defmodule Reactor do alias Reactor.{Dsl, Executor, Info, Planner, Step} @moduledoc """ Reactor is a dynamic, concurrent, dependency resolving saga orchestrator. ## Usage You can construct a reactor using the `Reactor` Spark DSL: ```elixir defmodule HelloWorldReactor do @moduledoc false use Reactor input :whom step :greet, Greeter do argument :whom, input(:whom) end return :greet end ``` iex>, %{whom: "Dear Reader"}) {:ok, "Hello, Dear Reader!"} or you can build it programmatically: iex> reactor = ...> {:ok, reactor} = Builder.add_input(reactor, :whom) ...> {:ok, reactor} = Builder.add_step(reactor, :greet, Greeter, whom: {:input, :whom}) ...> {:ok, reactor} = Builder.return(reactor, :greet) ...>, %{whom: nil}) {:ok, "Hello, World!"} ## DSL Documentation ### Index #{Spark.Dsl.Extension.doc_index(Dsl.sections())} ### Docs #{Spark.Dsl.Extension.doc(Dsl.sections())} """ defstruct context: %{}, inputs: [], intermediate_results: %{}, plan: nil, undo: [], return: nil, state: :pending, steps: [] use Spark.Dsl, default_extensions: [extensions: Dsl] @type context :: Enumerable.t({any, any}) @type options :: Enumerable.t( {:max_concurrency, pos_integer()} | {:timeout, pos_integer() | :infinity} | {:max_iterations, pos_integer() | :infinity} | {:halt_timeout, pos_integer() | :infinity} ) @type state :: :pending | :executing | :halted | :failed | :successful @type inputs :: %{optional(atom) => any} @type t :: %Reactor{ context: context, inputs: [atom], intermediate_results: %{any => any}, plan: nil | Graph.t(), undo: [{Step.t(), any}], return: any, state: state, steps: [Step.t()] } @doc false @spec is_reactor(any) :: Macro.t() defguard is_reactor(reactor) when is_struct(reactor, __MODULE__) @doc """ Run a reactor. """ @spec run(t | module, inputs, context, options) :: {:ok, any} | {:error, any} | {:halted, t} def run(reactor, inputs \\ %{}, context \\ %{}, options \\ []) def run(reactor, inputs, context, options) when is_atom(reactor) do with Reactor <- reactor.spark_is(), {:ok, reactor} <- Info.to_struct(reactor) do run(reactor, inputs, context, options) end rescue UndefinedFunctionError -> {:error, "Module `#{inspect(reactor)}` is not a Reactor module"} end def run(reactor, inputs, context, options) when is_reactor(reactor) and reactor.state in ~w[pending halted]a do with {:ok, reactor} <- maybe_plan(reactor) do, inputs, context, options) end end defp maybe_plan(reactor) when reactor.steps == [], do: {:ok, reactor} defp maybe_plan(reactor), do: Planner.plan(reactor) end