defmodule AshSqlite.SqlImplementation do @moduledoc false use AshSql.Implementation require Ecto.Query @impl true def manual_relationship_function, do: :ash_sqlite_join @impl true def manual_relationship_subquery_function, do: :ash_sqlite_subquery @impl true def strpos_function, do: "instr" @impl true def expr( query, %like{arguments: [arg1, arg2], embedded?: pred_embedded?}, bindings, embedded?, acc, type ) when like in [AshSqlite.Functions.Like, AshSqlite.Functions.ILike] do {arg1, acc} = AshSql.Expr.dynamic_expr(query, arg1, bindings, pred_embedded? || embedded?, :string, acc) {arg2, acc} = AshSql.Expr.dynamic_expr(query, arg2, bindings, pred_embedded? || embedded?, :string, acc) inner_dyn = if like == AshSqlite.Functions.Like do Ecto.Query.dynamic(like(^arg1, ^arg2)) else Ecto.Query.dynamic(like(fragment("LOWER(?)", ^arg1), fragment("LOWER(?)", ^arg2))) end if type != Ash.Type.Boolean do {:ok, inner_dyn, acc} else {:ok, Ecto.Query.dynamic(type(^inner_dyn, ^type)), acc} end end def expr( query, %Ash.Query.Function.GetPath{ arguments: [%Ash.Query.Ref{attribute: %{type: type}}, right] } = get_path, bindings, embedded?, acc, nil ) when is_atom(type) and is_list(right) do if Ash.Type.embedded_type?(type) do type = determine_type_at_path(type, right) do_get_path(query, get_path, bindings, embedded?, acc, type) else do_get_path(query, get_path, bindings, embedded?, acc) end end def expr( query, %Ash.Query.Function.GetPath{ arguments: [%Ash.Query.Ref{attribute: %{type: {:array, type}}}, right] } = get_path, bindings, embedded?, acc, nil ) when is_atom(type) and is_list(right) do if Ash.Type.embedded_type?(type) do type = determine_type_at_path(type, right) do_get_path(query, get_path, bindings, embedded?, acc, type) else do_get_path(query, get_path, bindings, embedded?, acc) end end def expr( query, %Ash.Query.Function.GetPath{} = get_path, bindings, embedded?, acc, type ) do do_get_path(query, get_path, bindings, embedded?, acc, type) end @impl true def expr( _query, _expr, _bindings, _embedded?, _acc, _type ) do :error end @impl true def type_expr(expr, nil), do: expr def type_expr(expr, type) when is_atom(type) do type = Ash.Type.get_type(type) cond do !Ash.Type.ash_type?(type) -> Ecto.Query.dynamic(type(^expr, ^type)) Ash.Type.storage_type(type, []) == :ci_string -> Ecto.Query.dynamic(fragment("(? COLLATE NOCASE)", ^expr)) true -> Ecto.Query.dynamic(type(^expr, ^Ash.Type.storage_type(type, []))) end end def type_expr(expr, type) do case type do {:parameterized, inner_type, constraints} -> if inner_type.type(constraints) == :ci_string do Ecto.Query.dynamic(fragment("(? COLLATE NOCASE)", ^expr)) else Ecto.Query.dynamic(type(^expr, ^type)) end nil -> expr type -> Ecto.Query.dynamic(type(^expr, ^type)) end end @impl true def table(resource) do AshSqlite.DataLayer.Info.table(resource) end @impl true def schema(_resource) do nil end @impl true def repo(resource, _kind) do AshSqlite.DataLayer.Info.repo(resource) end @impl true def multicolumn_distinct?, do: false @impl true def parameterized_type(type, constraints, no_maps? \\ false) def parameterized_type({:parameterized, _, _} = type, _, _) do type end def parameterized_type({:in, type}, constraints, no_maps?) do parameterized_type({:array, type}, constraints, no_maps?) end def parameterized_type({:array, type}, constraints, no_maps?) do case parameterized_type(type, constraints[:items] || [], no_maps?) do nil -> nil type -> {:array, type} end end def parameterized_type(type, _constraints, _no_maps?) when type in [Ash.Type.Map, Ash.Type.Map.EctoType], do: nil def parameterized_type(type, constraints, no_maps?) do if Ash.Type.ash_type?(type) do cast_in_query? = if function_exported?(Ash.Type, :cast_in_query?, 2) do Ash.Type.cast_in_query?(type, constraints) else Ash.Type.cast_in_query?