defmodule AshStateMachineTest do use ExUnit.Case doctest AshStateMachine describe "transformers" do test "infers all states, excluding star (:*)" do assert Enum.sort(AshStateMachine.Info.state_machine_all_states(ThreeStates)) == Enum.sort([:executing, :pending, :complete]) end end describe "behavior" do test "begins in the appropriate state" do assert ThreeStates.create!().state == :pending end test "it transitions to the appropriate state" do state_machine = ThreeStates.create!() assert ThreeStates.begin!(state_machine).state == :executing end test "it transitions again to the appropriate state" do state_machine = ThreeStates.create!() |> ThreeStates.begin!() assert ThreeStates.complete!(state_machine).state == :complete end test "`from: :*` can transition from any state" do for state <- [:pending, :confirmed, :on_its_way, :arrived, :error] do assert {:ok, machine} = Order.abort(%Order{state: state}) assert machine.state == :aborted end end test "`from: :*` cannot transition _to_ any state" do for state <- [:pending, :confirmed, :on_its_way, :arrived, :error] do assert {:error, reason} = Order.reroute(%Order{state: state}) # if state != :aborted do # assert Ash.can?({%Order{state: state}, :reroute}, nil) == false # end assert Exception.message(reason) =~ ~r/no matching transition/i end end end describe "charts" do test "it generates the appropriate chart" do assert AshStateMachine.Charts.mermaid_flowchart(ThreeStates) == """ flowchart TD pending --> |begin| executing executing --> |complete| complete complete --> pending executing --> pending pending --> pending """ |> String.trim_trailing() end end describe "next state" do test "when there is only one next state, it transitions into it" do assert {:ok, nsm} = NextStateMachine.create(%{state: :a}) assert {:ok, nsm} = assert nsm.state == :b end test "when there is more than one next state, it makes an oopsie" do assert {:ok, nsm} = NextStateMachine.create(%{state: :b}) assert {:error, reason} = assert Exception.message(reason) =~ ~r/multiple next states/i end test "when there are no next states available, it also makes an oopsie" do assert {:ok, nsm} = NextStateMachine.create(%{state: :c}) assert {:error, reason} = assert Exception.message(reason) =~ ~r/no next state/i end end describe "possible_next_states/1" do test "it correctly returns the next states" do record = ThreeStates.create!() assert [:executing, :pending] = AshStateMachine.possible_next_states(record) end end describe "possible_next_states/2" do test "it correctly returns the next states" do record = ThreeStates.create!() assert [:pending] = AshStateMachine.possible_next_states(record, :complete) end end end