defmodule AshCubDB.Dsl do @moduledoc false alias Spark.Dsl.Section @cubdb %Section{ name: :cubdb, describe: """ CubDB data layer configuration. """, examples: [ """ cubdb do directory "/opt/storage/my_awesome_resource" auto_compact? true auto_file_sync? true name :my_awesome_resource end """ ], schema: [ directory: [ type: {:or, [nil, :string]}, required: false, doc: """ The directory within which to store the CubDB data. If none is supplied, then one will be automatically generated in the `priv` directory of the parent OTP application. """ ], otp_app: [ type: :atom, required: false, doc: """ The OTP application in whose `priv` directory data should be stored. Only used if `directory` is not supplied. When not provided `Application.get_application/1` will be called for the resource. """ ], auto_compact?: [ type: :boolean, default: true, required: false, doc: """ Whether or not to automatically compact the CubDB database. See [the CubDB documentation]( for more information. """ ], auto_file_sync?: [ type: :boolean, default: true, required: false, doc: """ Whether or not to automatically flush the buffer to disk on write. See [the CubDB documentation]( """ ], name: [ type: :atom, required: false, doc: """ The name of the CubDB database. By default this is the name of the resource module, however in some (rare) circumstances you may wish to specifically name the database. """ ] ] } @sections [@cubdb] @doc false @spec sections :: [Section.t()] def sections, do: @sections end