James Harton 6123ac8493
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
feat!: Remove ElixirALE support. (#67)
Reviewed-on: #67
Co-authored-by: James Harton <james@harton.nz>
Co-committed-by: James Harton <james@harton.nz>
2024-04-24 14:20:57 +12:00

151 lines
4.7 KiB

defprotocol Wafer.Chip do
alias Wafer.Conn
@moduledoc """
A `Chip` is a physical peripheral with registers which can be read from and
written to.
Rather than interacting with this protocol directly, it's a lot easier to use
the macros in `Wafer.Registers` to do it for you.
## Deriving
If you're implementing your own `Conn` type which simply delegates to one of
the lower level drivers then you can derive this protocol automatically:
defmodule MyConnection do
@derive Wafer.Chip
defstruct [:conn]
If your type uses a key other than `conn` for the inner connection you can
specify it while deriving:
defmodule MyConnection do
@derive {Wafer.Chip, key: :i2c_conn}
defstruct [:i2c_conn]
## A note on SPI devices
You will have to manually implement this protocol for SPI devices as there is
no conventional way to read and write registers over SPI and every device has
their own way of implementing an SPI instruction set.
@type register_address :: non_neg_integer
@type bytes :: non_neg_integer
@doc """
Read the register at the specified address.
## Arguments
- `conn` a type which implements the `Wafer.Conn` behaviour.
- `register_address` the address of the register to read from.
- `bytes` the number of bytes to read from the register.
## Example
iex> {:ok, conn} = Circuits.I2C.acquire(bus: "i2c-1", address: 0x68)
...> Chip.read_register(conn, 0, 1)
{:ok, <<0>>}
@spec read_register(Conn.t(), register_address, bytes) ::
{:ok, data :: binary} | {:error, reason :: any}
def read_register(conn, register_address, bytes)
@doc """
Write to the register at the specified address.
## Arguments
- `conn` a type which implements the `Wafer.Conn` behaviour.
- `register_address` the address of the register to write to.
- `data` a bitstring or binary of data to write to the register.
## Example
iex> {:ok, conn} = Circuits.I2C.acquire(bus: "i2c", address: 0x68)
...> Chip.write_register(conn, 0, <<0>>)
{:ok, conn}
@spec write_register(Conn.t(), register_address, data :: binary) ::
{:ok, t} | {:error, reason :: any}
def write_register(conn, register_address, data)
@doc """
Perform a swap with the register at the specified address. With some drivers
this is atomic, and with others it is implemented as a register read followed
by a write.
## Arguments
- `conn` a type which implements the `Wafer.Conn` behaviour.
- `register_address` the address of the register to swap.
- `new_data` the data to write to the register.
## Returns
The data that was previously in the register.
## Example
iex> {:ok, conn} = Circuits.I2C.acquire(bus: "i2c", address: 0x68)
...> Chip.swap_register(conn, 0, <<1>>)
{:ok, <<0>>, conn}
@spec swap_register(Conn.t(), register_address, new_data :: binary) ::
{:ok, data :: binary, t} | {:error, reason :: any}
def swap_register(conn, register_address, new_data)
defimpl Wafer.Chip, for: Any do
defmacro __deriving__(module, struct, options) do
key = Keyword.get(options, :key, :conn)
unless Map.has_key?(struct, key) do
"Unable to derive `Wafer.Chip` for `#{module}`: key `#{inspect(key)}` not present in struct."
quote do
defimpl Wafer.Chip, for: unquote(module) do
import Wafer.Guards
alias Wafer.Chip
def read_register(%{unquote(key) => inner_conn}, register_address, bytes)
when is_register_address(register_address) and is_byte_size(bytes),
do: Chip.read_register(inner_conn, register_address, bytes)
def write_register(%{unquote(key) => inner_conn} = conn, register_address, data)
when is_register_address(register_address) and is_binary(data) do
with {:ok, inner_conn} <- Chip.write_register(inner_conn, register_address, data),
do: {:ok, Map.put(conn, unquote(key), inner_conn)}
def swap_register(%{unquote(key) => inner_conn} = conn, register_address, new_data) do
with {:ok, data, inner_conn} <-
Chip.swap_register(inner_conn, register_address, new_data),
do: {:ok, data, Map.put(conn, unquote(key), inner_conn)}
def read_register(unknown, _register_address, _bytes),
do: {:error, "`Wafer.Chip` not implemented for `#{inspect(unknown)}`"}
def write_register(unknown, _register_address, _data),
do: {:error, "`Wafer.Chip` not implemented for `#{inspect(unknown)}`"}
def swap_register(unknown, _register_address, _new_data),
do: {:error, "`Wafer.Chip` not implemented for `#{inspect(unknown)}`"}