defmodule Igniter do @moduledoc """ Tools for generating and patching code into an Elixir project. """ defstruct [:rewrite, issues: [], tasks: [], warnings: [], assigns: %{}, moves: %{}] alias Sourceror.Zipper @type t :: %__MODULE__{ rewrite: Rewrite.t(), issues: [String.t()], tasks: [{String.t() | list(String.t())}], warnings: [String.t()], assigns: map(), moves: %{optional(String.t()) => String.t()} } @type zipper_updater :: (Zipper.t() -> {:ok, Zipper.t()} | {:error, String.t() | [String.t()]}) @doc "Returns a new igniter" @spec new() :: t() def new do %__MODULE__{rewrite:} |> include_existing_elixir_file(".igniter.exs", required?: false) |> parse_igniter_config() end def move_file(igniter, from, from, opts \\ []) def move_file(igniter, from, from, _opts), do: igniter def move_file(igniter, from, to, opts) do case Enum.find(igniter.moves, fn {_key, value} -> value == from end) do {key, _} -> move_file(igniter.moves, key, to) _ -> if File.exists?(to) || match?({:ok, _}, Rewrite.source(igniter.rewrite, to)) do if Keyword.get(opts, :error_if_exists?, true) do add_issue(igniter, "Cannot move #{from} to #{to}, as #{to} already exists.") else igniter end else igniter = include_existing_file(igniter, from) source = Rewrite.source!(igniter.rewrite, from) if Rewrite.Source.from?(source, :string) do rewrite = igniter.rewrite |> Rewrite.drop([source.path]) |> Rewrite.put!(%{source | path: to}) %{igniter | rewrite: rewrite} else %{igniter | moves: Map.put(igniter.moves, from, to)} end end end end @doc "Stores the key/value pair in `igniter.assigns`" @spec assign(t, atom, term()) :: t() def assign(igniter, key, value) do %{igniter | assigns: Map.put(igniter.assigns, key, value)} end def assign(igniter, key_vals) do Enum.reduce(key_vals, igniter, fn {key, value}, igniter -> assign(igniter, key, value) end) end def update_assign(igniter, key, default, fun) do %{igniter | assigns: Map.update(igniter.assigns, key, default, fun)} end @doc "Includes all files matching the given glob, expecting them all (for now) to be elixir files." @spec include_glob(t, Path.t() | GlobEx.t()) :: t() def include_glob(igniter, glob) do glob |> case do %GlobEx{} = glob -> glob string -> GlobEx.compile!(Path.expand(string)) end |> |> Enum.filter(fn path -> if Path.extname(path) in [".ex", ".exs"] do true else raise ArgumentError, "Cannot include #{inspect(path)} because it is not an Elixir file. This can be supported in the future, but the work hasn't been done yet." end end) |> |> then(fn paths -> Enum.reduce(paths, igniter, fn path, igniter -> Igniter.include_existing_elixir_file(igniter, path, format?: false) end) |> format(paths) end) end @doc """ Updates all files matching the given glob with the given zipper function. Adds any new files matching that glob to the igniter first. """ @spec update_glob( t, Path.t() | GlobEx.t(), zipper_updater ) :: t() def update_glob(igniter, glob, func) do glob = case glob do %GlobEx{} = glob -> glob string -> GlobEx.compile!(Path.expand(string)) end igniter = include_glob(igniter, glob) Enum.reduce(igniter.rewrite, igniter, fn source, igniter -> path = Rewrite.Source.get(source, :path) if GlobEx.match?