defmodule Igniter.Mix.Tasks.Igniter.Gen.TaskTest do use ExUnit.Case import Igniter.Test describe "igniter.gen.task" do test "generates a mix task" do test_project() |> Igniter.compose_task("igniter.gen.task", [""]) |> assert_creates( "lib/mix/tasks/", """ defmodule Mix.Tasks.Foo.Bar do use Igniter.Mix.Task @example "mix --example arg" @shortdoc "A short description of your task" @moduledoc \"\"\" Generates a new igniter task Longer explanation of your task ## Example ```bash \#{@example} ``` ## Options * `--example-option` or `-e` - Docs for your option \"\"\" def info(_argv, _composing_task) do %Igniter.Mix.Task.Info{ # dependencies to add adds_deps: [], # dependencies to add and call their associated installers, if they exist installs: [], # An example invocation example: @example, # Accept additional arguments that are not in your schema # Does not guarantee that, when composed, the only options you get are the ones you define extra_args?: false, # A list of environments that this should be installed in, only relevant if this is an installer. only: nil, # a list of positional arguments, i.e `[:file]` positional: [], # Other tasks your task composes using `Igniter.compose_task`, passing in the CLI argv # This ensures your option schema includes options from nested tasks composes: [], # `OptionParser` schema schema: [], # CLI aliases aliases: [] } end def igniter(igniter, argv) do # extract positional arguments according to `positional` above {arguments, argv} = positional_args!(argv) # extract options according to `schema` and `aliases` above options = options!(argv) # Do your work here and return an updated igniter igniter |> Igniter.add_warning("mix is not yet implemented") end end """ ) end test "generates a mix task that switches on igniter being compiled with `--optional`" do test_project() |> Igniter.compose_task("igniter.gen.task", ["", "--optional"]) |> assert_creates( "lib/mix/tasks/", """ defmodule Mix.Tasks.Foo.Bar do @example "mix --example arg" @shortdoc "A short description of your task" @shortdoc if Code.ensure_loaded?(Igniter), do: "Generates a new igniter task | Install `igniter` to use", else: @shortdoc @moduledoc \"\"\" Generates a new igniter task Longer explanation of your task ## Example ```bash \#{@example} ``` ## Options * `--example-option` or `-e` - Docs for your option \"\"\" if Code.ensure_loaded?(Igniter) do use Igniter.Mix.Task def info(_argv, _composing_task) do %Igniter.Mix.Task.Info{ # dependencies to add adds_deps: [], # dependencies to add and call their associated installers, if they exist installs: [], # An example invocation example: @example, # Accept additional arguments that are not in your schema # Does not guarantee that, when composed, the only options you get are the ones you define extra_args?: false, # A list of environments that this should be installed in, only relevant if this is an installer. only: nil, # a list of positional arguments, i.e `[:file]` positional: [], # Other tasks your task composes using `Igniter.compose_task`, passing in the CLI argv # This ensures your option schema includes options from nested tasks composes: [], # `OptionParser` schema schema: [], # CLI aliases aliases: [] } end def igniter(igniter, argv) do # extract positional arguments according to `positional` above {arguments, argv} = positional_args!(argv) # extract options according to `schema` and `aliases` above options = options!(argv) # Do your work here and return an updated igniter igniter |> Igniter.add_warning("mix is not yet implemented") end else use Mix.Task def run(_argv) do\"\"\" The task '' requires igniter to be run. Please install igniter and try again. For more information, see: \"\"\") exit({:shutdown, 1}) end end end """ ) end end end