defmodule Igniter do @moduledoc """ Tools for generating and patching code into an Elixir project. """ defstruct [:rewrite, issues: [], tasks: [], warnings: [], assigns: %{}, moves: %{}] alias Sourceror.Zipper @type t :: %__MODULE__{ rewrite: Rewrite.t(), issues: [String.t()], tasks: [{String.t() | list(String.t())}], warnings: [String.t()], assigns: map(), moves: %{optional(String.t()) => String.t()} } @type zipper_updater :: (Zipper.t() -> {:ok, Zipper.t()} | {:error, String.t() | [String.t()]}) @doc "Returns a new igniter" @spec new() :: t() def new do %__MODULE__{rewrite:} |> include_existing_elixir_file(".igniter.exs", required?: false) |> parse_igniter_config() end def move_file(igniter, from, from, opts \\ []) def move_file(igniter, from, from, _opts), do: igniter def move_file(igniter, from, to, opts) do case Enum.find(igniter.moves, fn {_key, value} -> value == from end) do {key, _} -> move_file(igniter.moves, key, to) _ -> if File.exists?(to) || match?({:ok, _}, Rewrite.source(igniter.rewrite, to)) do if Keyword.get(opts, :error_if_exists?, true) do add_issue(igniter, "Cannot move #{from} to #{to}, as #{to} already exists.") else igniter end else igniter = include_existing_file(igniter, from) source = Rewrite.source!(igniter.rewrite, from) if Rewrite.Source.from?(source, :string) do rewrite = igniter.rewrite |> Rewrite.drop([source.path]) |> Rewrite.put!(%{source | path: to}) %{igniter | rewrite: rewrite} else %{igniter | moves: Map.put(igniter.moves, from, to)} end end end end @doc "Stores the key/value pair in `igniter.assigns`" @spec assign(t, atom, term()) :: t() def assign(igniter, key, value) do %{igniter | assigns: Map.put(igniter.assigns, key, value)} end def assign(igniter, key_vals) do Enum.reduce(key_vals, igniter, fn {key, value}, igniter -> assign(igniter, key, value) end) end def update_assign(igniter, key, default, fun) do %{igniter | assigns: Map.update(igniter.assigns, key, default, fun)} end defp assign_private(igniter, key, value) do %{ igniter | assigns: Map.update(igniter.assigns, :private, %{key => value}, &Map.put(&1, key, value)) } end @doc "Includes all files matching the given glob, expecting them all (for now) to be elixir files." @spec include_glob(t, Path.t() | GlobEx.t()) :: t() def include_glob(igniter, glob) do glob |> case do %GlobEx{} = glob -> glob string -> GlobEx.compile!(Path.expand(string)) end |> |> Enum.filter(fn path -> if Path.extname(path) in [".ex", ".exs"] do true else raise ArgumentError, "Cannot include #{inspect(path)} because it is not an Elixir file. This can be supported in the future, but the work hasn't been done yet." end end) |> |> then(fn paths -> Enum.reduce(paths, igniter, fn path, igniter -> Igniter.include_existing_elixir_file(igniter, path, format?: false) end) |> format(paths) end) end @doc """ Updates all files matching the given glob with the given zipper function. Adds any new files matching that glob to the igniter first. """ @spec update_glob( t, Path.t() | GlobEx.t(), zipper_updater ) :: t() def update_glob(igniter, glob, func) do glob = case glob do %GlobEx{} = glob -> glob string -> GlobEx.compile!(Path.expand(string)) end igniter = include_glob(igniter, glob) Enum.reduce(igniter.rewrite, igniter, fn source, igniter -> path = Rewrite.Source.get(source, :path) if GlobEx.match?