defmodule Igniter.Config do @moduledoc "Codemods and utilities for modifying Elixir config files." require Igniter.Code.Function alias Igniter.Code.Common alias Sourceror.Zipper @doc "Sets a config value in the given configuration file, if it is not already set." @spec configure_new(Igniter.t(), Path.t(), atom(), list(atom), term()) :: Igniter.t() def configure_new(igniter, file_path, app_name, config_path, value) do configure(igniter, file_path, app_name, config_path, value, & &1) end @doc "Sets a config value in the given configuration file, updating it with `updater` if it is already set." @spec configure( Igniter.t(), Path.t(), atom(), list(atom), term(), (Zipper.t() -> {:ok, Zipper.t()} | :error) | nil ) :: Igniter.t() def configure(igniter, file_name, app_name, config_path, value, updater \\ nil) do file_contents = "import Config\n" file_path = Path.join("config", file_name) config_path = List.wrap(config_path) value = case value do {:code, value} -> value value -> Macro.escape(value) end updater = updater || fn zipper -> {:ok, Zipper.replace(zipper, value)} end igniter |> ensure_default_configs_exist(file_name) |> Igniter.include_or_create_elixir_file(file_path, file_contents) |> Igniter.update_elixir_file(file_path, fn zipper -> case Zipper.find(zipper, fn {:import, _, [Config]} -> true {:import, _, [{:__aliases__, _, [:Config]}]} -> true _ -> false end) do nil -> {:error, "No call to `import Config` found in configuration file"} zipper -> modify_configuration_code(zipper, config_path, app_name, value, updater) end end) end defp ensure_default_configs_exist(igniter, "runtime.exs"), do: igniter defp ensure_default_configs_exist(igniter, _file) do igniter |> Igniter.include_or_create_elixir_file("config/config.exs", """ import Config # Import environment specific config. This must remain at the bottom # of this file so it overrides the configuration defined above. import_config "\#{config_env()}.exs" """) |> Igniter.include_or_create_elixir_file("config/dev.exs", """ import Config """) |> Igniter.include_or_create_elixir_file("config/test.exs", """ import Config """) |> Igniter.include_or_create_elixir_file("config/prod.exs", """ import Config """) end @doc """ Modifies elixir configuration code starting at the configured zipper. If you want to set configuration, use `configure/6` or `configure_new/5` instead. This is a lower-level tool for modifying configuration files when you need to adjust some specific part of them. """ @spec modify_configuration_code( Zipper.t(), list(atom), atom(), term(), (Zipper.t() -> {:ok, Zipper.t()} | :error) | nil ) :: Igniter.t() def modify_configuration_code(zipper, config_path, app_name, value, updater \\ nil) do updater = updater || fn zipper -> {:ok, Zipper.replace(zipper, value)} end case try_update_three_arg(zipper, config_path, app_name, value, updater) do {:ok, zipper} -> zipper :error -> case try_update_two_arg(zipper, config_path, app_name, value, updater) do {:ok, zipper} -> zipper :error -> [first | rest] = config_path # this indicates its a module / not a "pretty" atom config = if is_atom(first) && String.downcase(to_string(first)) != to_string(first) do {:config, [], [app_name, first, Igniter.Code.Keyword.keywordify(rest, value)]} else {:config, [], [app_name, [{first, Igniter.Code.Keyword.keywordify(rest, value)}]]} end case Igniter.Code.Function.move_to_function_call_in_current_scope( zipper, :import, 1, fn function_call -> Igniter.Code.Function.argument_matches_predicate?( function_call, 0, &Common.nodes_equal?(&1, Config) ) end ) do {:ok, zipper} -> zipper |> Zipper.right() |> case do nil -> Common.add_code(zipper, config) zipper -> Common.add_code(zipper, config, :before) end end end end end @doc "Returns `true` if the given configuration path is set somewhere after the provided zipper." @spec configures?(Zipper.t(), list(atom), atom()) :: boolean() def configures?(zipper, config_path, app_name) do if Enum.count(config_path) == 1 do config_item =, 0) case Igniter.Code.Function.move_to_function_call_in_current_scope( zipper, :config, 3, fn function_call -> Igniter.Code.Function.argument_matches_pattern?(function_call, 0, ^app_name) && Igniter.Code.Function.argument_matches_pattern?(function_call, 1, ^config_item) end ) do :error -> false {:ok, _zipper} -> true end else case Igniter.Code.Function.move_to_function_call_in_current_scope( zipper, :config, 2, fn function_call -> Igniter.Code.Function.argument_matches_pattern?(function_call, 0, ^app_name) end ) do :error -> :error {:ok, zipper} -> Igniter.Code.Function.argument_matches_predicate?(zipper, 1, fn zipper -> Igniter.Code.Keyword.keyword_has_path?(zipper, config_path) end) end end end defp try_update_three_arg(zipper, config_path, app_name, value, updater) do if Enum.count(config_path) == 1 do config_item =, 0) case Igniter.Code.Function.move_to_function_call_in_current_scope( zipper, :config, 3, fn function_call -> Igniter.Code.Function.argument_matches_pattern?(function_call, 0, ^app_name) && Igniter.Code.Function.argument_matches_pattern?(function_call, 1, ^config_item) end ) do :error -> :error {:ok, zipper} -> Igniter.Code.Function.update_nth_argument(zipper, 2, updater) end else [config_item | path] = config_path case Igniter.Code.Function.move_to_function_call_in_current_scope( zipper, :config, 3, fn function_call -> Igniter.Code.Function.argument_matches_pattern?(function_call, 0, ^app_name) && (Igniter.Code.Function.argument_matches_pattern?(function_call, 1, ^config_item) || Igniter.Code.Function.argument_matches_predicate?( function_call, 1, &Common.nodes_equal?(&1, config_item) )) end ) do :error -> :error {:ok, zipper} -> with {:ok, zipper} <- Igniter.Code.Function.move_to_nth_argument(zipper, 2), {:ok, zipper} <- Igniter.Code.Keyword.put_in_keyword(zipper, path, value, updater) do {:ok, zipper} else _ -> :error end end end end defp try_update_two_arg(zipper, config_path, app_name, value, updater) do case Igniter.Code.Function.move_to_function_call_in_current_scope( zipper, :config, 2, fn function_call -> Igniter.Code.Function.argument_matches_pattern?(function_call, 0, ^app_name) end ) do :error -> :error {:ok, zipper} -> Igniter.Code.Function.update_nth_argument( zipper, 1, &Igniter.Code.Keyword.put_in_keyword(&1, config_path, value, updater) ) end end end