defmodule AshPostgres.Extensions.Vector do @moduledoc """ An extension that adds support for the `vector` type. Create a file with these contents, not inside of a module: ```elixir Postgrex.Types.define(.PostgrexTypes, [AshPostgres.Extensions.Vector] ++ Ecto.Adapters.Postgres.extensions(), []) ``` And then ensure that you refer to these types in your repo configuration, i.e ```elixir config :my_app, YourApp.Repo, types: .PostgrexTypes ``` """ import Postgrex.BinaryUtils, warn: false def init(opts), do: Keyword.get(opts, :decode_binary, :copy) def matching(_), do: [type: "vector"] def format(_), do: :binary def encode(_) do quote do vec when is_struct(vec, Ash.Vector) -> data = vec |> Ash.Vector.to_binary() [<> | data] vec -> data = vec |> |> Ash.Vector.to_binary() [<> | data] end end def decode(:copy) do quote do <> -> bin |> :binary.copy() |> Ash.Vector.from_binary() end end def decode(_) do quote do <> -> bin |> Ash.Vector.from_binary() end end end