" do defresource Tenant, "tenants" do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) end multitenancy do strategy(:attribute) attribute(:id) end end defresource Group, "groups" do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) end multitenancy do strategy(:attribute) attribute(:tenant_id) end relationships do belongs_to(:tenant, Tenant) end postgres do references do reference(:tenant, on_delete: :delete) end end end defresource Item, "items" do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) end multitenancy do strategy(:attribute) attribute(:tenant_id) end relationships do belongs_to(:group, Group) belongs_to(:tenant, Tenant) end postgres do references do reference(:group, match_with: [tenant_id: :tenant_id], on_delete: {:nilify, [:group_id]} ) reference(:tenant, on_delete: :delete) end end end defdomain([Tenant, Group, Item]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert [file] = Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs") assert!(file) =~ ~S end end describe "check constraints" do setup do on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf!("test_snapshots_path") File.rm_rf!("test_migration_path") end) end test "when added, the constraint is created" do defposts do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:price, :integer, public?: true) end postgres do check_constraints do check_constraint(:price, "price_must_be_positive", check: "price > 0") end end end defdomain([Post]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert file = "test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs" |> Path.wildcard() |> Enum.sort() |> |>!() assert file =~ ~S[create constraint(:posts, :price_must_be_positive, check: "price > 0")] defposts do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:price, :integer, public?: true) end postgres do check_constraints do check_constraint(:price, "price_must_be_positive", check: "price > 1") end end end defdomain([Post]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert file = "test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs" |> Path.wildcard() |> Enum.sort() |> |>!() assert [_, down] = String.split(file, "def down do") assert [_, remaining] = String.split(down, "drop_if_exists constraint(:posts, :price_must_be_positive)") assert remaining =~ ~S[create constraint(:posts, :price_must_be_positive, check: "price > 0")] end test "when removed, the constraint is dropped before modification" do defposts do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:price, :integer, public?: true) end postgres do check_constraints do check_constraint(:price, "price_must_be_positive", check: "price > 0") end end end defdomain([Post]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) defposts do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:price, :integer, public?: true) end end AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert file = "test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs" |> Path.wildcard() |> Enum.sort() |> assert!(file) =~ ~S[drop_if_exists constraint(:posts, :price_must_be_positive)] end end describe "polymorphic resources" do setup do on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf!("test_snapshots_path") File.rm_rf!("test_migration_path") end) defmodule Comment do use Ash.Resource, domain: nil, data_layer: AshPostgres.DataLayer postgres do polymorphic?(true) repo(AshPostgres.TestRepo) end attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:resource_id, :uuid, public?: true) end actions do defaults([:create, :read, :update, :destroy]) end end defmodule Post do use Ash.Resource, domain: nil, data_layer: AshPostgres.DataLayer postgres do table "posts" repo(AshPostgres.TestRepo) end actions do defaults([:create, :read, :update, :destroy]) end attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) end relationships do has_many(:comments, Comment, public?: true, destination_attribute: :resource_id, relationship_context: %{data_layer: %{table: "post_comments"}} ) belongs_to(:best_comment, Comment, public?: true, destination_attribute: :id, relationship_context: %{data_layer: %{table: "post_comments"}} ) end end defdomain([Post, Comment]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) [domain: Domain] end test "it uses the relationship's table context if it is set" do assert [file] = Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs") assert!(file) =~ ~S[references(:post_comments, column: :id, name: "posts_best_comment_id_fkey", type: :uuid, prefix: "public")] end end describe "default values" do setup do on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf!("test_snapshots_path") File.rm_rf!("test_migration_path") end) end test "when default value is specified that implements EctoMigrationDefault" do defposts do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:start_date, :date, default: ~D[2022-04-19], public?: true) attribute(:start_time, :time, default: ~T[08:30:45], public?: true) attribute(:timestamp, :utc_datetime, default: ~U[2022-02-02 08:30:30Z], public?: true) attribute(:timestamp_naive, :naive_datetime, default: ~N[2022-02-02 08:30:30], public?: true ) attribute(:number, :integer, default: 5, public?: true) attribute(:fraction, :float, default: 0.25, public?: true) attribute(:decimal, :decimal, default:"123.4567890987654321987"), public?: true ) attribute(:name, :string, default: "Fred", public?: true) attribute(:tag, :atom, default: :value, public?: true) attribute(:enabled, :boolean, default: false, public?: true) end end defdomain([Post]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert [file1] = Enum.sort(Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs")) file =!(file1) assert file =~ ~S[add :start_date, :date, default: fragment("'2022-04-19'")] assert file =~ ~S[add :start_time, :time, default: fragment("'08:30:45'")] assert file =~ ~S[add :timestamp, :utc_datetime, default: fragment("'2022-02-02 08:30:30Z'")] assert file =~ ~S[add :timestamp_naive, :naive_datetime, default: fragment("'2022-02-02 08:30:30'")] assert file =~ ~S[add :number, :bigint, default: 5] assert file =~ ~S[add :fraction, :float, default: 0.25] assert file =~ ~S[add :decimal, :decimal, default: "123.4567890987654321987"] assert file =~ ~S[add :name, :text, default: "Fred"] assert file =~ ~S[add :tag, :text, default: "value"] assert file =~ ~S[add :enabled, :boolean, default: false] end test "when default value is specified that does not implement EctoMigrationDefault" do defposts do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:product_code, :term, default: {"xyz"}, public?: true) end end defdomain([Post]) log = capture_log(fn -> AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) end) assert log =~ "`{\"xyz\"}`" assert [file1] = Enum.sort(Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs")) file =!(file1) assert file =~ ~S[add :product_code, :binary] end end describe "follow up with references" do setup do on_exit(fn -> File.rm_rf!("test_snapshots_path") File.rm_rf!("test_migration_path") end) defposts do attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) attribute(:title, :string, public?: true) end end defmodule Comment do use Ash.Resource, domain: nil, data_layer: AshPostgres.DataLayer postgres do table "comments" repo AshPostgres.TestRepo end attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) end relationships do belongs_to(:post, Post) do public?(true) end end end defdomain([Post, Comment]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) :ok end test "when changing the primary key, it changes properly" do defposts do attributes do attribute(:id, :uuid, primary_key?: false, default: &Ecto.UUID.generate/0, public?: true ) uuid_primary_key(:guid) attribute(:title, :string, public?: true) end end defmodule Comment do use Ash.Resource, domain: nil, data_layer: AshPostgres.DataLayer postgres do table "comments" repo AshPostgres.TestRepo end attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id) end relationships do belongs_to(:post, Post) do public?(true) end end end defdomain([Post, Comment]) AshPostgres.MigrationGenerator.generate(Domain, snapshot_path: "test_snapshots_path", migration_path: "test_migration_path", quiet: true, format: false ) assert [_file1, file2] = Enum.sort(Path.wildcard("test_migration_path/**/*_migrate_resources*.exs")) file =!(file2) assert [before_index_drop, after_index_drop] = String.split(file, ~S[drop constraint("posts", "posts_pkey")], parts: 2) assert before_index_drop =~ ~S[drop constraint(:comments, "comments_post_id_fkey")] assert after_index_drop =~ ~S[modify :id, :uuid, null: true, primary_key: false] assert after_index_drop =~ ~S[modify :post_id, references(:posts, column: :id, name: "comments_post_id_fkey", type: :uuid, prefix: "public")] end end end