(glob, path) do update_elixir_file(igniter, path, func) else igniter end end) end @doc "Adds an issue to the issues list. Any issues will prevent writing and be displayed to the user." @spec add_issue(t, term | list(term)) :: t() def add_issue(igniter, issue) do %{igniter | issues: List.wrap(issue) ++ igniter.issues} end @doc "Adds a warning to the warnings list. Warnings will not prevent writing, but will be displayed to the user." @spec add_warning(t, term | list(term)) :: t() def add_warning(igniter, warning) do %{igniter | warnings: List.wrap(warning) ++ igniter.warnings} end @doc "Adds a task to the tasks list. Tasks will be run after all changes have been commited" def add_task(igniter, task, argv \\ []) when is_binary(task) do %{igniter | tasks: igniter.tasks ++ [{task, argv}]} end @doc """ Finds the `Igniter.Mix.Task` task by name and composes it (calls its `igniter/2`) into the current igniter. If the task doesn't exist, a fallback implementation may be provided as the last argument. """ def compose_task(igniter, task, argv \\ [], fallback \\ nil) def compose_task(igniter, task, argv, fallback) when is_atom(task) do Code.ensure_compiled!(task) if function_exported?(task, :igniter, 2) do if !task.supports_umbrella?() && Mix.Project.umbrella?() do add_issue(igniter, "Cannot run #{inspect(task)} in an umbrella project.") else task.igniter(igniter, argv) end else if is_function(fallback) do fallback.(igniter, argv) else add_issue( igniter, "#{inspect(task)} does not implement `Igniter.igniter/2` and no alternative implementation was provided." ) end end end def compose_task(igniter, task_name, argv, fallback) do if igniter.issues == [] do task_name |> Mix.Task.get() |> case do nil -> if is_function(fallback) do fallback.(igniter, argv) else igniter end task -> compose_task(igniter, task, argv, fallback) end else igniter end end @doc """ Updates the source code of the given elixir file """ @spec update_elixir_file(t(), Path.t(), zipper_updater()) :: Igniter.t() def update_elixir_file(igniter, path, func) do if Rewrite.has_source?(igniter.rewrite, path) do source = Rewrite.source!(igniter.rewrite, path) igniter |> apply_func_with_zipper(source, func) |> format(path) else if File.exists?(path) do source = read_ex_source!(path) %{igniter | rewrite: Rewrite.put!(igniter.rewrite, source)} |> format(path) |> apply_func_with_zipper(source, func) else add_issue(igniter, "Required #{path} but it did not exist") end end end @doc """ Updates a given file's `Rewrite.Source` """ @spec update_file(t(), Path.t(), (Rewrite.Source.t() -> Rewrite.Source.t())) :: t() def update_file(igniter, path, updater) do if Rewrite.has_source?(igniter.rewrite, path) do %{igniter | rewrite: Rewrite.update!(igniter.rewrite, path, updater)} else if File.exists?(path) do source = read_ex_source!(path) %{igniter | rewrite: Rewrite.put!(igniter.rewrite, source)} |> format(path) |> Map.update!(:rewrite, fn rewrite -> source = Rewrite.source!(rewrite, path) Rewrite.update!(rewrite, path, updater.(source)) end) else add_issue(igniter, "Required #{path} but it did not exist") end end end @doc "Includes the given elixir file in the project, expecting it to exist. Does nothing if its already been added." @spec include_existing_elixir_file(t(), Path.t(), opts :: Keyword.t()) :: t() def include_existing_elixir_file(igniter, path, opts \\ []) do required? = Keyword.get(opts, :required?, false) if Rewrite.has_source?(igniter.rewrite, path) do igniter else if File.exists?(path) do source = read_ex_source!(path) %{igniter | rewrite: Rewrite.put!(igniter.rewrite, source)} |> then(fn igniter -> if opts[:format?] do format(igniter, path) else igniter end end) else if required? do add_issue(igniter, "Required #{path} but it did not exist") else igniter end end end end @doc "Includes the given file in the project, expecting it to exist. Does nothing if its already been added." @spec include_existing_file(t(), Path.t(), opts :: Keyword.t()) :: t() def include_existing_file(igniter, path, opts \\ []) do required? = Keyword.get(opts, :required?, false) if Rewrite.has_source?(igniter.rewrite, path) do igniter else if File.exists?(path) do source =!