## Customize flags given to the VM: http://erlang.org/doc/man/erl.html ## Do not set -name or -sname here. Prefer configuring them at runtime ## Configure -setcookie in the mix.exs release section or at runtime ## Number of dirty schedulers doing IO work (file, sockets, and others) ##+SDio 5 ## Increase number of concurrent ports/sockets ##+Q 65536 ## Tweak GC to run more often ##-env ERL_FULLSWEEP_AFTER 10 ## Use Ctrl-C to interrupt the current shell rather than invoking the emulator's ## break handler and possibly exiting the VM. +Bc # Allow time warps so that the Erlang system time can more closely match the # OS system time. +C multi_time_warp ## Load code at system startup ## See http://erlang.org/doc/system_principles/system_principles.html#code-loading-strategy -mode embedded # Load code as per the boot script since not using archives # See https://www.erlang.org/doc/man/init.html#command-line-flags -code_path_choice strict ## Disable scheduler busy wait to reduce idle CPU usage and avoid delaying ## other OS processes. See http://erlang.org/doc/man/erl.html#+sbwt +sbwt none +sbwtdcpu none +sbwtdio none ## Save the shell history between reboots ## See http://erlang.org/doc/man/kernel_app.html for additional options -kernel shell_history enabled ## Enable heartbeat monitoring of the Erlang runtime system -heart -env HEART_BEAT_TIMEOUT 30 ## Start the Elixir shell -noshell -user elixir -run elixir start_iex ## Enable colors in the shell -elixir ansi_enabled true ## Options added after -extra are interpreted as plain arguments and can be ## retrieved using :init.get_plain_arguments(). Options before the "--" are ## interpreted by Elixir and anything afterwards is left around for other IEx ## and user applications. -extra --no-halt -- --dot-iex /etc/iex.exs