defmodule MPL3115A2 do @moduledoc """ MPL3115A2 Driver for Elixir using ElixirALE. ## Usage: Add your devices to your config like so: config :mpl3115a2, devices: [ %{bus: "i2c-1", address: 0x3d, reset_pin: 17} ] Then use the functions in [MPL3115A2.Device] to send image data. Pretty simple. """ @doc """ Connect to an MPL3115A2 device. """ def connect(config), do: Supervisor.start_child(MPL3115A2.Supervisor, {MPL3115A2.Device, config}) @doc """ Disconnect an MPL3115A2 device. """ def disconnect(device_name) do Supervisor.terminate_child(MPL3115A2.Supervisor, {MPL3115A2.Device, device_name}) Supervisor.delete_child(MPL3115A2.Supervisor, {MPL3115A2.Device, device_name}) end end