# IP [![pipeline status](https://gitlab.com/jimsy/ip/badges/main/pipeline.svg)](https://gitlab.com/jimsy/ip/commits/main) [![Hex.pm](https://img.shields.io/hexpm/v/ip.svg)](https://hex.pm/packages/ip) IP, IP, Ooray! Simple IP Address representations. ## Installation If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed by adding `ip` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`: ```elixir def deps do [ {:ip, "~> 1.2.1"} ] end ``` ## Usage `ip` provides representations for IP addresses and subnets for Elixir with a bunch of helpful stuff tacked on the side. iex> ~i( #IP.Address< DOCUMENTATION> iex> ~i(2001:db8::) #IP.Address<2001:db8:: DOCUMENTATION> iex> outside = ~i(2001:db8::/64) ...> inside = IP.Prefix.eui_64!(outside, "60:f8:1d:ad:d8:90") ...> IP.Prefix.contains_address?(outside, inside) true Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](https://github.com/elixir-lang/ex_doc) and published on [HexDocs](https://hexdocs.pm). Once published, the docs can be found at [https://hexdocs.pm/ip](https://hexdocs.pm/ip).