defmodule Igniter.Install do @moduledoc false @option_schema [ switches: [ example: :boolean, dry_run: :boolean, yes: :boolean ], aliases: [ d: :dry_run, e: :example, y: :yes ] ] # only supports hex installation at the moment def install(install, argv) do install_list = install_list(install) Application.ensure_all_started(:req) {options, _} = OptionParser.parse!(argv, @option_schema) argv = OptionParser.to_argv(options) igniter = igniter = Enum.reduce(install_list, igniter, fn install, igniter -> if local_dep?(install) do "Not looking up dependency for #{install}, because a local dependency is detected" ) igniter else case Req.get!("{install}").body do %{ "releases" => [ %{"version" => version} | _ ] } -> requirement = version |> Version.parse!() |> case do %Version{major: 0, minor: minor} -> "~> 0.#{minor}" %Version{major: major} -> "~> #{major}.0" end Igniter.Deps.add_dependency(igniter, install, requirement) _ -> Igniter.add_issue(igniter, "No published versions of #{install} on hex") end end end) confirmation_message = unless options[:dry_run] do "Dependencies changes must go into effect before individual installers can be run. Proceed with changes?" end dependency_add_result = Igniter.do_or_dry_run(igniter, argv, title: "Fetching Dependency", quiet_on_no_changes?: true, confirmation_message: confirmation_message ) if dependency_add_result == :issues do raise "Exiting due to issues found while fetching dependency" end if dependency_add_result == :dry_run_with_changes do install_dep_now? =""" Cannot run any associated installers for the requested packages without commiting changes and fetching dependencies. Would you like to do so now? The remaining steps will be displayed as a dry run. """) if install_dep_now? do Igniter.do_or_dry_run(igniter, (argv ++ ["--yes"]) -- ["--dry-run"], title: "Fetching Dependency", quiet_on_no_changes?: true ) end end"running mix deps.get") case"mix deps.get") do 0 -> Mix.Task.reenable("compile")"compile") exit_code ->""" mix deps.get returned exited with code: `#{exit_code}` """) end all_tasks = Enum.filter(Mix.Task.load_all(), &implements_behaviour?(&1, Igniter.Mix.Task)) install_list |> Enum.flat_map(fn install -> all_tasks |> Enum.find(fn task -> Mix.Task.task_name(task) == "#{install}.install" end) |> List.wrap() end) |> Enum.reduce(, fn task, igniter -> Igniter.compose_task(igniter, task, argv) end) |> Igniter.do_or_dry_run(argv) :ok end defp implements_behaviour?(module, behaviour) do :attributes |> module.module_info() |> Enum.any?(fn {:behaviour, ^behaviour} -> true # optimizations, probably extremely minor but this is in a tight loop in some places {:behaviour, [^behaviour | _]} -> true {:behaviour, [_, ^behaviour | _]} -> true {:behaviour, [_, _, ^behaviour | _]} -> true # never seen a module with three behaviours in real life, let alone four. {:behaviour, behaviours} when is_list(behaviours) -> module in behaviours _ -> false end) rescue _ -> false end # sobelow_skip ["DOS.StringToAtom"] defp install_list(install) do install |> String.split(",") |> end defp local_dep?(install) do config = Mix.Project.config()[:deps][install] Keyword.keyword?(config) && config[:path] end end