(path) %{igniter | rewrite: Rewrite.put!(igniter.rewrite, source)} |> format(path) else if required? do add_issue(igniter, "Required #{path} but it did not exist") else igniter end end end end @doc "Includes or creates the given file in the project with the provided contents. Does nothing if its already been added." @spec include_or_create_elixir_file(t(), Path.t(), contents :: String.t()) :: t() def include_or_create_elixir_file(igniter, path, contents \\ "") do if Rewrite.has_source?(igniter.rewrite, path) do igniter else source = try do read_ex_source!(path) rescue _ -> "" |> Rewrite.Source.Ex.from_string(path) |> Rewrite.Source.update(:file_creator, :content, contents) end %{igniter | rewrite: Rewrite.put!(igniter.rewrite, source)} |> format(path) end end @spec exists?(t(), Path.t()) :: boolean() def exists?(igniter, path) do Rewrite.has_source?(igniter.rewrite, path) || File.exists?(path) end @doc "Creates the given file in the project with the provided string contents, or updates it with a function of type `zipper_updater()` if it already exists." @spec create_or_update_elixir_file(t(), Path.t(), String.t(), zipper_updater()) :: Igniter.t() def create_or_update_elixir_file(igniter, path, contents, updater) do if Rewrite.has_source?(igniter.rewrite, path) do igniter |> update_elixir_file(path, updater) else {created?, source} = try do {false, read_ex_source!(path)} rescue _ -> {true, "" |> Rewrite.Source.Ex.from_string(path) |> Rewrite.Source.update(:file_creator, :content, contents)} end %{igniter | rewrite: Rewrite.put!(igniter.rewrite, source)} |> format(path) |> then(fn igniter -> if created? do igniter else update_elixir_file(igniter, path, updater) end end) end end @doc "Creates a new elixir file in the project with the provided string contents. Adds an error if it already exists." @spec create_new_elixir_file(t(), Path.t(), String.t()) :: Igniter.t() def create_new_elixir_file(igniter, path, contents \\ "") do source = try do source = read_ex_source!(path) Rewrite.Source.add_issue(source, "File already exists") rescue _ -> "" |> Rewrite.Source.Ex.from_string(path) |> Rewrite.Source.update(:file_creator, :content, contents) end %{igniter | rewrite: Rewrite.put!(igniter.rewrite, source)} |> format(path) end @doc """ Applies the current changes to the `mix.exs` in the Igniter and fetches dependencies. Returns the remaining changes in the Igniter if successful. ## Options * `:error_on_abort?` - If `true`, raises an error if the user aborts the operation. Returns the original igniter if not. """ # sobelow_skip ["RCE.CodeModule"] def apply_and_fetch_dependencies(igniter, opts \\ []) do if has_changes?(igniter, ["mix.exs"]) do case Igniter.do_or_dry_run(igniter, ["--dry-run"], title: "Preview", paths: ["mix.exs"] ) do :issues -> raise "Exiting due to issues found while previewing changes." _ -> message = if opts[:error_on_abort?] do """ Before continuing, we need to first apply the changes and install dependencies. Would you like to do so now? If not, the task will be aborted. """ else """ We would first like to first apply the changes and install dependencies. Would you like to do so now? If not, the task will continue, but some nested installation steps may not be performed. """ end proceed? = if proceed? do :changes_made = Igniter.do_or_dry_run(igniter, ["--yes"], title: "Applying changes")"running mix deps.get") case"mix deps.get") do 0 -> Mix.Project.clear_deps_cache() Mix.Project.pop() "mix.exs" |>!() |> Code.eval_string([], file: Path.expand("mix.exs")) Mix.Dep.clear_cached() Mix.Project.clear_deps_cache()"deps.compile") Mix.Task.reenable("compile")"compile") exit_code ->""" mix deps.get returned exited with code: `#{exit_code}` """) end Map.update!