defmodule Podbox.Download.Request do @moduledoc """ Handles a Mint HTTP request. """ alias Podbox.{ Download, Download.Asset, Download.BadRedirectError, Download.HttpError, Download.InvalidUriError, Download.Storage, Download.UnexpectedStatusError, Download.UnsupportedSchemeError, Podcast } @vsn :podbox |> Application.spec(:vsn) |> to_string() @max_req_time :timer.minutes(45) @doc "Perform an HTTP request" @spec request(Asset.t()) :: :ok | {:error, any} def request(asset) do Task.async(fn -> with {:ok, uri} <- validate_uri(asset.uri) do perform_request(asset, uri) end end) |> Task.await(@max_req_time) end defp perform_request(asset, uri) do with {:ok, headers} <- default_headers(asset, uri) do storage = Storage.init(asset) req =, uri, headers) ref = Finch.async_request(req, Download.Finch) storage = if Storage.status(storage) != :ok do :ok = Storage.destroy(storage) Storage.init(asset) else storage end state = %{ asset: asset, method: :get, req_headers: headers, resp_headers: [], status: nil, storage: storage, transferred_bytes: 0, uri: uri } handle_response(ref, req, state) end end defp handle_response(ref, req, state) do receive do {^ref, {:status, status}} when status in [200, 201, 202, 203, 206] -> handle_response(ref, req, %{state | status: status}) {^ref, {:status, status}} when status in [301, 302] -> handle_response(ref, req, %{state | status: status}) {^ref, {:status, status}} -> opts = state |> Map.take([:asset, :method, :req_headers, :uri]) |> Map.put(:status, status) |> Enum.to_list() {:error, UnexpectedStatusError.exception(opts)} {^ref, {:headers, headers}} when state.status in [301, 302] -> with {:ok, location} <- fetch_location_header(headers, state), :ok <- Finch.cancel_async_request(ref), {:ok, uri} <- do perform_request(state.asset, uri) end {^ref, {:headers, headers}} -> handle_response(ref, req, %{state | resp_headers: headers}) {^ref, {:data, data}} when state.asset.state == :dequeued -> transferred_bytes = byte_size(data) params = %{ total_bytes: get_header(state.resp_headers, "content-length"), content_type: get_header(state.resp_headers, "content-type"), transferred_bytes: transferred_bytes } asset = Download.started!(state.asset, params) {:ok, storage} = Storage.prepare( {:ok, storage} = Storage.append(storage, data) handle_response(ref, req, %{ state | asset: asset, transferred_bytes: transferred_bytes, storage: storage }) {^ref, {:data, data}} -> transferred_bytes = byte_size(data) + state.transferred_bytes asset = Download.progress!(state.asset, %{transferred_bytes: transferred_bytes}) {:ok, storage} = Storage.append(, data) handle_response(ref, req, %{ state | asset: asset, transferred_bytes: transferred_bytes, storage: storage }) {^ref, :done} -> with {:ok, _} <- Storage.commit(, {:ok, _} <- notify_complete(state.asset) do :ok end {^ref, {:error, reason}} -> opts = state |> Map.take([:asset, :method, :uri]) |> Map.put(:error, reason) |> Enum.to_list() Storage.destroy( {:error, HttpError.exception(opts)} end end defp notify_complete(asset) when asset.asset_type == :feed, do: Podcast.feed_download_complete( defp notify_complete(_asset), do: {:error, "THIS SHOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED"} defp default_headers(asset, uri) do headers = asset.headers |> Map.put_new("host", |> Map.put_new( "user-agent", "Podbox/#{@vsn} (#{inspect(__MODULE__)}; +" ) |> Enum.to_list() {:ok, headers} end defp fetch_location_header(resp_headers, state) do resp_headers |> Enum.reduce_while(:error, fn {"location", value}, :error -> {:halt, {:ok, value}} _, :error -> {:cont, :error} end) |> case do {:ok, location} -> {:ok, location} :error -> opts = state |> Map.take([:asset, :method, :req_headers, :status, :uri]) |> Map.put(:resp_headers, resp_headers) |> Enum.to_list() {:error, BadRedirectError.exception(opts)} end end defp get_header(headers, header_name, default \\ nil) do Enum.reduce_while(headers, default, fn {^header_name, value}, _ -> {:halt, value} _, default -> {:cont, default} end) end defp validate_uri(uri) do with {:ok, uri} <- validate_uri_format(uri) do validate_uri_scheme(uri) end end defp validate_uri_format(uri) do case do {:ok, uri} -> {:ok, uri} {:error, invalid} -> {:error, InvalidUriError.exception(uri: uri, invalid: invalid)} end end defp validate_uri_scheme(uri) when uri.scheme in ["http", "https"], do: {:ok, uri} defp validate_uri_scheme(uri), do: {:error, UnsupportedSchemeError.exception(uri: uri)} end