# Migrations ## Tasks The available tasks are: - `mix ash_postgres.generate_migrations` - `mix ash_postgres.create` - `mix ash_postgres.drop` - `mix ash_postgres.migrate` (use `mix ash_postgres.migrate --tenants` to run tenant migrations) AshPostgres is built on top of ecto, so much of its behavior is pass-through/orchestration of that tooling. ## Basic Workflow - Make resource changes - Run `mix ash_postgres.generate_migrations` to generate migrations and resource snapshots - Run `mix ash_postgres.migrate` to run those migrations - Run `mix ash_postgres.migrate --tenants` _as well_ if you have multi-tenant resources. For more information on generating migrations, see the module documentation here: `Mix.Tasks.AshPostgres.GenerateMigrations`, or run `mix help ash_postgres.generate_migrations` For running your migrations, there is a mix task that will find all of the repos configured in your apis and run their migrations. It is a thin wrapper around `mix ecto.migrate`. Ours is called `mix ash_postgres.migrate` If you want to run or rollback individual migrations, use the corresponding For tenant migrations (see the multitenancy guides for more) generated by multitenant resources, make sure you are using `mix ash_postgres.generate_migrations`. It is not sufficient to run `mix ash_postgres.migrate --migrations_path tenant_migrations_path`. You will also need to define a `list_tenants/0` function in your repo module. See `AshPostgres.Repo` for more. ### Regenerating Migrations Often, you will run into a situation where you want to make a slight change to a resource after you've already generated and run migrations. If you are using git and would like to undo those changes, then regenerate the migrations, this script may prove useful: ```bash #!/bin/bash # Get count of untracked migrations N_MIGRATIONS=$(git ls-files --others priv/repo/migrations | wc -l) # Rollback untracked migrations mix ecto.rollback -n $N_MIGRATIONS # Delete untracked migrations and snapshots git ls-files --others priv/repo/migrations | xargs rm git ls-files --others priv/resource_snapshots | xargs rm # Regenerate migrations mix ash_postgres.generate_migrations # Run migrations if flag if echo $* | grep -e "-m" -q then mix ecto.migrate fi ``` After saving this file to something like `regen.sh`, make it executable with `chmod +x regen.sh`. Now you can run it with `./regen.sh`. If you would like the migrations to automatically run after regeneration, add the `-m` flag: `./regen.sh -m`. ## Multiple Repos If you are using multiple repos, you will likely need to use `mix ecto.migrate` and manage it separately for each repo, as the options would be applied to both repo, which wouldn't make sense.