use Mix.Config if Mix.env() == :dev do config :git_ops, mix_project: AshPostgres.MixProject, changelog_file: "", repository_url: "", # Instructs the tool to manage your mix version in your `mix.exs` file # See below for more information manage_mix_version?: true, # Instructs the tool to manage the version in your # Pass in `true` to use `""` or a string to customize manage_readme_version: "", version_tag_prefix: "v" end if Mix.env() == :test do config :ash_postgres, AshPostgres.TestRepo, username: "postgres", database: "ash_postgres_test", hostname: "localhost", pool: Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox # sobelow_skip ["Config.Secrets"] config :ash_postgres, AshPostgres.TestRepo, password: "postgres" config :ash_postgres, ecto_repos: [AshPostgres.TestRepo], ash_apis: [AshPostgres.Test.Api, AshPostgres.MultitenancyTest.Api] config :ash_postgres, AshPostgres.TestRepo, migration_primary_key: [name: :id, type: :binary_id] config :logger, level: :warn end