defmodule FacesWeb.Resolvers.People do alias Faces.Gallery @doc """ This is the resolver callback for Absinthe to find a list of all people. The arguments are: * `parent`, any parent object which Absinthe things we're related to. * `args`, any arguments passed to the query. * `resolution`, """ def list_people(_parent, _args, _resolution) do {:ok, Gallery.list_people()} end @doc """ This is the resolver callback Absinthe uses to create a person. The arguments are: * `parent` any parent object which Absinthe things we're related to. * `args` a map of arguments passed to the query. * `context` a context object which can be used for things like authentication, etc. """ def create_person(_parent, %{username: username}, _context) do Gallery.import_user(username) end end