(glob, path) do update_elixir_file(igniter, path, func) else igniter end end) end @doc "Adds an issue to the issues list. Any issues will prevent writing and be displayed to the user." @spec add_issue(t, term | list(term)) :: t() def add_issue(igniter, issue) do %{igniter | issues: List.wrap(issue) ++ igniter.issues} end @doc "Adds a warning to the warnings list. Warnings will not prevent writing, but will be displayed to the user." @spec add_warning(t, term | list(term)) :: t() def add_warning(igniter, warning) do %{igniter | warnings: List.wrap(warning) ++ igniter.warnings} end @doc "Adds a task to the tasks list. Tasks will be run after all changes have been commited" def add_task(igniter, task, argv \\ []) when is_binary(task) do %{igniter | tasks: igniter.tasks ++ [{task, argv}]} end @doc """ Finds the `Igniter.Mix.Task` task by name and composes it (calls its `igniter/2`) into the current igniter. If the task doesn't exist, a fallback implementation may be provided as the last argument. """ def compose_task(igniter, task, argv \\ [], fallback \\ nil) def compose_task(igniter, task, argv, fallback) when is_atom(task) do Code.ensure_compiled!(task) if function_exported?(task, :igniter, 2) do if !task.supports_umbrella?() && Mix.Project.umbrella?() do add_issue(igniter, "Cannot run #{inspect(task)} in an umbrella project.") else task.igniter(igniter, argv) end else if is_function(fallback) do fallback.(igniter, argv) else add_issue( igniter, "#{inspect(task)} does not implement `Igniter.igniter/2` and no alternative implementation was provided." ) end end end def compose_task(igniter, task_name, argv, fallback) do if igniter.issues == [] do task_name |> Mix.Task.get() |> case do nil -> if is_function(fallback) do fallback.(igniter, argv) else igniter end task -> compose_task(igniter, task, argv, fallback) end else igniter end end @doc """ Updates the source code of the given elixir file """ @spec update_elixir_file(t(), Path.t(), zipper_updater()) :: Igniter.t() def update_elixir_file(igniter, path, func) do if Rewrite.has_source?(igniter.rewrite, path) do source = Rewrite.source!(igniter.rewrite, path) igniter |> apply_func_with_zipper(source, func) |> format(path) else if File.exists?(path) do source = read_ex_source!(path) %{igniter | rewrite: Rewrite.put!(igniter.rewrite, source)} |> format(path) |> apply_func_with_zipper(source, func) else add_issue(igniter, "Required #{path} but it did not exist") end end end @doc """ Updates a given file's `Rewrite.Source` """ @spec update_file(t(), Path.t(), (Rewrite.Source.t() -> Rewrite.Source.t())) :: t() def update_file(igniter, path, updater) do if Rewrite.has_source?(igniter.rewrite, path) do %{igniter | rewrite: Rewrite.update!(igniter.rewrite, path, updater)} else if File.exists?(path) do source = read_ex_source!(path) %{igniter | rewrite: Rewrite.put!(igniter.rewrite, source)} |> format(path) |> Map.update!(:rewrite, fn rewrite -> source = Rewrite.source!(rewrite, path) Rewrite.update!(rewrite, path, updater.(source)) end) else add_issue(igniter, "Required #{path} but it did not exist") end end end @doc "Includes the given elixir file in the project, expecting it to exist. Does nothing if its already been added." @spec include_existing_elixir_file(t(), Path.t(), opts :: Keyword.t()) :: t() def include_existing_elixir_file(igniter, path, opts \\ []) do required? = Keyword.get(opts, :required?, false) if Rewrite.has_source?(igniter.rewrite, path) do igniter else if File.exists?(path) do source = read_ex_source!(path) %{igniter | rewrite: Rewrite.put!(igniter.rewrite, source)} |> then(fn igniter -> if opts[:format?] do format(igniter, path) else igniter end end) else if required? do add_issue(igniter, "Required #{path} but it did not exist") else igniter end end end end @doc "Includes the given file in the project, expecting it to exist. Does nothing if its already been added." @spec include_existing_file(t(), Path.t(), opts :: Keyword.t()) :: t() def include_existing_file(igniter, path, opts \\ []) do required? = Keyword.get(opts, :required?, false) if Rewrite.has_source?(igniter.rewrite, path) do igniter else if File.exists?(path) do source =!(path) %{igniter | rewrite: Rewrite.put!