defmodule AshStateMachine do defmodule Transition do @moduledoc """ The configuration for an transition. """ @type t :: %__MODULE__{ action: atom, from: [atom], to: [atom], __identifier__: any } defstruct [:action, :from, :to, :__identifier__] end require Logger @transition %Spark.Dsl.Entity{ name: :transition, target: Transition, args: [:action], identifier: {:auto, :unique_integer}, schema: [ action: [ type: :atom, required: true, doc: "The corresponding action that is invoked for the transition. Use `:*` to allow any update action to perform this transition." ], from: [ type: {:or, [{:list, :atom}, :atom]}, required: true, doc: "The states in which this action may be called. If not specified, then any state is accepted. Use `:*` to refer to all states." ], to: [ type: {:or, [{:list, :atom}, :atom]}, required: true, doc: "The states that this action may move to. If not specified, then any state is accepted. Use `:*` to refer to all states." ] ] } @transitions %Spark.Dsl.Section{ name: :transitions, describe: """ # Wildcards Use `:*` to represent "any action" when used in place of an action, or "any state" when used in place of a state. For example: ```elixir transition :*, from: :*, to: :* ``` The full list of states is derived at compile time from the transitions. Use the `extra_states` to express that certain types should be included in that list even though no transitions go to/from that state explicitly. This is necessary for cases where there are states that use `:*` and no transition explicitly leads to that transition. """, entities: [ @transition ] } @state_machine %Spark.Dsl.Section{ name: :state_machine, schema: [ deprecated_states: [ type: {:list, :atom}, default: [], doc: """ A list of states that have been deprecated but are still valid. These will still be in the possible list of states, but `:*` will not include them. """ ], extra_states: [ type: {:list, :atom}, default: [], doc: """ A list of states that may be used by transitions to/from `:*`. See the docs on wildcards for more. """ ], state_attribute: [ type: :atom, doc: "The attribute to store the state in.", default: :state ], initial_states: [ type: {:list, :atom}, required: true, doc: "The allowed starting states of this state machine." ], default_initial_state: [ type: :atom, doc: "The default initial state" ] ], sections: [ @transitions ] } @sections [@state_machine] @moduledoc """ Provides tools for defining and working with resource-backed state machines. """ use Spark.Dsl.Extension, sections: @sections, transformers: [ AshStateMachine.Transformers.FillInTransitionDefaults, AshStateMachine.Transformers.AddState, AshStateMachine.Transformers.EnsureStateSelected ], verifiers: [ AshStateMachine.Verifiers.VerifyTransitionActions, AshStateMachine.Verifiers.VerifyDefaultInitialState ], imports: [ AshStateMachine.BuiltinChanges ] @doc """ A utility to transition the state of a changeset, honoring the rules of the resource. """ def transition_state(%{action_type: :update} = changeset, target) do transitions = AshStateMachine.Info.state_machine_transitions(changeset.resource, attribute = AshStateMachine.Info.state_machine_state_attribute!(changeset.resource) old_state = Map.get(, attribute) if target in AshStateMachine.Info.state_machine_all_states(changeset.resource) do case Enum.find(transitions, fn transition -> old_state in List.wrap(transition.from) and target in List.wrap( end) do nil -> Ash.Changeset.add_error( changeset, AshStateMachine.Errors.NoMatchingTransition.exception( old_state: old_state, target: target, action: ) ) _transition -> Ash.Changeset.force_change_attribute(changeset, attribute, target) end else no_such_state(changeset, target) end end def transition_state(%{action_type: :create} = changeset, target) do attribute = AshStateMachine.Info.state_machine_state_attribute!(changeset.resource) if target in AshStateMachine.Info.state_machine_initial_states!(changeset.resource) do Ash.Changeset.force_change_attribute(changeset, attribute, target) else Ash.Changeset.add_error( changeset, AshStateMachine.Errors.InvalidInitialState.exception( target: target, action: ) ) end end def transition_state(other, _target) do Ash.Changeset.add_error(other, "Can't transition states on destroy actions") end @doc false def no_such_state(changeset, target, old_state \\ nil) do Logger.error(""" Attempted to transition to an unknown state. This usually means that one of the following is true: * You have a missing transition definition in your state machine To remediate this, add a transition. * You are using `:*` to include a state that appears nowhere in the state machine definition To remediate this, add the `extra_states` option and include the state #{inspect(target)} """) Ash.Changeset.add_error( changeset, AshStateMachine.Errors.NoMatchingTransition.exception( old_state: old_state, target: target, action: ) ) end @doc """ A reusable helper which returns all possible next states for a record (regardless of action). """ @spec possible_next_states(Ash.Resource.record()) :: [atom] def possible_next_states(%resource{} = record) do state_attribute = AshStateMachine.Info.state_machine_state_attribute!(resource) current_state = Map.fetch!(record, state_attribute) resource |> AshStateMachine.Info.state_machine_transitions() |>{from: List.wrap(&1.from), to: List.wrap(&}) |> Enum.filter(&(current_state in &1.from or :* in &1.from)) |> Enum.flat_map(& & |> Enum.reject(&(&1 == :*)) |> Enum.uniq() end @doc """ A reusable helper which returns all possible next states for a record given a specific action. """ @spec possible_next_states(Ash.Resource.record(), atom) :: [atom] def possible_next_states(%resource{} = record, action_name) when is_atom(action_name) do state_attribute = AshStateMachine.Info.state_machine_state_attribute!(resource) current_state = Map.fetch!(record, state_attribute) resource |> AshStateMachine.Info.state_machine_transitions(action_name) |>{from: List.wrap(&1.from), to: List.wrap(&}) |> Enum.filter(&(current_state in &1.from or :* in &1.from)) |> Enum.flat_map(& & |> Enum.reject(&(&1 == :*)) |> Enum.uniq() end end