defmodule WaferDriverCircuitsGPIOTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: true use Mimic alias Circuits.GPIO, as: Driver alias Wafer.Driver.CircuitsGPIO, as: Subject alias Wafer.Driver.CircuitsGPIODispatcher, as: Dispatcher alias Wafer.GPIO, as: GPIO @moduledoc false describe "acquire/1" do test "opens the pin and creates the conn" do Driver |> expect(:open, 1, fn pin, direction, opts -> assert pin == 1 assert direction == :output assert opts == [] {:ok, :erlang.make_ref()} end) assert {:ok, %Subject{}} = Subject.acquire(pin: 1, direction: :out) end test "returns an error with the pin is not specified" do assert {:error, _} = Subject.acquire([]) end end describe "release/1" do test "closes the pin" do conn = conn() Driver |> expect(:close, 1, fn ref -> assert ref == conn.ref :ok end) assert :ok = Subject.release(conn) end end describe "" do test "can read the pin value" do conn = conn() Driver |> expect(:read, 1, fn ref -> assert ref == conn.ref 0 end) assert {:ok, 0} = end end describe "GPIO.write/2" do test "can set the pin value" do conn = conn() Driver |> expect(:write, 1, fn ref, value -> assert ref == conn.ref assert value == 1 :ok end) assert {:ok, %Subject{}} = GPIO.write(conn, 1) end end describe "GPIO.direction/2" do test "when the direction isn't changing" do Driver |> reject(:set_direction, 2) assert {:ok, %Subject{} = conn} = Subject.acquire(pin: 1, direction: :out) assert {:ok, %Subject{}} = GPIO.direction(conn, :out) end test "when the direction is changing" do assert {:ok, %Subject{} = conn} = Subject.acquire(pin: 1, direction: :out) Driver |> expect(:set_direction, 1, fn ref, direction -> assert ref == conn.ref assert direction == :input :ok end) assert {:ok, %Subject{}} = GPIO.direction(conn, :in) end end describe "GPIO.enable_interrupt/2" do test "subscribes the conn to interrupts" do conn = conn() Dispatcher |> expect(:enable, 1, fn conn1, trigger -> assert conn1 == conn assert trigger == :rising :ok end) assert :ok = GPIO.enable_interrupt(conn, :rising) end end describe "GPIO.disable_interrupt/2" do test "unsubscribes the conn from interrupts" do conn = conn() Dispatcher |> expect(:disable, 1, fn conn1, trigger -> assert conn1 == conn assert trigger == :rising :ok end) assert :ok = GPIO.disable_interrupt(conn, :rising) end end describe "GPIO.pull_mode/2" do test "sets the specified pull mode on the connection" do conn = conn() Driver |> expect(:set_pull_mode, 1, fn ref, mode -> assert ref == conn.ref assert mode == :pull_up :ok end) assert {:ok, %Subject{}} = GPIO.pull_mode(conn, :pull_up) end end defp conn(opts \\ []), do: struct(%Subject{pin: pin(), ref: :erlang.make_ref()}, opts) defp pin, do: 1 end