(igniter.rewrite, source)} |> format(path) else if required? do add_issue(igniter, "Required #{path} but it did not exist") else igniter end end end end @doc "Includes or creates the given file in the project with the provided contents. Does nothing if its already been added." @spec include_or_create_elixir_file(t(), Path.t(), contents :: String.t()) :: t() def include_or_create_elixir_file(igniter, path, contents \\ "") do if Rewrite.has_source?(igniter.rewrite, path) do igniter else source = try do read_ex_source!(path) rescue _ -> "" |> Rewrite.Source.Ex.from_string(path) |> Rewrite.Source.update(:file_creator, :content, contents) end %{igniter | rewrite: Rewrite.put!(igniter.rewrite, source)} |> format(path) end end @spec exists?(t(), Path.t()) :: boolean() def exists?(igniter, path) do Rewrite.has_source?(igniter.rewrite, path) || File.exists?(path) end @doc "Creates the given file in the project with the provided string contents, or updates it with a function of type `zipper_updater()` if it already exists." @spec create_or_update_elixir_file(t(), Path.t(), String.t(), zipper_updater()) :: Igniter.t() def create_or_update_elixir_file(igniter, path, contents, updater) do if Rewrite.has_source?(igniter.rewrite, path) do igniter |> update_elixir_file(path, updater) else {created?, source} = try do {false, read_ex_source!(path)} rescue _ -> {true, "" |> Rewrite.Source.Ex.from_string(path) |> Rewrite.Source.update(:file_creator, :content, contents)} end %{igniter | rewrite: Rewrite.put!(igniter.rewrite, source)} |> format(path) |> then(fn igniter -> if created? do igniter else update_elixir_file(igniter, path, updater) end end) end end @doc "Creates a new elixir file in the project with the provided string contents. Adds an error if it already exists." @spec create_new_elixir_file(t(), Path.t(), String.t()) :: Igniter.t() def create_new_elixir_file(igniter, path, contents \\ "") do source = try do source = read_ex_source!(path) Rewrite.Source.add_issue(source, "File already exists") rescue _ -> "" |> Rewrite.Source.Ex.from_string(path) |> Rewrite.Source.update(:file_creator, :content, contents) end %{igniter | rewrite: Rewrite.put!(igniter.rewrite, source)} |> format(path) end @doc """ Applies the current changes to the `mix.exs` in the Igniter and fetches dependencies. Returns the remaining changes in the Igniter if successful. ## Options * `:error_on_abort?` - If `true`, raises an error if the user aborts the operation. Returns the original igniter if not. """ # sobelow_skip ["RCE.CodeModule"] def apply_and_fetch_dependencies(igniter, opts \\ []) do if !igniter.assigns[:private][:refused_fetch_dependencies?] && has_changes?(igniter, ["mix.exs"]) do case Igniter.do_or_dry_run(igniter, ["--dry-run"], title: "Fetch Required Dependencies", paths: ["mix.exs"] ) do :issues -> raise "Exiting due to issues found while previewing changes." _ -> message = if opts[:error_on_abort?] do "The following dependencies #{}must#{IO.ANSI.reset()} be installed before continuing. Modify mix.exs and install?" else "The following dependencies #{IO.ANSI.yellow()}should#{IO.ANSI.reset()} be installed before continuing. Modify mix.exs and install?" end proceed? = if proceed? do :changes_made = Igniter.do_or_dry_run(igniter, ["--yes"], title: "Applying changes")"running mix deps.get") case"mix deps.get") do 0 -> Mix.Project.clear_deps_cache() Mix.Project.pop() "mix.exs" |>!() |> Code.eval_string([], file: Path.expand("mix.exs")) Mix.Dep.clear_cached() Mix.Project.clear_deps_cache()"deps.compile") Mix.Task.reenable("compile")"compile") exit_code ->""" mix deps.get returned exited with code: `#{exit_code}` """) end Map.update!