
126 lines
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defmodule Reactor.Req.Dsl.Options do
@moduledoc """
All the known options of Req (as of this writing).
alias Reactor.Template
@options [
adapter: "Adapter to use to make the actual HTTP request",
auth: "Sets request authentication",
aws_sigv4: "If set, the AWS options to sign request",
base_url: "If set, the request URL is prepended with this base URL",
body: "The request body",
cache_dir: "The directory to store the cache",
cache: "If `true`, performs HTTP caching",
compress_body: "If set to `true`, compresses the request body using gzip",
"Dynamically starts (or re-uses already started) Finch pool with the given connection options",
decode_body: "If set to `false`, disables automatic response body decoding",
decode_json: "Options to pass to `Jason.decode!/2`",
finch_private: "A map or keyword list of private metadata to add to the Finch request",
"A function that executes the Finch request, defaults to using `Finch.request/3`",
finch: "The Finch pool to use. Defaults to pool automatically started by `Req`",
form_multipart: "If set, encodes the request body as `multipart/form-data`",
form: "If set, encodes the request body as `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`",
headers: "The request headers as a `{key, value}` enumerable (e.g. map, keyword list)",
http_errors: "How to manage 4xx and 5xx responses",
inet6: "If set to `true`, uses IPv6",
into: "Where to send the response body",
json: "If set, encodes the request body as JSON",
max_redirects: "The maximum number of redirects, defaults to `10`",
"Maximum number of retry attempts, defaults to `3` (for a total of `4` requests to the server, including the initial one)",
method: "The request method, defaults to `:get`",
params: "If set, appends parameters to the request query string (via `put_params` step)",
path_params_style: "How path params are expressed (via `put_path_params` step)",
path_params: "If set, uses a templated request path (via `put_path_params` step)",
"If set, calls the given plug instead of making an HTTP request over the network (via `run_plug` step)",
pool_timeout: "Pool checkout timeout in milliseconds, defaults to `5000`",
"If set to `true`, disables automatic body decompression (`decompress_body` step) and decoding (`decode_body` step)",
receive_timeout: "Socket receive timeout in milliseconds, defaults to `15_000`",
"By default, authorization credentials are only sent on redirects with the same host, scheme and port. If `:redirect_trusted` is set to `true`, credentials will be sent to any host",
redirect: "If set to `false`, disables automatic response redirects",
request: "A previously built request",
"If not set, which is the default, the retry delay is determined by the value of retry-delay header on HTTP 429/503 responses. If the header is not set, the default delay follows a simple exponential backoff: 1s, 2s, 4s, 8s, ...",
"The log level to emit retry logs at. Can also be set to `false` to disable logging these messages. Defaults to `:warning`",
retry: "One of `:safe_transient` (default), `:transient`, `fun` or `false`",
unix_socket: "If set, connect through the given UNIX domain socket",
url: "The request URL"
@type entity :: %{
struct: module,
__identifier__: any,
name: atom,
method: nil | Template.t(),
url: nil | Template.t(),
headers: nil | Template.t(),
http_errors: nil | Template.t(),
body: nil | Template.t(),
base_url: nil | Template.t(),
params: nil | Template.t(),
path_param_style: nil | Template.t(),
auth: nil | Template.t(),
form: nil | Template.t(),
form_multipart: nil | Template.t(),
json: nil | Template.t(),
compress_body: Template.t(),
aws_sigv4: nil | Template.t(),
compressed: nil | Template.t(),
raw: nil | Template.t(),
decode_body: nil | Template.t(),
decode_json: nil | Template.t(),
into: nil | Template.t(),
redirect: nil | Template.t(),
redirect_trusted: nil | Template.t(),
max_redirects: nil | Template.t(),
retry: nil | Template.t(),
retry_delay: nil | Template.t(),
retry_log_level: nil | Template.t(),
max_retries: nil | Template.t(),
cache: nil | Template.t(),
cache_dir: nil | Template.t(),
adapter: nil | Template.t(),
plug: nil | Template.t(),
finch: nil | Template.t(),
connect_options: nil | Template.t(),
inet6: nil | Template.t(),
pool_timeout: nil | Template.t(),
receive_timeout: nil | Template.t(),
unix_socket: nil | Template.t(),
finch_private: nil | Template.t(),
finch_request: nil | Template.t()
@doc "Merge options"
@spec merge(Keyword.t()) :: Keyword.t()
def merge(overrides) do
|> {name, doc} ->
type: {:or, [nil, Template.type()]},
required: false,
doc: doc
|> Keyword.merge(overrides)
@doc "Struct attributes"
def struct_attrs do
|> Keyword.keys()
|>{&1, nil})
|> Keyword.put(:__identifier__, nil)
|> Keyword.put(:arguments, [])
|> Keyword.put(:name, nil)