defmodule AshCubDB do @moduledoc """ `AshCubDB` is an [Ash DataLayer]( which adds support for persisting Ash resources with [CubDB]( CubDB is an Elixir-based key value store which supports all Erlang-native terms. More information can be found in [the CubDB readme]( """ alias AshCubDB.{Info, Migration} @doc """ Ensure that the CubDB process is running for the specified resource. """ @spec start(Ash.Resource.t()) :: {:ok, pid} | {:error, any} def start(resource) do directory = Info.cubdb_directory!(resource) auto_compact? = Info.cubdb_auto_compact?(resource) auto_file_sync? = Info.cubdb_auto_file_sync?(resource) name = via(resource) with {:ok, pid} <- DynamicSupervisor.start_child( AshCubDB.DynamicSupervisor, {CubDB, [data_dir: directory, name: name]} ), :ok <- CubDB.set_auto_compact(pid, auto_compact?), :ok <- CubDB.set_auto_file_sync(pid, auto_file_sync?), :ok <- Migration.check(pid, resource) do {:ok, pid} else {:error, {:already_started, pid}} -> {:ok, pid} {:error, reason} -> {:error, reason} end end @doc """ Stop the CubDB process running for a specific resource. """ @spec stop(Ash.Resource.t()) :: :ok def stop(resource) do AshCubDB |> Registry.lookup(resource) |> Enum.each(&DynamicSupervisor.terminate_child(AshCubDB.DynamicSupervisor, &1)) end @doc """ Creates a backup of the database into the target directory path. Wrapper around `CubDB.back_up/2` """ @spec back_up(Ash.Resource.t(), Path.t()) :: :ok | {:error, any} def back_up(resource, target_path) do case start(resource) do {:ok, pid} -> CubDB.back_up(pid, target_path) {:error, reason} -> {:error, reason} end end @doc """ Deletes all entries, resulting in an empty database. Wrapper around `CubDB.clear/1` """ @spec clear(Ash.Resource.t()) :: :ok def clear(resource) do case start(resource) do {:ok, pid} -> CubDB.clear(pid) _ -> :ok end end @doc """ Runs a database compaction. Wrapper around `CubDB.compact/1` """ @spec compact(Ash.Resource.t()) :: :ok | {:error, any} def compact(resource) do case start(resource) do {:ok, pid} -> CubDB.compact(pid) {:error, reason} -> {:error, reason} end end @doc """ Returns true if a compaction operation is currently running, false otherwise. Wrapper around `CubDB.compacting?/1` """ @spec compacting?(Ash.Resource.t()) :: boolean def compacting?(resource) do case start(resource) do {:ok, pid} -> CubDB.compacting?(pid) _ -> false end end @doc """ Returns the path of the current database file. Wrapper around `CubDB.current_db_file/1` """ @spec current_db_file(Ash.Resource.t()) :: String.t() def current_db_file(resource) do resource |> via() |> CubDB.current_db_file() end @doc """ Returns the path of the data directory, as given when the `CubDB` process was started. Wrapper around `CubDB.data_dir/1` """ @spec data_dir(Ash.Resource.t()) :: String.t() def data_dir(resource) do resource |> via() |> CubDB.data_dir() end @doc """ Returns the dirt factor. Wrapper around `CubDB.dirt_factor/1` """ @spec dirt_factor(Ash.Resource.t()) :: float def dirt_factor(resource) do resource |> via() |> CubDB.dirt_factor() end @doc """ Performs an `fsync`, forcing to flush all data that might be buffered by the OS to disk. Wrapper around `CubDB.file_sync/1` """ @spec file_sync(Ash.Resource.t()) :: :ok def file_sync(resource) do resource |> via() |> CubDB.file_sync() end @doc """ Stops a running compaction. Wrapper around `CubDB.halt_compaction/1` """ @spec halt_compaction(Ash.Resource.t()) :: :ok | {:error, :no_compaction_running} def halt_compaction(resource) do resource |> via() |> CubDB.halt_compaction() end defp via(resource), do: {:via, Registry, {AshCubDB.Registry, resource}} end