(igniter, :rewrite, fn rewrite -> Rewrite.drop(rewrite, ["mix.exs"]) end) else if opts[:error_on_abort?] do raise "Aborted by the user." else assign_private(igniter, :refused_fetch_dependencies?, true) end end end else igniter end end @doc "This function stores in the igniter if its been run before, so it is only run once, which is expensive." if Application.compile_env(:igniter, :testing?, false) do def include_all_elixir_files(igniter) do igniter end else def include_all_elixir_files(igniter) do if igniter.assigns[:private][:included_all_elixir_files?] do igniter else igniter |> include_glob("lib/**/*.ex") |> include_glob("test/**/*.ex") |> assign_private(:included_all_elixir_files?, true) end end end @doc """ Returns whether the current Igniter has pending changes. """ def has_changes?(igniter, paths \\ nil) do paths = if paths do, &Path.relative_to_cwd/1) end igniter.rewrite |> Rewrite.sources() |> then(fn sources -> if paths do sources |> Enum.filter(&(&1.path in paths)) else sources end end) |> Enum.any?(fn source -> Rewrite.Source.from?(source, :string) || Rewrite.Source.updated?(source) end) end @doc """ Executes or dry-runs a given Igniter. This takes `argv` to parameterize it as it is generally invoked from a mix task. """ def do_or_dry_run(igniter, argv, opts \\ []) do igniter = prepare_for_write(igniter, opts) title = opts[:title] || "Igniter" sources = igniter.rewrite |> Rewrite.sources() issues = Enum.flat_map(sources, fn source -> changed_issues = if Rewrite.Source.file_changed?(source) do ["File has been changed since it was originally read."] else [] end issues = Enum.uniq(changed_issues ++ Rewrite.Source.issues(source)) case issues do [] -> [] issues -> [{source, issues}] end end) case issues do [_ | _] -> explain_issues(issues) :issues [] -> case igniter do %{issues: []} -> result_of_dry_run = if has_changes?(igniter) do if "--dry-run" in argv || "--yes" not in argv do"\n#{}#{title}#{IO.ANSI.reset()}:") Enum.each(sources, fn source -> if Rewrite.Source.from?(source, :string) do content_lines = source |> Rewrite.Source.get(:content) |> String.split("\n") |> Enum.with_index() space_padding = content_lines |>, 1)) |> Enum.max() |> to_string() |> String.length() diffish_looking_text = Enum.map_join(content_lines, "\n", fn {line, line_number_minus_one} -> line_number = line_number_minus_one + 1 "#{String.pad_trailing(to_string(line_number), space_padding)} #{IO.ANSI.yellow()}| #{}#{line}#{IO.ANSI.reset()}" end) if String.trim(diffish_looking_text) != "" do""" Create: #{Rewrite.Source.get(source, :path)} #{diffish_looking_text} """) end else diff = Rewrite.Source.diff(source) |> IO.iodata_to_binary() if String.trim(diff) != "" do""" Update: #{Rewrite.Source.get(source, :path)} #{diff} """) end end end) end :dry_run_with_changes else unless opts[:quiet_on_no_changes?] || "--yes" in argv do"\n#{title}:\n\n No proposed content changes!\n") end :dry_run_with_no_changes end if igniter.warnings != [] do"\n#{title} - #{IO.ANSI.yellow()}Notices:#{IO.ANSI.reset()}\n") igniter.warnings |> Enum.map_join("\n --- \n", fn error -> if is_binary(error) do "* #{IO.ANSI.yellow()}#{error}#{IO.ANSI.reset()}" else "* #{IO.ANSI.yellow()}#{Exception.format(:error, error)}#{IO.ANSI.reset()}" end end) |> end unless Enum.empty?(igniter.moves) do"The following files will be moved:") Enum.each(igniter.moves, fn {from, to} -> "#{}#{from}#{IO.ANSI.reset()}: #{}#{to}#{IO.ANSI.reset()}" ) end) end if igniter.tasks != [] && "--yes" not in argv do message = if result_of_dry_run == :dry_run_with_no_changes do "The following tasks will be run" else "The following tasks will be run after the above changes:" end""" #{message} #{Enum.map_join(igniter.tasks, "\n", fn {task, args} -> "* #{}#{task}#{IO.ANSI.yellow()} #{Enum.join(args, " ")}#{IO.ANSI.reset()}" end)} """) end if "--dry-run" in argv || (result_of_dry_run == :dry_run_with_no_changes && Enum.empty?