defmodule Gcode do alias Gcode.{Model.Program, Model.Serialise} use Gcode.Result @moduledoc """ Gcode - a library for parsing and serialising G-code. If you haven't heard of G-code before, then you probably don't need this library, but if you're working with CNC machines or 3D printers then G-code is the defacto standard for working with these machines. As such it behoves us to have first class support for working with G-code in Elixir. You're welcome. For functions related to parsing G-code files and commands, see the `Parser` module. For generating your own programs see the contents of `Model`, and for converting programs back into G-code see the `Model.Serialise` protocol. """ @doc """ Serialise a program to a String. """ @spec serialise(Program.t()) :: Result.t(String.t(), {:serialise_error, any}) def serialise(%Program{} = program) do program |> Serialise.serialise() |>"#{&1}\r\n")) |> Result.Enum.join("") end end