defmodule Mix.Tasks.Igniter.Install do @moduledoc """ Install a package or packages, and run any associated installers. ## Args mix igniter.install package1,package2,package3 ## Package formats * `package` - The latest version of the package will be installed, pinned at the major version, or minor version if there is no major version yet. * `package@version` - The package will be installed at the specified version. If the version given is generic, like `3.0`, it will be pinned as described above. if it is specific, like `3.0.1`, it will be pinned at that *exact* version with `==`. * `package@git:git_url` - The package will be installed from the specified git url. * `package@github:project/repo` - The package will be installed from the specified github repo. * `package@local:path/to/local` - The package will be installed from the specified local path. ## Switches * `--dry-run` - `d` - Run the task without making any changes. * `--yes` - `y` - Automatically answer yes to any prompts. * `--example` - `e` - Request that installed packages include initial example code. """ use Mix.Task @impl true @shortdoc "Install a package or packages, and run any associated installers." def run([install | argv]) do Application.ensure_all_started([:rewrite]) Igniter.Install.install(install, argv) end def run([]) do raise "must provide a package to install!" end end