(igniter.tasks) && Enum.empty?(igniter.moves)) do result_of_dry_run else if "--yes" in argv ||[:confirmation_message] || "Proceed with changes?") do sources |> Enum.any?(fn source -> Rewrite.Source.from?(source, :string) || Rewrite.Source.updated?(source) end) |> Kernel.||(!Enum.empty?(igniter.tasks)) |> Kernel.||(!Enum.empty?(igniter.tasks)) |> if do igniter.rewrite |> Rewrite.write_all() |> case do {:ok, _result} -> unless Enum.empty?(igniter.tasks) do"mix deps.get") end igniter.moves |> Enum.each(fn {from, to} -> File.rename!(from, to) end) igniter.tasks |> Enum.each(fn {task, args} ->"mix #{task} #{Enum.join(args, " ")}") end) :changes_made {:error, error, rewrite} -> igniter |> Map.put(:rewrite, rewrite) |> Igniter.add_issue(error) |> igniter_issues() :issues end else :no_changes end else :changes_aborted end end igniter -> igniter_issues(igniter) :issues end end end defp igniter_issues(igniter) do"Issues during code generation") igniter.issues |> Enum.map_join("\n", fn error -> if is_binary(error) do "* #{error}" else "* #{Exception.format(:error, error)}" end end) |> end defp explain_issues(issues) do"Igniter: Issues found in proposed changes:\n") Enum.each(issues, fn {source, issues} ->"Issues with #{Rewrite.Source.get(source, :path)}") issues |> Enum.map_join("\n", fn error -> if is_binary(error) do "* #{error}" else "* #{Exception.format(:error, error)}" end end) |> end) end defp format(igniter, adding_paths \\ nil) do igniter = igniter |> include_existing_elixir_file("config/config.exs", require?: false) |> include_existing_elixir_file("config/#{Mix.env()}.exs", require?: false) if adding_paths && Enum.any?(List.wrap(adding_paths), &(Path.basename(&1) == ".formatter.exs")) do format(igniter) else igniter = "**/.formatter.exs" |> Path.wildcard() |> Enum.reduce(igniter, fn path, igniter -> Igniter.include_existing_elixir_file(igniter, path) end) igniter = if File.exists?(".formatter.exs") do Igniter.include_existing_elixir_file(igniter, ".formatter.exs") else igniter end rewrite = igniter.rewrite formatter_exs_files = rewrite |> Enum.filter(fn source -> source |> Rewrite.Source.get(:path) |> Path.basename() |> Kernel.==(".formatter.exs") end) |> source -> dir = source |> Rewrite.Source.get(:path) |> Path.dirname() {dir, source} end) rewrite =!(rewrite, fn source -> path = source |> Rewrite.Source.get(:path) if is_nil(adding_paths) || path in List.wrap(adding_paths) do dir = Path.dirname(path) opts = case find_formatter_exs_file_options(dir, formatter_exs_files, Path.extname(path)) do :error -> [] {:ok, opts} -> opts end formatted = with_evaled_configs(rewrite, fn -> Rewrite.Source.Ex.format(source, opts) end) source |> Rewrite.Source.Ex.put_formatter_opts(opts) |> Rewrite.Source.update(:content, formatted) else source end end) %{igniter | rewrite: rewrite} end end # for now we only eval `config.exs` defp with_evaled_configs(rewrite, fun) do [ Rewrite.source(rewrite, "config/config.exs"), Rewrite.source(rewrite, "config/#{Mix.env()}.exs") ] |> Enum.flat_map(fn {:ok, source} -> [Rewrite.Source.get(source, :content)] _ -> [] end) |> case do [] -> fun.() contents -> to_set = contents |> Enum.join("\n") |> String.split("import_config", parts: 2) |> List.first() |> then(&Config.Reader.eval!("config/config.exs", &1, env: Mix.env())) restore = to_set |> Keyword.keys() |> key -> {key, Application.get_all_env(key)} end) try do Application.put_all_env(to_set) fun.