defmodule AshCubDB.MixProject do use Mix.Project @version "0.5.0-rc.0" @moduledoc """ A CubDB data layer for `Ash` resources. """ def project do [ app: :ash_cubdb, version: @version, elixir: "~> 1.15", start_permanent: Mix.env() == :prod, consolidate_protocols: Mix.env() != :test, elixirc_paths: elixirc_paths(Mix.env()), deps: deps(), description: @moduledoc, package: package(), source_url: "", homepage_url: "", aliases: aliases(), dialyzer: [plt_add_apps: [:faker, :smokestack]], docs: [ main: "readme", extra_section: "Guides", formatters: ["html"], filter_modules: ~r/^Elixir.AshCubDB/, source_url_pattern: "{path}#L%{line}", extras: [ "", "", "documentation/dsls/" ], groups_for_extras: [ Tutorials: ~r'documentation/tutorials', "How To": ~r'documentation/how_to', Topics: ~r'documentation/topics', DSLs: ~r'documentation/dsls' ] ] ] end def package do [ maintainers: ["James Harton "], licenses: ["HL3-FULL"], links: %{ "Source" => "", "GitHub" => "", "Changelog" => "", "Sponsor" => "" } ] end # Run "mix help" to learn about applications. def application do [ extra_applications: [:logger], mod: {AshCubDB.Application, []} ] end # Run "mix help deps" to learn about dependencies. defp deps do opts = [only: ~w[dev test]a, runtime: false] [ {:ash, "== 3.0.0-rc.0"}, {:cubdb, "~> 2.0"}, {:spark, "~> 2.1"}, {:earmark, ">= 0.0.0"}, {:credo, "~> 1.7", opts}, {:dialyxir, "~> 1.3", opts}, {:doctor, "~> 0.21", opts}, {:ex_check, "~> 0.16", opts}, {:ex_doc, ">= 0.0.0", opts}, {:faker, "~> 0.18", opts}, {:git_ops, "~> 2.6", opts}, {:mix_audit, "~> 2.1", opts}, {:smokestack, "== 0.5.0-rc.0", opts} ] end defp aliases do [ "spark.formatter": "spark.formatter --extensions=AshCubDB.DataLayer", "spark.cheat_sheets": "spark.cheat_sheets --extensions=AshCubDB.DataLayer" ] end defp elixirc_paths(env) when env in ~w[dev test]a, do: ~w[lib test/support] defp elixirc_paths(_), do: ~w[lib] end