defmodule AshCubDB.Serde do @moduledoc """ Handle serialising and deserialising of records into CubDB. """ alias Ash.{Resource, Type} alias AshCubDB.Info alias Ecto.Schema.Metadata @doc """ Serialise the record into key and value tuples for storage in CubDB. """ @spec serialise(Resource.record()) :: {:ok, tuple, tuple} | {:error, any} def serialise(record) do {key_layout, data_layout} = record.__struct__ |> Info.field_layout() with {:ok, key} <- serialise_with_layout(record, key_layout), {:ok, data} <- serialise_with_layout(record, data_layout) do {:ok, key, data} end end @doc false @spec deserialise!(Resource.t(), {tuple, tuple}) :: Resource.record() | no_return def deserialise!(resource, {key, data}) do case deserialise(resource, key, data) do {:ok, record} -> record {:error, reason} -> raise reason end end @doc """ Convert the key and data back into a record.. """ @spec deserialise(Resource.t(), tuple, tuple) :: {:ok, Resource.record()} | {:error, any} def deserialise(resource, key, data) do {key_layout, data_layout} = Info.field_layout(resource) with {:ok, key_map} <- deserialise_with_layout(resource, key, key_layout), {:ok, data_map} <- deserialise_with_layout(resource, data, data_layout) do attrs = Map.merge(key_map, data_map) record = struct(resource, attrs) {:ok, %{record | __meta__: %Metadata{state: :loaded, schema: resource}}} end end defp serialise_with_layout(record, layout) do layout |> Tuple.to_list() |> Enum.reduce_while({:ok, {}}, fn attr, {:ok, result} -> with {:ok, value} <- fetch_record_attribute(record, attr), {:ok, attr} <- fetch_attribute_definition(record.__struct__, attr), {:ok, casted} <- Type.dump_to_native(attr.type, value, attr.constraints) do {:cont, {:ok, Tuple.append(result, casted)}} else :error -> {:halt, {:error, "Failed to dump value as type `#{attr.type}`"}} {:error, reason} -> {:halt, {:error, reason}} end end) end defp deserialise_with_layout(resource, data, layout) do layout |> Tuple.to_list() |> |> Enum.reduce_while({:ok, %{}}, fn {attr, value}, {:ok, result} -> with {:ok, attr} <- fetch_attribute_definition(resource, attr), {:ok, value} <- Type.cast_stored(attr.type, value, attr.constraints) do {:cont, {:ok, Map.put(result,, value)}} else :error -> {:halt, {:error, "Failed to load `#{inspect(value)}`."}} {:error, reason} -> {:halt, {:error, reason}} end end) end defp fetch_record_attribute(record, attribute_name) do case Map.fetch(record, attribute_name) do {:ok, value} -> {:ok, value} :error -> {:error, "Unable to retreive attribute `#{attribute_name}` from resource `#{inspect(record.__struct__)}`"} end end defp fetch_attribute_definition(resource, attribute_name) do case Resource.Info.attribute(resource, attribute_name) do nil -> {:error, "Attribute `#{attribute_name}` not found on resource `#{inspect(resource)}`"} attribute -> {:ok, attribute} end end end