() after Application.put_all_env(restore) end end end # sobelow_skip ["RCE.CodeModule"] defp find_formatter_exs_file_options(path, formatter_exs_files, ext) do case Map.fetch(formatter_exs_files, path) do {:ok, source} -> {opts, _} = Rewrite.Source.get(source, :quoted) |> Code.eval_quoted() {:ok, opts |> eval_deps() |> filter_plugins(ext)} :error -> if path in ["/", "."] do :error else new_path = Path.join(path, "..") |> Path.expand() |> Path.relative_to_cwd() find_formatter_exs_file_options(new_path, formatter_exs_files, ext) end end end # This can be removed if/when this PR is merged: defp eval_deps(formatter_opts) do deps = Keyword.get(formatter_opts, :import_deps, []) locals_without_parens = eval_deps_opts(deps) formatter_opts = Keyword.update( formatter_opts, :locals_without_parens, locals_without_parens, &(locals_without_parens ++ &1) ) formatter_opts end defp eval_deps_opts([]) do [] end defp eval_deps_opts(deps) do deps_paths = Mix.Project.deps_paths() for dep <- deps, dep_path = fetch_valid_dep_path(dep, deps_paths), !is_nil(dep_path), dep_dot_formatter = Path.join(dep_path, ".formatter.exs"), File.regular?(dep_dot_formatter), dep_opts = eval_file_with_keyword_list(dep_dot_formatter), parenless_call <- dep_opts[:export][:locals_without_parens] || [], uniq: true, do: parenless_call end defp fetch_valid_dep_path(dep, deps_paths) when is_atom(dep) do with %{^dep => path} <- deps_paths, true <- File.dir?(path) do path else _ -> nil end end defp fetch_valid_dep_path(_dep, _deps_paths) do nil end # sobelow_skip ["RCE.CodeModule"] defp eval_file_with_keyword_list(path) do {opts, _} = Code.eval_file(path) unless Keyword.keyword?(opts) do raise "Expected #{inspect(path)} to return a keyword list, got: #{inspect(opts)}" end opts end defp apply_func_with_zipper(igniter, source, func) do quoted = Rewrite.Source.get(source, :quoted) zipper = case func.(zipper) do {:ok, %Sourceror.Zipper{} = zipper} -> Rewrite.update!( igniter.rewrite, Rewrite.Source.update( source, :configure, :quoted, Sourceror.Zipper.root(zipper) ) ) |> then(&Map.put(igniter, :rewrite, &1)) %Sourceror.Zipper{} = zipper -> Rewrite.update!( igniter.rewrite, Rewrite.Source.update( source, :configure, :quoted, Sourceror.Zipper.root(zipper) ) ) |> then(&Map.put(igniter, :rewrite, &1)) {:error, error} -> Rewrite.update!( igniter.rewrite, Rewrite.Source.add_issues(source, List.wrap(error)) ) |> then(&Map.put(igniter, :rewrite, &1)) {:warning, warning} -> Igniter.add_warning(igniter, warning) end end defp filter_plugins(opts, ext) do Keyword.put(opts, :plugins, plugins_for_ext(opts, ext)) end defp plugins_for_ext(formatter_opts, ext) do formatter_opts |> Keyword.get(:plugins, []) |> Enum.filter(fn plugin -> Code.ensure_loaded?(plugin) and function_exported?(plugin, :features, 1) and ext in List.wrap(plugin.features(formatter_opts)[:extensions]) end) end defp read_ex_source!(path) do source =!(path) content = source |> Rewrite.Source.get(:content) Rewrite.Source.update(source, :content, content) end @doc false def prepare_for_write(igniter, opts \\ []) do igniter = if opts[:paths] do all_paths = Rewrite.paths(igniter.rewrite) %{igniter | rewrite: Rewrite.drop(igniter.rewrite, all_paths -- opts[:paths])} else igniter end %{ igniter | issues: Enum.uniq(igniter.issues), warnings: Enum.uniq(igniter.warnings), tasks: Enum.uniq(igniter.tasks) } |> Igniter.Code.Module.move_files() |> remove_unchanged_files() end defp remove_unchanged_files(igniter) do igniter.rewrite |> Enum.flat_map(fn source -> if Rewrite.Source.from?(source, :string) || changed?(source) do [] else [source.path] end end) |> then(fn paths -> %{igniter | rewrite: Rewrite.drop(igniter.rewrite, paths)} end) end # sobelow_skip ["RCE.CodeModule"] defp parse_igniter_config(igniter) do case Rewrite.source(igniter.rewrite, ".igniter.exs") do {:error, _} -> assign(igniter, :igniter_exs, []) {:ok, source} -> {igniter_exs, _} = Rewrite.Source.get(source, :quoted) |> Code.eval_quoted() assign(igniter, :igniter_exs, igniter_exs) end end defp changed?(source) do diff = Rewrite.Source.diff(source) |> IO.iodata_to_binary() String.trim(diff) != "" end end