(igniter, :rewrite, fn rewrite -> Rewrite.drop(rewrite, ["mix.exs"]) end) else if opts[:error_on_abort?] do raise "Aborted by the user." else igniter end end end else igniter end end @doc """ Returns whether the current Igniter has pending changes. """ def has_changes?(igniter, paths \\ nil) do paths = if paths do, &Path.relative_to_cwd/1) end igniter.rewrite |> Rewrite.sources() |> then(fn sources -> if paths do sources |> Enum.filter(&(&1.path in paths)) else sources end end) |> Enum.any?(fn source -> Rewrite.Source.from?(source, :string) || Rewrite.Source.updated?(source) end) end @doc """ Executes or dry-runs a given Igniter. This takes `argv` to parameterize it as it is generally invoked from a mix task. """ def do_or_dry_run(igniter, argv, opts \\ []) do igniter = prepare_for_write(igniter, opts) title = opts[:title] || "Igniter" sources = igniter.rewrite |> Rewrite.sources() issues = Enum.flat_map(sources, fn source -> changed_issues = if Rewrite.Source.file_changed?(source) do ["File has been changed since it was originally read."] else [] end issues = Enum.uniq(changed_issues ++ Rewrite.Source.issues(source)) case issues do [] -> [] issues -> [{source, issues}] end end) case issues do [_ | _] -> explain_issues(issues) :issues [] -> case igniter do %{issues: []} -> result_of_dry_run = if has_changes?(igniter) do if "--dry-run" in argv || "--yes" not in argv do"\n#{title}: Proposed changes:\n") Enum.each(sources, fn source -> if Rewrite.Source.from?(source, :string) do content_lines = source |> Rewrite.Source.get(:content) |> String.split("\n") |> Enum.with_index() space_padding = content_lines |>, 1)) |> Enum.max() |> to_string() |> String.length() diffish_looking_text = Enum.map_join(content_lines, "\n", fn {line, line_number_minus_one} -> line_number = line_number_minus_one + 1 "#{String.pad_trailing(to_string(line_number), space_padding)} #{IO.ANSI.yellow()}| #{}#{line}#{IO.ANSI.reset()}" end) if String.trim(diffish_looking_text) != "" do""" Create: #{Rewrite.Source.get(source, :path)} #{diffish_looking_text} """) end else diff = Rewrite.Source.diff(source) |> IO.iodata_to_binary() if String.trim(diff) != "" do""" Update: #{Rewrite.Source.get(source, :path)} #{diff} """) end end end) end :dry_run_with_changes else unless opts[:quiet_on_no_changes?] || "--yes" in argv do"\n#{title}: No proposed content changes!\n") end :dry_run_with_no_changes end if igniter.warnings != [] do"\n#{title} - #{IO.ANSI.yellow()}Notices:#{IO.ANSI.reset()}\n") igniter.warnings |> Enum.map_join("\n --- \n", fn error -> if is_binary(error) do "* #{IO.ANSI.yellow()}#{error}#{IO.ANSI.reset()}" else "* #{IO.ANSI.yellow()}#{Exception.format(:error, error)}#{IO.ANSI.reset()}" end end) |> end unless Enum.empty?(igniter.moves) do"The following files will be moved:") Enum.each(igniter.moves, fn {from, to} -> "#{}#{from}#{IO.ANSI.reset()}: #{}#{to}#{IO.ANSI.reset()}" ) end) end if igniter.tasks != [] && "--yes" not in argv do message = if result_of_dry_run == :dry_run_with_no_changes do "The following tasks will be run" else "The following tasks will be run after the above changes:" end""" #{message} #{Enum.map_join(igniter.tasks, "\n", fn {task, args} -> "* #{}#{task}#{IO.ANSI.yellow()} #{Enum.join(args, " ")}#{IO.ANSI.reset()}" end)} """) end if "--dry-run" in argv || (result_of_dry_run == :dry_run_with_no_changes && Enum.empty?(igniter.tasks) && Enum.empty?(igniter.moves)) do result_of_dry_run else if "--yes" in argv ||[:confirmation_message] || "Proceed with changes?") do sources |> Enum.any?(fn source -> Rewrite.Source.from?(source, :string) || Rewrite.Source.updated?