# Reactor.Req [![Build Status](https://drone.harton.dev/api/badges/james/reactor_req/status.svg)](https://drone.harton.dev/james/reactor_req) [![Hex.pm](https://img.shields.io/hexpm/v/reactor_req.svg)](https://hex.pm/packages/reactor_req) [![Hippocratic License HL3-FULL](https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=Hippocratic%20License&message=HL3-FULL&labelColor=5e2751&color=bc8c3d)](https://firstdonoharm.dev/version/3/0/full.html) A [Reactor](https://github.com/ash-project/reactor) extension that provides steps for working with HTTP requests via [Req](https://github.com/wojtekmach/req). ## Example The following example uses Reactor to retrieve the repository description from the Forgejo API: ```elixir defmodule GetForgejoRepoDescription do use Reactor, extensions: [Reactor.Req] input :hostname input :owner input :repo step :repo_url do argument :hostname, input(:hostname) argument :owner, input(:owner) argument :repo, input(:repo) run fn args -> URI.new("https://#{args.hostname}/api/v1/repos/#{args.owner}/#{args.repo}") end end req_get :get_repo do url result(:repo_url) headers value([accept: "application/json"]) http_errors value(:raise) end step :get_description do argument :description, result(:get_repo, [:body, "description"]) run fn args -> {:ok, args.description} end end end Reactor.run!(GetForgejoRepoDescription, %{ hostname: "harton.dev", owner: "james", repo: "reactor_req" }) # => "A Reactor DSL extension for making HTTP requests with Req." ``` ## Installation If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed by adding `reactor_req` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`: ```elixir def deps do [ {:reactor_req, "~> 0.1.1"} ] end ``` Documentation for the latest release is available on [HexDocs](https://hexdocs.pm/reactor_req). ## Github Mirror This repository is mirrored [on Github](https://github.com/jimsynz/reactor_req) from it's primary location [on my Forgejo instance](https://harton.dev/james/reactor_req). Feel free to raise issues and open PRs on Github. ## License This software is licensed under the terms of the [HL3-FULL](https://firstdonoharm.dev), see the `LICENSE.md` file included with this package for the terms. This license actively proscribes this software being used by and for some industries, countries and activities. If your usage of this software doesn't comply with the terms of this license, then [contact me](mailto:james@harton.nz) with the details of your use-case to organise the purchase of a license - the cost of which may include a donation to a suitable charity or NGO.