defmodule AugieWeb.CameraStream do use GenServer alias Phoenix.PubSub import Plug.Conn @moduledoc """ Subscribes to updated frames from the Camera. Sends them over the `conn` at a maximum of around 24fps, dropping skipped frames. """ # Maximum frame rate is around 24fps. @frame_delay 40 def start_link, do: GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, []) @impl true def init(_), do: {:ok, %{boundary: generate_boundary(), conn: nil, last_frame: nil, from: nil}} @doc """ Call the camera streamer and ask it to start streaming to this `conn`. The server doesn't actually reply to the call until the `terminate/2` callback is called. """ @spec stream(GenServer.server(), Plug.Conn.t()) :: Plug.Conn.t() def stream(server, conn), do:, {:start_stream, conn}, :infinity) @impl true def handle_call({:start_stream, conn}, from, %{conn: nil, boundary: boundary} = state) do conn = conn |> put_resp_header("Age", "0") |> put_resp_header("Cache-Control", "no-cache, private") |> put_resp_header("Pragma", "no-cache") |> put_resp_header("Content-Type", "multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=#{boundary}") |> send_chunked(200) PubSub.subscribe(Augie.PubSub, "camera") Process.send_after(self(), :send_frame, @frame_delay) {:noreply, %{state | from: from, conn: conn}} end @impl true def handle_info({:frame, frame}, state), do: {:noreply, %{state | last_frame: frame}} def handle_info(:send_frame, %{last_frame: nil} = state) do Process.send_after(self(), :send_frame, @frame_delay) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info( :send_frame, %{last_frame: frame, conn: conn, boundary: boundary} = state ) do Process.send_after(self(), :send_frame, @frame_delay) size = byte_size(frame) header = "------#{boundary}\r\nContent-Type: image/jpeg\r\nContent-length: #{size}\r\n\r\n" footer = "\r\n" conn = with {:ok, conn} <- chunk(conn, header), {:ok, conn} <- chunk(conn, frame), {:ok, conn} <- chunk(conn, footer), do: conn Process.send_after(self(), :send_frame, 40) {:noreply, %{state | conn: conn, last_frame: nil}} end @impl true def terminate(_reason, %{conn: conn, from: from}) do GenServer.reply(from, conn) end defp generate_boundary do :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(16) |> Base.encode64() |> binary_part(0, 16) end end