(type) end if cast_in_query? do parameterized_type(Ash.Type.ecto_type(type), constraints, no_maps?) else nil end else if is_atom(type) && :erlang.function_exported(type, :type, 1) do {:parameterized, type, constraints || []} else type end end end @impl true def determine_types(mod, values) do Code.ensure_compiled(mod) cond do :erlang.function_exported(mod, :types, 0) -> mod.types() :erlang.function_exported(mod, :args, 0) -> mod.args() true -> [:any] end |> types -> case types do :same -> types = for _ <- values do :same end closest_fitting_type(types, values) :any -> for _ <- values do :any end types -> closest_fitting_type(types, values) end end) |> Enum.filter(fn types -> Enum.all?(types, &(vagueness(&1) == 0)) end) |> case do [type] -> if type == :any || type == {:in, :any} do nil else type end # There are things we could likely do here # We only say "we know what types these are" when we explicitly know _ ->, fn _ -> nil end) end end defp closest_fitting_type(types, values) do types_with_values =, values) types_with_values |> fill_in_known_types() |> clarify_types() end defp clarify_types(types) do basis = types |>, 0)) |> Enum.min_by(&vagueness(&1)), fn {type, _value} -> replace_same(type, basis) end) end defp replace_same({:in, type}, basis) do {:in, replace_same(type, basis)} end defp replace_same(:same, :same) do :any end defp replace_same(:same, {:in, :same}) do {:in, :any} end defp replace_same(:same, basis) do basis end defp replace_same(other, _basis) do other end defp fill_in_known_types(types) do, &fill_in_known_type/1) end defp fill_in_known_type( {vague_type, %Ash.Query.Ref{attribute: %{type: type, constraints: constraints}}} = ref ) when vague_type in [:any, :same] do if Ash.Type.ash_type?(type) do type = type |> parameterized_type(constraints, true) |> array_to_in() {type || :any, ref} else type = if is_atom(type) && :erlang.function_exported(type, :type, 1) do {:parameterized, type, []} |> array_to_in() else type |> array_to_in() end {type, ref} end end defp fill_in_known_type( {{:array, type}, %Ash.Query.Ref{attribute: %{type: {:array, type}} = attribute} = ref} ) do {:in, fill_in_known_type({type, %{ref | attribute: %{attribute | type: type}}})} end defp fill_in_known_type({type, value}), do: {array_to_in(type), value} defp array_to_in({:array, v}), do: {:in, array_to_in(v)} defp array_to_in({:parameterized, type, constraints}), do: {:parameterized, array_to_in(type), constraints} defp array_to_in(v), do: v defp vagueness({:in, type}), do: vagueness(type) defp vagueness(:same), do: 2 defp vagueness(:any), do: 1 defp vagueness(_), do: 0 defp do_get_path( query, %Ash.Query.Function.GetPath{arguments: [left, right], embedded?: pred_embedded?}, bindings, embedded?, acc, type \\ nil ) do path = "$." <> Enum.join(right, ".") {expr, acc} = AshSql.Expr.dynamic_expr( query, %Ash.Query.Function.Fragment{ embedded?: pred_embedded?, arguments: [ raw: "json_extract(", expr: left, raw: ", ", expr: path, raw: ")" ] }, bindings, embedded?, type, acc ) if type do {expr, acc} = AshSql.Expr.dynamic_expr( query, %Ash.Query.Function.Type{arguments: [expr, type, []]}, bindings, embedded?, type, acc ) {:ok, expr, acc} else {:ok, expr, acc} end end defp determine_type_at_path(type, path) do path |> Enum.reject(&is_integer/1) |> do_determine_type_at_path(type) |> case do nil -> nil {type, constraints} -> AshSqlite.Types.parameterized_type(type, constraints) end end defp do_determine_type_at_path([], _), do: nil defp do_determine_type_at_path([item], type) do case Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(type, item) do nil -> nil %{type: {:array, type}, constraints: constraints} -> constraints = constraints[:items] || [] {type, constraints} %{type: type, constraints: constraints} -> {type, constraints} end end defp do_determine_type_at_path([item | rest], type) do case Ash.Resource.Info.attribute(type, item) do nil -> nil %{type: {:array, type}} -> if Ash.Type.embedded_type?(type) do type else nil end %{type: type} -> if Ash.Type.embedded_type?(type) do type else nil end end |> case do nil -> nil type -> do_determine_type_at_path(rest, type) end end end