(source) end) |> Kernel.||(!Enum.empty?(igniter.tasks)) |> Kernel.||(!Enum.empty?(igniter.tasks)) |> if do igniter.rewrite |> Rewrite.write_all() |> case do {:ok, _result} -> unless Enum.empty?(igniter.tasks) do"mix deps.get") end igniter.moves |> Enum.each(fn {from, to} -> File.rename!(from, to) end) igniter.tasks |> Enum.each(fn {task, args} ->"mix #{task} #{Enum.join(args, " ")}") end) :changes_made {:error, error, rewrite} -> igniter |> Map.put(:rewrite, rewrite) |> Igniter.add_issue(error) |> igniter_issues() :issues end else :no_changes end else :changes_aborted end end igniter -> igniter_issues(igniter) :issues end end end defp igniter_issues(igniter) do"Issues during code generation") igniter.issues |> Enum.map_join("\n", fn error -> if is_binary(error) do "* #{error}" else "* #{Exception.format(:error, error)}" end end) |> end defp explain_issues(issues) do"Igniter: Issues found in proposed changes:\n") Enum.each(issues, fn {source, issues} ->"Issues with #{Rewrite.Source.get(source, :path)}") issues |> Enum.map_join("\n", fn error -> if is_binary(error) do "* #{error}" else "* #{Exception.format(:error, error)}" end end) |> end) end defp format(igniter, adding_paths \\ nil) do igniter = igniter |> include_existing_elixir_file("config/config.exs", require?: false) |> include_existing_elixir_file("config/#{Mix.env()}.exs", require?: false) if adding_paths && Enum.any?(List.wrap(adding_paths), &(Path.basename(&1) == ".formatter.exs")) do format(igniter) else igniter = "**/.formatter.exs" |> Path.wildcard() |> Enum.reduce(igniter, fn path, igniter -> Igniter.include_existing_elixir_file(igniter, path) end) igniter = if File.exists?(".formatter.exs") do Igniter.include_existing_elixir_file(igniter, ".formatter.exs") else igniter end rewrite = igniter.rewrite formatter_exs_files = rewrite |> Enum.filter(fn source -> source |> Rewrite.Source.get(:path) |> Path.basename() |> Kernel.==(".formatter.exs") end) |> source -> dir = source |> Rewrite.Source.get(:path) |> Path.dirname() {dir, source} end) rewrite =!(rewrite, fn source -> path = source |> Rewrite.Source.get(:path) if is_nil(adding_paths) || path in List.wrap(adding_paths) do dir = Path.dirname(path) opts = case find_formatter_exs_file_options(dir, formatter_exs_files, Path.extname(path)) do :error -> [] {:ok, opts} -> opts end formatted = with_evaled_configs(rewrite, fn -> Rewrite.Source.Ex.format(source, opts) end) source |> Rewrite.Source.Ex.put_formatter_opts(opts) |> Rewrite.Source.update(:content, formatted) else source end end) %{igniter | rewrite: rewrite} end end # for now we only eval `config.exs` defp with_evaled_configs(rewrite, fun) do [ Rewrite.source(rewrite, "config/config.exs"), Rewrite.source(rewrite, "config/#{Mix.env()}.exs") ] |> Enum.flat_map(fn {:ok, source} -> [Rewrite.Source.get(source, :content)] _ -> [] end) |> case do [] -> fun.() contents -> to_set = contents |> Enum.join("\n") |> String.split("import_config", parts: 2) |> List.first() |> then(&Config.Reader.eval!("config/config.exs", &1, env: Mix.env())) restore = to_set |> Keyword.keys() |> key -> {key, Application.get_all_env(key)} end) try do Application.put_all_env(to_set) fun.