defmodule AshSqlite.Test.Post do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource, domain: AshSqlite.Test.Domain, data_layer: AshSqlite.DataLayer, authorizers: [ Ash.Policy.Authorizer ] policies do bypass action_type(:read) do # Check that the post is in the same org as actor authorize_if(relates_to_actor_via([:organization, :users])) end end sqlite do table("posts") repo(AshSqlite.TestRepo) base_filter_sql("type = 'sponsored'") custom_indexes do index([:uniq_custom_one, :uniq_custom_two], unique: true, message: "dude what the heck" ) end end resource do base_filter(expr(type == type(:sponsored, ^Ash.Type.Atom))) end actions do default_accept(:*) defaults([:update, :destroy]) read :read do primary?(true) end read :paginated do pagination(offset?: true, required?: true) end create :create do primary?(true) argument(:rating, :map) change( manage_relationship(:rating, :ratings, on_missing: :ignore, on_no_match: :create, on_match: :create ) ) end update :increment_score do argument(:amount, :integer, default: 1) change(atomic_update(:score, expr((score || 0) + ^arg(:amount)))) end end identities do identity(:uniq_one_and_two, [:uniq_one, :uniq_two]) end attributes do uuid_primary_key(:id, writable?: true) attribute(:title, :string, public?: true) attribute(:score, :integer, public?: true) attribute(:public, :boolean, public?: true) attribute(:category, :ci_string, public?: true) attribute(:type, :atom, default: :sponsored, writable?: false) attribute(:price, :integer, public?: true) attribute(:decimal, :decimal, default:, public?: true) attribute(:status, AshSqlite.Test.Types.Status, public?: true) attribute(:status_enum, AshSqlite.Test.Types.StatusEnum, public?: true) attribute(:status_enum_no_cast, AshSqlite.Test.Types.StatusEnumNoCast, source: :status_enum, public?: true ) attribute(:stuff, :map, public?: true) attribute(:uniq_one, :string, public?: true) attribute(:uniq_two, :string, public?: true) attribute(:uniq_custom_one, :string, public?: true) attribute(:uniq_custom_two, :string, public?: true) create_timestamp(:created_at) update_timestamp(:updated_at) end code_interface do define(:get_by_id, action: :read, get_by: [:id]) define(:increment_score, args: [{:optional, :amount}]) end relationships do belongs_to :organization, AshSqlite.Test.Organization do public?(true) attribute_writable?(true) end belongs_to(:author, AshSqlite.Test.Author, public?: true) has_many(:comments, AshSqlite.Test.Comment, destination_attribute: :post_id, public?: true) has_many :comments_matching_post_title, AshSqlite.Test.Comment do public?(true) filter(expr(title == parent_expr(title))) end has_many :popular_comments, AshSqlite.Test.Comment do public?(true) destination_attribute(:post_id) filter(expr(likes > 10)) end has_many :comments_containing_title, AshSqlite.Test.Comment do public?(true) manual(AshSqlite.Test.Post.CommentsContainingTitle) end has_many(:ratings, AshSqlite.Test.Rating, public?: true, destination_attribute: :resource_id, relationship_context: %{data_layer: %{table: "post_ratings"}} ) has_many(:post_links, AshSqlite.Test.PostLink, public?: true, destination_attribute: :source_post_id, filter: [state: :active] ) many_to_many(:linked_posts, __MODULE__, public?: true, through: AshSqlite.Test.PostLink, join_relationship: :post_links, source_attribute_on_join_resource: :source_post_id, destination_attribute_on_join_resource: :destination_post_id ) has_many(:views, AshSqlite.Test.PostView, public?: true) end validations do validate(attribute_does_not_equal(:title, "not allowed")) end calculations do calculate(:score_after_winning, :integer, expr((score || 0) + 1)) calculate(:negative_score, :integer, expr(-score)) calculate(:category_label, :string, expr("(" <> category <> ")")) calculate(:score_with_score, :string, expr(score <> score)) calculate(:foo_bar_from_stuff, :string, expr(stuff[:foo][:bar])) calculate( :score_map, :map, expr(%{ negative_score: %{foo: negative_score, bar: negative_score} }) ) calculate( :calc_returning_json, AshSqlite.Test.Money, expr( fragment(""" '{"amount":100, "currency": "usd"}' """) ) ) calculate( :was_created_in_the_last_month, :boolean, expr( # This is written in a silly way on purpose, to test a regression if( fragment("(? <= (DATE(? - '+1 month')))", now(), created_at), true, false ) ) ) calculate( :price_string, :string, CalculatePostPriceString ) calculate( :price_string_with_currency_sign, :string, CalculatePostPriceStringWithSymbol ) end end defmodule CalculatePostPriceString do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource.Calculation @impl true def load(_, _, _), do: [:price] @impl true def calculate(records, _, _) do, fn %{price: price} -> dollars = div(price, 100) cents = rem(price, 100) "#{dollars}.#{cents}" end) end end defmodule CalculatePostPriceStringWithSymbol do @moduledoc false use Ash.Resource.Calculation @impl true def load(_, _, _), do: [:price_string] @impl true def calculate(records, _, _) do, fn %{price_string: price_string} -> "#{price_string}$" end) end end