defmodule AshSqlite.Repo do @moduledoc """ Resources that use `AshSqlite.DataLayer` use a `Repo` to access the database. This repo is a thin wrapper around an `Ecto.Repo`. You can use `Ecto.Repo`'s `init/2` to configure your repo like normal, but instead of returning `{:ok, config}`, use `super(config)` to pass the configuration to the `AshSqlite.Repo` implementation. """ @doc "Use this to inform the data layer about what extensions are installed" @callback installed_extensions() :: [String.t()] @doc """ Use this to inform the data layer about the oldest potential sqlite version it will be run on. Must be an integer greater than or equal to 13. """ @callback min_pg_version() :: integer() @doc "The path where your migrations are stored" @callback migrations_path() :: String.t() | nil @doc "Allows overriding a given migration type for *all* fields, for example if you wanted to always use :timestamptz for :utc_datetime fields" @callback override_migration_type(atom) :: atom defmacro __using__(opts) do quote bind_quoted: [opts: opts] do otp_app = opts[:otp_app] || raise("Must configure OTP app") use Ecto.Repo, adapter: Ecto.Adapters.SQLite3, otp_app: otp_app @behaviour AshSqlite.Repo defoverridable insert: 2, insert: 1, insert!: 2, insert!: 1 def installed_extensions, do: [] def migrations_path, do: nil def override_migration_type(type), do: type def min_pg_version, do: 10 def init(_, config) do new_config = config |> Keyword.put(:installed_extensions, installed_extensions()) |> Keyword.put(:migrations_path, migrations_path()) |> Keyword.put(:case_sensitive_like, :on) {:ok, new_config} end def insert(struct_or_changeset, opts \\ []) do struct_or_changeset |> to_ecto() |> then(fn value -> repo = get_dynamic_repo() Ecto.Repo.Schema.insert( __MODULE__, repo, value, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:insert, opts)) ) end) |> from_ecto() end def insert!(struct_or_changeset, opts \\ []) do struct_or_changeset |> to_ecto() |> then(fn value -> repo = get_dynamic_repo() Ecto.Repo.Schema.insert!( __MODULE__, repo, value, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:insert, opts)) ) end) |> from_ecto() end def from_ecto({:ok, result}), do: {:ok, from_ecto(result)} def from_ecto({:error, _} = other), do: other def from_ecto(nil), do: nil def from_ecto(value) when is_list(value) do, &from_ecto/1) end def from_ecto(%resource{} = record) do if, Ash.Resource) do empty = struct(resource) resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.relationships() |> Enum.reduce(record, fn relationship, record -> case Map.get(record, do %Ecto.Association.NotLoaded{} -> Map.put(record,, Map.get(empty, value -> Map.put(record,, from_ecto(value)) end end) else record end end def from_ecto(other), do: other def to_ecto(nil), do: nil def to_ecto(value) when is_list(value) do, &to_ecto/1) end def to_ecto(%resource{} = record) do if, Ash.Resource) do resource |> Ash.Resource.Info.relationships() |> Enum.reduce(record, fn relationship, record -> value = case Map.get(record, do %Ash.NotLoaded{} -> %Ecto.Association.NotLoaded{ __field__:, __cardinality__: relationship.cardinality } value -> to_ecto(value) end Map.put(record,, value) end) else record end end def to_ecto(other), do: other defoverridable init: 2, installed_extensions: 0, override_migration_type: 1, min_pg_version: 0 end end end