# Beautiful-hexo Beautiful-hexo is a simple elegant hexo theme ported from [Beautiful-jekyll](http://deanattali.com/beautiful-jekyll) which written by [Dean Attali](http://deanattali.com/aboutme). Nice work! ![hexo-preview](images/hexo-preview.png) ### Install ``` hexo init site cd site npm install --save hexo-generator-archive hexo-renderer-jade hexo-generator-tag hexo-generator-feed hexo-generator-sitemap hexo-browsersync git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/twoyao/beautiful-hexo.git themes/beautiful-hexo ``` Modify `_config.yml` change `theme` to `beautiful-hexo` and configure hexo-generator-archive : ``` theme: beautiful-hexo archive_generator: per_page: 0 yearly: false monthly: false daily: false ``` ### Comment #### netease-gentie Setup `comment.netease.productKey` in theme's `_config.yml`. For test, you have to ensure your website hostname match settings of netease-gentie. To do so, add flollowing lines in /etc/hosts: ``` notes.example.com ``` And run hexo at 80 port: `sudo hexo s --debug -p 80`. After test, you may revert hosts file. ### Tags page For displaying a page with all blog tags, create a folder named `tags` at `source` folder with the following `index.md` inside: ``` --- title: "Tags" layout: "tags" --- ``` Don't forget to update your `navbar-links` at `beautiful-hexo` `_config.yml` file: ``` navbar-links: ... Tags: /tags ``` Theme config file is brief and clear. If you have any question, check [hexo online document](https://hexo.io/).