() after Application.put_all_env(restore) end end end # sobelow_skip ["RCE.CodeModule"] defp find_formatter_exs_file_options(path, formatter_exs_files, ext) do case Map.fetch(formatter_exs_files, path) do {:ok, source} -> {opts, _} = Rewrite.Source.get(source, :quoted) |> Code.eval_quoted() {:ok, opts |> eval_deps() |> filter_plugins(ext)} :error -> if path in ["/", "."] do :error else new_path = Path.join(path, "..") |> Path.expand() |> Path.relative_to_cwd() find_formatter_exs_file_options(new_path, formatter_exs_files, ext) end end end # This can be removed if/when this PR is merged: defp eval_deps(formatter_opts) do deps = Keyword.get(formatter_opts, :import_deps, []) locals_without_parens = eval_deps_opts(deps) formatter_opts = Keyword.update( formatter_opts, :locals_without_parens, locals_without_parens, &(locals_without_parens ++ &1) ) formatter_opts end defp eval_deps_opts([]) do [] end defp eval_deps_opts(deps) do deps_paths = Mix.Project.deps_paths() for dep <- deps, dep_path = fetch_valid_dep_path(dep, deps_paths), !is_nil(dep_path), dep_dot_formatter = Path.join(dep_path, ".formatter.exs"), File.regular?(dep_dot_formatter), dep_opts = eval_file_with_keyword_list(dep_dot_formatter), parenless_call <- dep_opts[:export][:locals_without_parens] || [], uniq: true, do: parenless_call end defp fetch_valid_dep_path(dep, deps_paths) when is_atom(dep) do with %{^dep => path} <- deps_paths, true <- File.dir?(path) do path else _ -> nil end end defp fetch_valid_dep_path(_dep, _deps_paths) do nil end # sobelow_skip ["RCE.CodeModule"] defp eval_file_with_keyword_list(path) do {opts, _} = Code.eval_file(path) unless Keyword.keyword?(opts) do raise "Expected #{inspect(path)} to return a keyword list, got: #{inspect(opts)}" end opts end defp apply_func_with_zipper(igniter, source, func) do quoted = Rewrite.Source.get(source, :quoted) zipper = case func.(zipper) do {:ok, %Sourceror.Zipper{} = zipper} -> Rewrite.update!( igniter.rewrite, Rewrite.Source.update( source, :configure, :quoted, Sourceror.Zipper.root(zipper) ) ) |> then(&Map.put(igniter, :rewrite, &1)) %Sourceror.Zipper{} = zipper -> Rewrite.update!( igniter.rewrite, Rewrite.Source.update( source, :configure, :quoted, Sourceror.Zipper.root(zipper) ) ) |> then(&Map.put(igniter, :rewrite, &1)) {:error, error} -> Rewrite.update!( igniter.rewrite, Rewrite.Source.add_issues(source, List.wrap(error)) ) |> then(&Map.put(igniter, :rewrite, &1)) {:warning, warning} -> Igniter.add_warning(igniter, warning) end end defp filter_plugins(opts, ext) do Keyword.put(opts, :plugins, plugins_for_ext(opts, ext)) end defp plugins_for_ext(formatter_opts, ext) do formatter_opts |> Keyword.get(:plugins, []) |> Enum.filter(fn plugin -> Code.ensure_loaded?(plugin) and function_exported?(plugin, :features, 1) and ext in List.wrap(plugin.features(formatter_opts)[:extensions]) end) end defp read_ex_source!(path) do source =!(path) content = source |> Rewrite.Source.get(:content) Rewrite.Source.update(source, :content, content) end @doc false def prepare_for_write(igniter, opts \\ []) do igniter = if opts[:paths] do all_paths = Rewrite.paths(igniter.rewrite) %{igniter | rewrite: Rewrite.drop(igniter.rewrite, all_paths -- opts[:paths])} else igniter end %{ igniter | issues: Enum.uniq(igniter.issues), warnings: Enum.uniq(igniter.warnings), tasks: Enum.uniq(igniter.tasks) } |> Igniter.Code.Module.move_files() |> remove_unchanged_files() end defp remove_unchanged_files(igniter) do igniter.rewrite |> Enum.flat_map(fn source -> if Rewrite.Source.from?(source, :string) || changed?(source) do [] else [source.path] end end) |> then(fn paths -> %{igniter | rewrite: Rewrite.drop(igniter.rewrite, paths)} end) end # sobelow_skip ["RCE.CodeModule"] defp parse_igniter_config(igniter) do case Rewrite.source(igniter.rewrite, ".igniter.exs") do {:error, _} -> assign(igniter, :igniter_exs, []) {:ok, source} -> {igniter_exs, _} = Rewrite.Source.get(source, :quoted) |> Code.eval_quoted() assign(igniter, :igniter_exs, igniter_exs) end end defp changed?(source) do diff = Rewrite.Source.diff(source) |> IO.iodata_to_binary() String.trim(diff) != "" end end