defmodule Order do @moduledoc false # leaving out data layer configuration for brevity use Ash.Resource, domain: Domain, extensions: [AshStateMachine], authorizers: [Ash.Policy.Authorizer] state_machine do initial_states [:pending] default_initial_state :pending transitions do transition :confirm, from: :pending, to: :confirmed transition :begin_delivery, from: :confirmed, to: :on_its_way transition :package_arrived, from: :on_its_way, to: :arrived transition :error, from: [:pending, :confirmed, :on_its_way], to: :error transition :abort, from: :*, to: :aborted transition :reroute, from: :*, to: :rerouted end end policies do policy always() do authorize_if AshStateMachine.Checks.ValidNextState end end actions do default_accept :* # create sets the st defaults [:create, :read] create :create_with_state do accept [:state] end update :confirm do # accept [...] you can change other attributes # or do anything else an action can normally do # this transition will be validated according to # the state machine rules above change transition_state(:confirmed) end update :begin_delivery do # accept [...] change transition_state(:on_its_way) end update :package_arrived do # accept [...] change transition_state(:arrived) end update :error do accept [:error_state, :error] change transition_state(:error) end update :abort do # accept [...] change transition_state(:aborted) end update :reroute do # accept [...] # The defined transition for this route contains a `from: :*` but does not include `to: :aborted` # This should never succeed change transition_state(:aborted) end end changes do # any failures should be captured and transitioned to the error state change after_transaction(fn changeset, {:ok, result}, _ -> {:ok, result} changeset, {:error, error}, _ -> if changeset.context[:error_handler?] do {:error, error} else |> Ash.Changeset.for_update(:error, %{ error_state: }) |> Ash.Changeset.set_context(%{error_handler?: true}) |> Ash.update() {:error, error} end end), on: [:update] end code_interface do define :abort define :reroute end attributes do uuid_primary_key :id # ...attributes like address/delivery options would go here attribute :error, :string, public?: true attribute :error_state, :string, public?: true # :state attribute is added for you by `state_machine` # however, you can add it yourself, and you will be guided by # compile errors on what states need to be allowed by your type. end end